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What is a UFO?

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Данная тема является актуальной уже в течение многих лет. Не смотря на это, интерес подростков ко всему загадочному и необычному не поддерживается почти ни одним автором учебников, хотя разнообразных УМК огромное множество. Этот текст не только помомжет удовлетворить любопытство учащихся к неопознанным летающим объектам, но и помочь сформировать навыки говорения.

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«What is a UFO?»

What Is a UFO?

The information Bulletin of the American UFO scientific center warns what people can see in the sky. It describes these objects as clearly outlined lights of red, orange or white colours. The objects are either oval or disk-like in shape and have a metallic glitter. They disappear at great speed. The bulletin writes about three kinds of encounters with the UFOs. The first one is connected with people’s observations of the UFOs in the air. The others include some signs of interaction with the environment like initiating car driving, leaving marks on the ground or even meetings with pilots of the UFOs, so called “humanoids”.

Russian journalist Nickolai Lebedev reported on a “flying saucer” accident in 1988. He also published some articles giving the details of the UFOs’ pilots appearance. “They are 1.2 metres tall. Instead of a nose there is a slight protuberance with one or two holes. There are four fingers on every hand with skin membrane between them. Their skin is grey and thin.”

Nowadays there are also a lot of publications about UFOs. Much of the public believes that UFOs are alien spacecraft. Today, “believers” are talking about actual alien contact, with alien bases on the Moon and Mars, and their concerns receive reinforcement from radio, TV, and Internet blogs.

On one level UFOs are real, of course; many people occasionally see objects in the sky that are not immediately identifiable as planes, balloons, planets, stars, or unusual atmospheric phenomena. But if UFOs are alien spacecraft visiting Earth, then it seems reasonable that evidence of alien civilizations might be seen by astronomers or the radio signals from alien spacecraft might be picked up by the sensitive receivers we use to communicate with our own spacecraft. Perhaps astronauts who venture into space would be among the first to make reliable observations of alien spacecraft or artifacts. Perhaps we should look for alien bases on other worlds.

  1. How does American scientific center describe UFOs?

  2. Do you think encounters with UFOs can be dangerous for people?

  3. How did Russian journalist describe UFOs’ pilots’ appearance?

  4. Why do television, radio, internet blogs reinforce talking about alien contacts?

  5. Do you believe in other worlds’ existence? Do other civilizations try to contact with population of the Earth?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

What is a UFO?

Автор: Исмаилова Лариса Александровна

Дата: 18.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 157615

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