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Разработка контрольной работы по теме Past Simple

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Контрольная работа представлена в двух вариантах и предназначена для учащихся шестых - девятых классов в зависимости от уровня подготовленности детей. Каждый вариант предлагает проверку навыков построения всех типов предложений в простом прошедшем времени, умения определять виды глаголов (правильные, неправильные) и знания их формы простого прошедшего времени.

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«Разработка контрольной работы по теме Past Simple»


Write positive and negative sentences in the past simple as in the example.

Example We (not/meet) any friends last night. We (meet) one of our teachers.

We didn’t meet any friends last night. We met one of our teachers.

  1. I (not/buy) bike last weekend. I (buy) a surfboard.

  2. We (not/play) tennis at my old school. We only (play) basketball.

  3. They (not/make) pasta last night. They (make) pizza.

  4. The thief (not/steal) her bag o Saturday. He (steal) her camera.

  5. Last summer we (go) to Spain. We (not/go) to Italy.

Past simple of regular and irregular verbs

Katy: Where did you go (you/go) for your last summer holiday?

Tom: We (go) … (1) to Turkey.

Katy: Oh really? (you/like/it/?) …(2).

Tom: Yes, we … (3). My brother (love) … (4) Istanbul and I (think) … (5) the mosques and all the historical sights (be) … (6) wonderful.

Katy: How long (you/stay/?) … (7).

Tom: Four weeks. We (be) … (8) there for the whole of August.

Katy: How nice. So you (have) … (9) lots of time to travel around.

Tom: Yes, we … (10) – well, quite a lot. But we (not/manage) … (11) to get to the eastern part, so I’d like to go again.

Katy: (you/learn) … (12) any Turkish?

Tom: I (learn) … (13) a little, but my brother (not/learn) … (14) any. I (find) … (15) a good

Turkish language book with a cassette in the local library, so I (study) … (16) a bit before we (leave) … (17).

Katy: (you/talk) … (18) to the local people?

Tom: Not really, but I (order) … (19) food and drinks at the restaurants.

Katy: Well, that (be) … (20) good. Well done! When I first (go ) … (21) there five years ago, I (not/know) … (22) any Turkish . I (feel) … (23) so silly! But before my last trip I (have) … (24) some lessons from a friend at college, so I (not/feel) … (25) so bad.

Test – 2

Write positive and negative sentences in the past simple as in the example.

Example We (not/meet) any friends last night. We (meet) one of our teachers.

We didn’t meet any friends last night. We met one of our teachers.

  1. Three years ago I (fall) off a horse. I (not/fall) off my bike.

  2. You (choose) the blue tent. You (not/choose) the green one.

  3. I (not/wake up) at three this morning. I (wake) up at four.

  4. We (walk) the school yesterday. We (not/walk) to school this morning.

  5. She (leave) the house at ten o’clock. She (not/leave) at eleven.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

Sue: Why (you/be) were you late for school this morning?

Ben: I (lose) …(1) my glasses. I (look) …(2) everywhere but I (cannot) …(3) find them.

Sue: So what (you/do) …(4)?

Ben: First, I (look) … (5) in the sitting room. They (not/be) … (6) there. So them I (go) …(7) into my bedroom and I (have) …(8) a look on my desk.

Sue: (they/be) …on your desk?

Ben: No. Then I (think) …(10) for a long time and I (decide) …(11) to look in the kitchen. I (open) …(12) all the kitchen cupboards and (begin) …(13) to look through them. I (get) …(14) bored with that after five minutes and also I (feel) …(15) really tired and fed up. So I (sit) …(16) down and (drink) …(17) a glass of orange juice and (eat) …(18) an apple. That (give) … (19) me a bit of energy and I (start) …(20) looking again.

Sue: Well, where (you/search) …(21) next?

Ben: I (not/know) … (22) where to look.

Sue: I (not/have) … (23) any ideas. So I (go) …(24) to the bathroom to wash my hands.

Ben: And (they/be) …(25) in the bathroom?

Sue: Sort of.

Ben: Where (you/find) …(26) them?

Sue: Well, I (look) …(27) at myself in the bathroom mirror and of course I (notice) …(28) them in my head! So them I (run out) …(29) and (come) …(30) straight to school.

Ben: I (tell) …(34) her about my lost glasses and she (say) … (35) it was a very bad excuse.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разработка контрольной работы по теме Past Simple

Автор: Емец Мария Александровна

Дата: 03.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 261703

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