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Итоговый лексико-грамматический тест для 6 класса

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Данный тест может быть использован для провденеия итоговой котнрольной работы в 6 классе  для шокл с углубленным изучением английского языка (в тест входит контроль усвоения времени Presen Perfect,will и оборота  going to,возвратных местоимений, разделительных вопросов, глаголов let и make, а также контроль поискового чтения)

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«Итоговый лексико-грамматический тест для 6 класса »



End of Year Test

1. Write present perfect sentences and questions.

1) The teacher/not give/us homework today.


2) The film/just started.


3) Harry/see/this film already?


4) you/finish/that book yet?


5) what/you/just/do?


6) How long/you/know/your best friend?


7) i/not bring /my tennis racket with me.


8) Maria/invite/you to her party?


2. Circle the correct words.

1) I have lived here since/for I was three years old.

2) Peter has wanted a skateboard since/for ages!

3) I haven’t spoken to anyone just/yet-we’ve only just/yet arrived.

4) I can’t believe you’ve finished your work just/already!

3. Write the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1) I ______________________________________to America. (never go)

2) Our team _____________________________3-0 yesterday. (win)

3) Jayne __________________three marathons already. The first ____________________when she was fourteen! (run.be)

4) I____________________ English for three years. I’m still learning it now. (study)

5) ____________you___________Peter before? (meet)

6) Where _______________you____________? (be) I _______________you for a long time. (not see)

3. Complete with the correct form of will or going to.

1. Look at those clouds. I think it__________________ be cold today.

2. Don’t worry about the exam. You ____________do well, I’m sure.

3. Look at my ring! Mike and I _____________get married!

4. We ___________be late if we leave right now.

5. You look tired. I ____________ make you a nice cup of tea.

4. Complete with the correct reflexive pronoun.

  1. Can you do it______________, or shall I help you?

  2. You don’t have to help me, I can do it_______________.

  3. Sally fell and hurt______________________ when she was ice skating.

  4. Good evening, everybody please help __________________to some food.

  5. Did your parents buy your brother a new phone? No, he bought it________________.

  6. The boys are old enough to look after________________.

  7. Let’s all buy _____________________an ice cream after the show.

5. Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs. Use the verbs in box A and prepositions in box B.

Box A: read come take turn give look pay agree

Box B: after up at off for across with about

  1. Have you ever _______________________someone called Tom Brown? He goes to your school.

  2. Please _______________________the radio. I’m trying to sleep.

  3. I’m afraid I don’t ___________________you about that. In fact, I think the opposite is true.

  4. Did you______________ the fire in yesterday’s paper? It was the story on the front page.

  5. You should ___________________sweets if you want to get thinner.

  6. I’ll ____________________the coffees if you haven’t got any money.

  7. __________________________________this photo of my dog. Isn’t he cute?

  8. Who do you __________________________________more-your mum or your dad?

6. Match 1-6 with a-f.

1. That’s a nice dress, a.do they?

2. You didn’t go, b. was it?

3. I haven’t passed c. have I?

4. It wasn’t bad, d. does she?

5. She doesn’t want to come, e. isn’t it?

6. They never stop, f. did you?

  1. Match 1-6 with a-f

  1. I don’t like people______

  2. The shopping center,_________

  3. The new phone________

  4. I want to thank the person_________

  5. I like the music___________

  6. Do you know that girl____________

  1. which was playing when the film started.

  2. who helped me yesterday.

  3. who is standing over there?

  4. which was opened last week, is really great.

  5. that I’m saving up for, has a camera.

  6. who are rude.

  1. Complete the responses with So or Neither

A: I cant stand Tom Cruise.

B: No,_____________________

A: I think Johnny Depp is good though.

B: Yes,___________________.

A: I’m going to see his new film tomorrow night.

B: Oh,_________________! We should meet up afterwards.

A: OK! But I don’t want a pizza. I am on a diet.

B: _______________I’ve given up pizza. And I’, not eating chips.

A: No,______________. But we can have a coffee!

9. Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to.

Jennifer Aniston was one of the stars in the TV series Friends. But she __________________(not, use, be) famous. She _________________(use, be) a waitress. And Brad Pitt _________________(not always, use) act either. Before he was famous, he __________________(use, be) a driver._______________(use, he, drive) a taxi? No, he___________(use, drive) people around in a limousine!

10. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

1. This shirt is too small for me. (big)


2. You can’t watch this film. You are too young. (old)


3. I can’t come to your party. I don’t live near enough. (far)


4. She won’t be able to come if she isn’t well enough. (ill)


5. I can’t pick up this box. I am too weak! (strong)


6. We’re going to fly. The train isn’t fast enough. (slow)


  1. Complete with the present or past simple form of the verb in brackets.

In 1522 the first tomatoes ___________________ (bring) from Peru tp Europe. In Italy the first pizzas________________ (make) with tomatoes on bread. Soon this type of food _____________(eat) all over Italy. Although meat or cheese ________________(not put) on the pizzas, it was still an exciting new type of food. When many Italians moved to the USA in the 19th century, the recipe for pizza____________________(take) with them. There, pizzas _____________ (sell) on the streets to people. In 1905 the first pizza restaurant _______________ (open) by Gennaro Lombardi. Today pizzas _______________ (enjoy) all over the world by everyone!

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or let.

  1. ____________­­­­your dad ­­­­­______________ you stay out late on Saturdays nights?

  2. My mum ____________________me tidy my room every weekend.

  3. Our teachers __________________us do a lot of homework.

  4. _____________your friends ______________ you use their CD player?

  5. No, mum __________________me get up early at the weekend.

  1. Write the names

  2. Glasses to protect the eyes from the sun_______________________

  3. A story movie or television show about life in the American West in the late 19th century.______________________

  4. A man who serves food or drinks to people in a restaurant._________________

  5. A very old building usually with high, thick walls where people lived__________________

  6. A place where you can buy fruit and vegetables.

  7. There is a good ___________________at the Gallery.

  8. A long time without rain_______________________

  9. A violent wind, especially found in the West Atlantic Ocean_____________

  10. A place where plays, shows are performed on a stage.

  11. A glass or plastic container in which fish and other water animals and plants can live______________________

  1. Read the text and answer the questions.

Horseshoes are made by blacksmiths. Or, they used to be made by blacksmiths, for these days there are very few true blacksmiths left. Blacksmiths work with metal, which they shape using a very hot oven to make it soft. They hit the metal into shape on their anvil (a sort of metal table.) We talked to blacksmith Adam Grant, and he told that he and his colleagues don’t only make horseshoes; they make other metal things like enormous, heavy metal gates. The gates at Falls Church National Memorial Park in Virginia, America were in fact made by a small blacksmith’s shop in Devon, in the south of England.

The same blacksmiths also repaired a cannon for the Tower of London once! But the most important job that blacksmiths do is to make shoes for horses. As no two horses’s hooves are the same, it’s not an easy job at all. Once the shoe is made by the blacksmith, he has to burn it onto the horse’s hoof and then nail it on to make sure it doesn’t fall off-it looks painful but in fact it doesn’t hurt.

  1. Are there many blacksmiths these days?


  1. What do blacksmiths work with?


  1. Why do blacksmiths use a hot oven?


  1. What is an anvil?


  1. What other things do blacksmith in Devon?


  1. Name two things made by a blacksmith in Devon.


  1. What do we know about horses’ hooves?


  1. How is the shoe put on the horse?


  1. How do blacksmiths make sure horseshoes don’t fall off?


  1. Does putting a horseshoe on hurt?


Imagine that you are on holiday. Write an e-mail telling your English pen friend about your holiday.

Write where you are, where you are staying, what the weather is, what you do every day, what you did last week or yesterday, what you are doing now, what are your plans for tomorrow.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Итоговый лексико-грамматический тест для 6 класса

Автор: Степанова Елена Викторовна

Дата: 07.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 127682

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