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Spotlight 5,тренировочные упражнения к Модулю 3

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Тренировочные упражнения для 5 класса, модуль 3, тема " Мой дом".

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«Spotlight 5,тренировочные упражнения к Модулю 3»



Read the following text carefully:

Hello! My name is Susan and I’m 8 years old. I’m a student. I’m from England and I live in London with my family.

My house is big and very comfortable. It’s yellow with a small garden in front of it. My favourite room is the liviing room. There is a big T V, there are two comfortable sofas and a big table. There are two plants and a vase on the table. There are two pictures on the wall.

In my house there are three bedrooms and there’s an attic where I can play hide-and-seek with my sister and my cat.

  1. True or false? Correct the false ones.

  1. Susan is Portuguese.


  1. She is eleven years old.


  1. She has got a big house in England.


  1. Her favourite room is the living room.


  1. She has got a sister.


  1. In her house there are 2 bedrooms.


  1. She plays with her dog.


  1. She plays hide-and-seek in the garden.


  1. Answer the following questions about the text:

  1. Who isSusanl?


  1. How old is she?


  1. Where is she from?


  1. Is her house small?


  1. What colour is her house?


  1. Is her favourite room the living room?


  1. How many bedrooms are there?


  1. Are there two lamps on the table?



  1. Complete with the suitable possessive adjectives:

  1. I’m Christine. _________ phone number is 258452170.

  2. She’s Sophie. _________ address is 23, Yellow Road.

  3. It’s a big garage. ________ door is open.

  4. My parents and I are Portuguese. _______ country is Portugal.

  5. You are at home. ________ brother is at home, too.

  6. Maggie and Jane are at school but _______ bags aren’t here.

  7. He’s my teacher. __________ name is Mr. Wilson.

  8. It is my cat. ________ tail is long.

  1. Write the plurals of these words:






















  1. Where’s the ball? (Write complete answers)

__________________ __________________ __________________

_________________ __________________ __________________


  1. Write six sentences about this room. Use the verb “there to be” and different prepositions.


  1. Label the following pictures:

  1. Label the following pictures:

_______________ _______________ _______________ ______________

_______________ _______________ _______________ ______________

_______________ _______________ _______________ ______________

Mark____________ Teacher____________

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Spotlight 5,тренировочные упражнения к Модулю 3

Автор: Гончарук Анна Евгеньевна

Дата: 13.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 358445

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