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Entrance Test 9 grade

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The entrance test is conducted in accordance with the Student's Book "English in Mind" 9 grade

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«Entrance Test 9 grade»

Entrance test 9 grade 2018-2019 - I variant

  1. Choose the right tense: Present Simple or Present Continuous

  1. I am listening to / listen to music every day.

  2. The Smiths are staying / stay at the Grand Hotel.

  3. How do you do / are you doing with your project work, John?

  4. Peter is cleaning / cleans his room at the moment.

  5. - Hello, Mrs. Mude! Can I hear Johanna?

- She seems to be sleeping / to sleep, I think, it’s not possible.

  1. Fill in the right tense form: Past Simple or Past Continuous

When I (be)________(1) a child, my mother always (cook) _________ (2) cherry cookies. I (like) _______ (3) it too much. One day, when I (play) _________ (4) in the garden, a thorn (crush) _________ (5) the cherry-tree and I had never eaten the cookies since that day.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the adjectives from box in the correct form.

most more smaller easier cheaper most better

Prague is one of the (1) popular tourist destinations in Europe. After all the political changes of the early 1990's, the capital of the Czech Republic began to take advantage of its beautiful cultural and architectural heritage to attract (2) tourists than ever before. Prague is a (3) city than many people imagine and it is (4) _____ to move around this wonderful city on foot. Public transport is (5) in Prague than in other European cities but it is often (6) to walk, enabling you to see amaizing buildings you might have missed if you had been sitting on a bus or a tram.

Entrance test 9 grade 2018-2019 – II variant

  1. Fill in the right tense form: Present Simple or Present Continuous

Hello, Dear Cherry! I (write) ____________(1) to know how (do) _____ you (2)?

I (move) _________ (3) to Los Angeles next month, and I (get) _________ (4)

a lot of problems with my own flat now. I (wait) ___________ (5) for your reply!

  1. Fill in the right tense form: Past Simple or Past Continuous

Long days before the case (happen) _______ to me (1), I (do) _________ (2) my duties, and, suddenly, my telephone (ring) __________ (3) and I (hear) _________ (4) the best news. My newly-won car (wait) _______ (5) for me near the office!

  1. Fill in the gaps with the adjectives in brackets in the correct form.

The hotel industry is changing. The (late) _____ (1) trend is for (small)_____ (2), hotels with no more than 100 rooms. These hotels are investing in (attractive) _______ (3) designs, (comfortable)_______(4) furniture, and (good) _______ (5) service than the (big)_______(6) hotels.

ANSWER KEYS Entrance test 9 grade 2018-2019 - I variant

  1. Choose the right tense: Present Simple or Present Continuous

  1. listen 2.are staying 3. are you doing 4. is cleaning 5. seems to be sleeping

  2. Fill in the right tense form: Past Simple or Past Continuous

  1. Was 2. Was cooking 3. Liked 4. Was playing 5. crushed

  1. Fill in the gaps with the adjectives from the box in the correct form.1.Most 2. More 3. smaller 4.easier 5.cheaper 6.better

ANSWER KEYS Entrance test 9 grade 2018-2019 – II variant

  1. Fill in the right tense form: Present Simple or Present Continuous

1.am writing 2.how are you doing 3.am moving 4.am getting 5. Am waiting

  1. Fill in the right tense form: Past Simple or Past Continuous

1. Happened 2.i was doing 3.rang 4. Heard 5. Was waiting

  1. Fill in the gaps with the adjectives in brackets in the correct form. 1. Latest, 2.smaller, 3. More attractive, 4. More comfortable, 5. Better 6. The biggest

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Entrance Test 9 grade

Автор: Горячкина Наталья Сергеевна

Дата: 09.11.2018

Номер свидетельства: 484524

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