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Rhymes for kids

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Rhymes for  little children

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«Rhymes for kids»

Пояснительная записка

Появление рифмовок на уроке английского языка не случайно. С помощью небольшого стихотворения можно заинтересовать учащихся в начале урока, подвести их к формулировке темы занятия, обогатить словарный запас, ввести грамматическую структуру и т.д. К тому же работа со стихами и рифмовками совершенствует воображение, мышление и память, развивает речь.

Данный сборник небольших стихов и рифмовок будет полезен как учителям английского языка начальной школы, так и учителям среднего звена.

Rhymes for kids

I like

I like to read,

I like to play,

I like to study

every day,

I like to jump,

I like to run,

I like to play,

It’s very fun.

* * *

I want

I want to live

And not to die,

I want to laugh

And not to cry,

I want to fly

Into the blue,

I want to swim

As fishes do.

* * *

What can’t you do?

Without your tongue

You cannot talk.

Without your feet

You cannot walk

Without your eyes

You cannot see.

Without your heart

You cannot be.

* * *


Little Grasshopper

lives in the fields,

He is a nice,

funny fellow.

His coat is green,

his hat is blue.

His trousers are

brown and yellow.

* * *

I love English

I love learning English,

I can read,

I can write,

I can speak English too.

I love learning English,

And what about you?

* * *

“In winter we ski and skate,”

says little Kate.

“In summer we like to swim,”

says little Jim.

“What do you do in spring?”

“In spring we play and sing.”

* * *

I live here

I live here, you live near,

Tom lives so far

That he goes in a car.

We live near, you live here,

Tom and Ray live far away.

* * *

Marry Numbers

One, one, one,

Little dogs run.

Two, two, two,

Cats see you.

Three, three, three,

Birds in the tree.

Four, four, four,

Rats on the floor.

* * *


Breakfast in the morning,

Dinner in the day,

Tea comes after dinner,

Then it’s time to play.

Supper in the evening

When the sky is red,

Then the day is over

And we go to bed.

* * *

Pretty Maid

- Pretty maid, pretty maid,

Where have you been?

- Gathering a rose

To give to the Queen.

- Pretty maid, pretty maid,

What did she give you?

- She gave me a diamond

As big as my shoe.

* * *

Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle little star,

How I wonder what you are!

* * *

Lately, ever, never, since –

Learn what each word here means!

Just, already, not yet, yet –

Present Perfect will be glad!

* * *


When once I was a child,

I had a lot of toys!

I had a lot of toys!

I said a lot of nonsense

And made a lot of noise.

I went when parents took me

And saw there quite a lot!

I ate what parents gave me

Why did I grow, my God?

* * *

A Poem

I’ve now done my homework

And outside I go.

I want to go for a walk

With friends whom I well know.

I went then outside and saw

There many people were playing

And running quickly to and fro.

Some other near staying.

We played a lot of funny games,

Played hide-and-seek, were merry.

I do, I know all the lanes,

Each got an empty belly.

* * *

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

Rhymes for kids

Автор: Федулкина Анастасия Геннадьевна

Дата: 22.04.2024

Номер свидетельства: 649451

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