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Стихотворение "In Autumn"

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In Autumn


The first September is a holiday.

It’s beautiful  - I like this day!

The trees are yellow, bright and red.

The nature’s picture is not sad.


The work in autumn is too hard

By finish it’s a good result

The men are glad to have a rest

To stay with family in own nest


The sun doesn’t shine in the   sky.

I see  south many birds can fly.

The wind is strong and it is rain

The autumn came again


The people gather vegetable, fruit.

Of them my mother prepares  deliсious  food

The children  jump and play and run.

With golden leaves from tall  rovan.


The days are shorter.

The birds don’t twitter.

The animals  are  silent.

It’s cold and quiet at night.


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«Стихотворение "In Autumn"»

In Autumn


The first September is a holiday.

It’s beautiful  - I like this day!

The trees are yellow, bright and red.

The nature’s picture is not sad.

The work in autumn is too hard

By finish it’s a good result

The men are glad to have a rest

To stay with family in own nest

The sun doesn’t shine in the   sky.

I see  south many birds can fly.

The wind is strong and it is rain

The autumn came again

The people gather vegetable, fruit.

Of them my mother prepares  deliсious  food

The children  jump and play and run.

With golden leaves from tall  rovan.

The days are shorter.

The birds don’t twitter.

The animals  are  silent.

It’s cold and quiet at night.




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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Стихотворение "In Autumn"

Автор: Мележечкина Наталья Владимировна

Дата: 14.09.2024

Номер свидетельства: 656164

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