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Стихотворение на английском языке про осень

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Стихотворения на английском языке про осень и сочинение, в помощь учителю для развития навыков чтения и говорения.

An Autumn Greeting

(Осеннее приветствие)

«Come,» said the Wind to the Leaves one day. («Пойдем,» сказал Ветер однажды Листве)

«Come over the meadow and we will play. («Пойдем в луга, будем играть.)

Put on your dresses of red and gold. (Одень наряд свой, красный, золотой)

For summer is gone and the days grow cold.» (Лето ушло и дни холодают.»)

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«стихотворение на английском языке про осень »

An Autumn Greeting

(Осеннее приветствие)

«Come,» said the Wind to the Leaves one day. («Пойдем,» сказал Ветер однажды Листве)

«Come over the meadow and we will play. («Пойдем в луга, будем играть.)

Put on your dresses of red and gold. (Одень наряд свой, красный, золотой)

For summer is gone and the days grow cold.» (Лето ушло и дни холодают.»)


Autumn leaves

(Осенние листья)

Leaves on the ground are turning, (Листья на земле становятся,)

Yellow, brown and red. (Желтыми, коричневыми и красными.)

Smoke from the bonfire burning, (Дым от пылающих костров,)

Climbing overhead. (Вздымается ввысь.)

Here comes Autumn to bring the mist and rain. (Приближающаяся Осень несет туман и дождь.)

Summer has gone for another year, (Лето ушло до следующего года,)

Autumn's here again. (Осень снова здесь.)


Falling leaves

(Падающие листья)

All the leaves are falling down, (Все листья падают,)

Orange, yellow, red and brown. (Оранжевые, желтые, красные и коричневые.)

Falling softly as they do, (Падают тихо как могут)

Over me and over you. (Надо мной и тобой.)

All the leaves are falling down, (Все листья падают,)

Orange, yellow, red and brown. (Оранжевые, желтые, красные и коричневые.)



by John Updike

The stripped and shapely (Нагой и стройный)

Maple grieves (Клен скорбит)

The ghosts of her (По призракам)

Departed leaves. (Опавших листьев.)

The ground is hard, (Земля тверда,)

As hard as stone. (Тверда, как камень.)

The year is old, (Год стар,)

The birds are flown. (И птицы улетели.)

And yet the world, (И все же, мир,)

In its distress, (В изнеможении своем,)

Displays a certain (Являет некое)

Loveliness… (Очарованье…)




by Elsie N. Brady

How silently they tumble down (Как тихо они падают)

And come to rest upon the ground (И обретают покой на земле)

To lay a carpet, rich and rare, (Чтобы лежать ковром, богатым и редкостным,)

Beneath the trees without a care, (Под деревьями без забот,)

Content to sleep, their work well done, (Довольны сном, их работа сделана хорошо,)

Colors gleaming in the sun. (Краски блестят на солнце.)

At other times, they wildly fly (В другое время, они дико летают)

Until they nearly reach the sky. (Пока почти не достигнут небес.)

Twisting, turning through the air (Изгибаются, вращаются в воздухе)

Till all the trees stand stark and bare. (Пока все деревья не станут голыми.)

Exhausted, drop to earth below (Измученные, падают на землю вниз)

To wait, like children, for the snow. (Что бы ждать, как дети, снега.

The sunflower children
Nod to the sun.
Summer is over,
Fall has begun!


The leaves are falling
One by one.
Summer's over
School's begun.


Off to school
We go together
In September's
Sunny weather.


"Come, little leaves," said the wind one day,
"Come o'er the meadows with me and play:
Put on your dresses of red and gold -
For summer is gone and the days grow cold

A Little Elf

A little elf
Sat in a tree
Painting leaves
To throw at me

Leaves of yellow
And leaves of red
Came tumbling down
About my head

Cornflake leaves
Upon the trees -
Are they a breakfast
For the breeze?

I Love Fall

I love fall! Fall is exciting.
It's apples and cider.
It's an airborne spider.
It's pumpkins in bins.
It's burrs on dog's chins.
It's wind blowing leaves.
It's chilly red knees.
It's nuts on the ground.
It's a crisp dry sound.
It's green leaves turning
And the smell of them burning.
It's clouds in the sky.
It's fall. That's why...
I love fall


The breezes taste
     Of apple peel.
The air is full
     Of smells to feel-
Ripe fruit, old footballs,
     Burning brush,
New books, erasers,
     Chalk, and such.
The bee, his hive,
     Well-honeyed hum,
And Mother cuts
Like plates washed clean
     With suds, the days
Are polished with
     A morning haze.



A road like brown ribbon
A sky that is blue
A forest of green
With that sky peeping through.
Asters, deep purple,
A grasshopper's call,
Today it is summer,
Tomorrow is fall.

Autumn. Сочинение на английском про осень

To be completely honest, autumn is not my favorite season. I personally like spring the most. Or summer, maybe. And many other people do for a list of obvious reasons.

But I have to admit autumn is very special, and these three months definitely can’t be described in a few words. The weather is changeable and insanely unstable, you never know what it will be like the next day. And you simply can’t predict it, even though there is a weather forecast, because it seems like everybody’s confused.

Nature is also strangely transformed. Almost every sign of summertime slowly disappears, and it’s really interesting to watch. Streets probably become empty, but it’s just for a short period of time. I want to say, that the colors of the sky are so amazing that you start being poetic about it. I also like to collect fallen leaves, I love red ones the most.

Unfortunately, autumn is a season with a high possibility of getting an illness. Many people agree with me. I always have to spend lots of time and tons of money to support my health, and so do my friends and family members. It’s really upsetting when you have to give up on your daily activities because of an illness.

Autumn itself and the changes connected with it make some people feel depressed, and I’m not an exception. That’s just absurd, you might think: how a person can become depressed for no reason? And that’s a question I usually ask myself. It never has an explanation, but my mood just becomes bad even when there is nothing to be worried about. This is the main negative effect that autumn might have on you psychologically.

I want to underline that autumn is still not my favorite season. But it’s hard to really dislike it. There are several truly unique things about autumn, and only you decide how to rate them and what to feel about them. But I hope I’ve made my point.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

стихотворение на английском языке про осень

Автор: Парфёнова Елена Владимировна

Дата: 19.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 241553

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