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Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку для учащихся 6 класса

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«Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку для учащихся 6 класса»

  1. Is your mother from Britain?

  1. Yes, she is. b) Yes, they are. c) Yes, it is.

  1. What time __ you get up every morning?

  1. does b) do c) did

  1. In England they go __ school __ Monday.

  1. to, on b) from, in c) at, in

  1. Trevor does not like maths. I do not like it, ____.

  1. neither b) too c) either

  1. Whose bike is this? It`s Sally`s. It`s ___.

  1. her b) hers c) she

  1. My birthday is __ July the third.

  1. in b) at c) on

  1. __ your brother ___ a new pair of trousers?

  1. Did, buy b) Does, buy c) Has, bought

  1. Is there ____ rice for dinner?

  1. any b) many c) some

  1. How much are ___ tennis balls?

  1. these b) this c) that

  1. Blind people have good ___ ability.

  1. athletic b) musical c) hearing

  1. In Great Britain public school is a ____ school.

  1. secondary b) free c) private

  1. What do you think of these jeans? –I like __.

  1. they b) them c) it

  1. I like swimming ___ cycling at the weekend.

  1. or b) and c) but

  1. The cartoon wasn`t __. I almost fell asleep.

a) boring b) awful c) interesting

  1. It ___ in Irkutsk now.

a) is snowing b) snows c) snowed

  1. They leave home __ half __ 10.

  1. at, past b) on, to c) at, to

  1. I ___ never too ___ to go to the cinema.

  1. am, tiring b) __, tired c) am, tired

  1. Sherlock Holmes is a ___ character.

  1. true b) fictional c) real

  1. __ is an output device that lets see your work as you go.

  1. A webcam b) A monitor c) A printer

  1. What is this person famous __ ?

  1. about b) with c) for

  1. If I ___ you, I`d study better.

  1. were b) am c) was

  1. English ___ all over the world.

  1. speaks b) speak c) is spoken

  1. Tom used ___ chess very well.

  1. to play b) playing c) played

  1. __ you ___ to Rachel`s dinner?

  1. Did, invite b) Were, invited c) Was, invited

  1. __ British Isles include the islands of _Great Britain and _Ireland.

  1. The, _, _ b) __,__,__ c) The, the, __


  1. a

  2. b

  3. a

  4. c

  5. b

  6. c

  7. c

  8. a

  9. a

  10. c

  11. c

  12. b

  13. b

  14. c

  15. a

  16. a

  17. c

  18. b

  19. b

  20. c

  21. a

  22. c

  23. a

  24. b

  25. a

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку для учащихся 6 класса

Автор: Захарченко Анастасия Васильевна

Дата: 28.06.2016

Номер свидетельства: 336358

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