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Проект "Гагарин – гражданин мира"

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«Проект "Гагарин – гражданин мира"»

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия

«Гагарин – гражданин мира»

на английском, немецком, французском языках

1. Вступление.

Звучит куплет песни «Знаете, каким он парнем был…» (слайд 1)

Ученик 1: “MAN IN SPACE” this astonishing news spread round our planet on the 12th of April, 1961, with cosmic speed. This man was major Y. Gagarin, the citizen of the USSR, our famous countryman. He made the first flight into space. (слайды 2,3,4)

His historic words, “Up we go!”

Mankind’s first 108 minutes in outer space. (Слайд 5)

The Russian name “GAGARIN” echoing all over the world. (Слайд 6)

The orange-coloured spacesuit – the white helmet with the red letters “USSR”. And his arms lifted in a gesture of farewell.( Слайд 7)

The mighty roar of the engines. The steam of fire and smoke. (Слайд 8)

The rocket climbing into the sky.( Слайд 9)

Such was that April morning of 1961.

2. Звучит запись сообщения о полёте и запись с голосом Ю. А. Гагарина на русском и английском языках (слайд10)

Ученик 2: « Dear friends! Known and unknown. People of all countries and continents. In a few minutes this spaceship will take me into space. What can I tell you these last minutes before the start? I feel as I my whole life up till now has been compressed into one wonderful instant. Whatever I felt and did before I felt and did for this moment…»

Ученик 3: It was Y. Gagarin’s good fortune to be the first. The man who made the first space flight had to answer all the questions that could not be answered by electronic computers, laboratory studies or experiments with animals. The first steps into the unknown also showed that a cosmonaut must have more than strong muscles, will-power and courage (Слайд 11)

Ученик 4: This was what the newspapers of all over the world published about Gagarin’s heroic deed.

“The New York Herald Tribune”: “Russia fires into space; he lands safely after 89 minutes in orbit.” (Слайд 12)

“The U.S. News and World Report”: “The American President John Kennedy was sorry to say: “We are behind.”( Слайд 13)

Ученик 5: “L’Humanité”: “Un soviétique a ouvert pour l’ homme l’ère du cosmos” (слайд 14)

“Paris jour”: “L’exploit du siècle” (слайд 15)

Ученик 6: ”Wahrheit”: “Sowjetpilot ӧffnete Tor zum Weltall”

“Am Abend “: “Die Sensation dieses Jahrhunderts. Der erste Mensch im Weltraum” (слайд 16)

Ученик 7: After the flight many invitations to foreign countries followed. His routes of peace and friendship greatly outnumbered the length of Vostok’s cosmic way.

The first country to invite Yuri Alexeevich Gagarin was Czechoslovakia. He went to Prague by a regular-route plane and to avoid hullabaloo talked to every passenger and to the crew.

He was hospitably greeted by Golden Prague. Thousands of its citizens stood on his way from the airport to the city pelt Gagarin’s car with bunches of lilac.

Gagarin’s meetings were held under the mark of friendship with the Soviet people. The cosmonaut was impressed by the demonstrations of Prague’s citizens during his trip to the largest factories. It seemed that all Prague came out into the streets. People were standing everywhere on both sides of a highway. They held flowers, Czech and Soviet flags, placards with greetings.

Gagarin spoke with his usual light humour and sometimes a warm laughter and applause were heard. A lot of people knew Russian. So when Y. Gagarin said, “It was as nice in space as here” a storm of applause resounded. Young workers gave him a statue of a foundryman. They knew that Y. Gagarin had been a foundryman before.

Gagarin liked Czechoslovakia. His Czech friends showed him the sights of the city: Prague Grad, Carlov Bridge, Clement Gotwald Mausoleum, Soviet tank burst into the city in May 1945. (Слайды 17,18, 19)

Ученик 8: Bulgarien. Durch die Stadt Sofia fuhr J. Gagarin am 22. Mai !962 im offenen Auto. Die Hauptstadt wurde mit sowietischen und bulgarischen Flaggen geschmückt. Beide Seite der Straße entlang standen viele Menschen mit Plakaten und begrüßten herzlich den Kosmonauten. Jurij Gagarin wurde mit dem Georgij-Dimitrow-Orden und dem Goldstern des Helden von Bulgarien ausgezeichnet. Er wurde der erste ausländische Bürger der diese Belohnung bekam.

Während des Aufenthaltes besuchte Gagarin noch die Städte Plowdiw, Warna, Plewen, Stara Sagora. Es waren die hunderttausende Kundgebungen auf den Hauptplätzen, die Begegnungen mit einzelnen Bürgern, viele Geschenke, Briefe, Blumen. J. Gagarin nahm in Sofia am Nationalfest ,am Tag der Volksbildung, Kultur und der slawischen Schrifftsystem teil. Die mächtige und bildhafte Demonstration fand in der Hauptstadt statt. In den Himmel flogen Raketen, die von den Schülern und Studenten gemacht waren. Der Plakat war über den Köpfchen “Himmel, der Mensch hat dich erobert. ” (слайды 20,21, 22)

Ученик 9: Great Britain. In the summer of 1961 foggy England met Y. Gagarin. From the first moments of his visit to Britain his ideas about reserved and taciturn people had changed.

At the airport an open car “Rolls-Royce” was driven to the plane with an unusual number “Y. G. -1”. The letters meant the initials of Y. Gagarin and number one meant that he was the first cosmonaut.

Thousands of people gathered along both sides of the road. When the car stopped people rushed to Gagarin trying to shake hands with him.

The name of Gagarin was very popular in England.

The interest in Gagarin was so great that Londoners of all ages and walks of life behaved as temperamental southeners.

It was impossible to imagine warmth of Britons when they greeted the first cosmonaut. They shouted: “Gagarin! Gagarin! Gagarin!”

Lord Droyd accorded him a hearty welcome and gave breakfast in Gagarin’s honour.

He had been to England for five days. A lot of correspondents persistently followed him. Radio and TV news began with the reports about his visit. The English press named the welcome of Gagarin fantastic.

“The Evening Standard” reported: “To be the first in the world is a gigantic technical triumph for the Soviet Union. But Major Gagarin’s courage is the courage of all pioneers. Serving for his Motherland and being its patriot he has won the triumph for the whole mankind. (слайд 23)

Ученик 10: On the 12th of July Gagarin flew out to Manchester, the largest industrial town of England. The visit to Manchester impressed Y. Gagarin greatly. The weather was rainy but crowds of people were standing in the streets with red flags and placards: “Yuri, you are welcome! Manchester greets Gagarin! Greetings to Yuri!”

Gagarin’s visit to the city had been organized in advance by the local trade-unions. When it stopped raining the Red Flag was flying in the air with the Union Jack over Albert Square and a brass band began to play the national anthem of the USSR to welcome the arrival of the first cosvonaut.

Yuri was young, dynamic and glamorous. Possessing an unaffected charm and an outstanding personality, his fame rested on his own bravery, skill and athletism. As a result, he appealed equally to both men and women, the young and the old. Small children were dressed in home-made spacesuits and stayed away from their lessons in order to wave him from street corners. Teenage girls crowded the platform constructed for him in Trafford Park to wave at the “Magellan of space”.

Gagarin seemed to represent the embodiment of the new ”Socialist Man” and delighted his audience at the union offices by declaring that he was “ still a foundryman at heart”. He was presented with the honorary membership of the Foundry Workers’ Union and a medal bearing the hopeful inscription “Together moulding a new world”. Gagarin paid tribute to “a union which ranks among the oldest in the world”.

Gagarin’s speech was simple and fluent. It was one of his brightest speeches. People tried to understand his words without translation.

“I was glad,” Gagarin said at the end of his speech, “ to shake your horny hands which create the finest things in the world like in any other country”. (слайд 24)

Ученик 11: After his returning to London he was received by the Prime-Minister of England G. Macmillan and then the invitation to Buckingham Palace followed. He was received by Queen Elizabeth II. Beforehand he was given numerous instructions on how to behave in the presence of the queen. But it was only Gagarin who could conduct himself in such a natural way: when he was introduced to the queen, he confessed that he had never been to a royal reception before and he didn’t know how to behave to meet the requirements of tradition, and asked the queen to explain how to conduct himself. The queen answered that she didn’t know all the subtleties of the etiquette herself and that Master of Ceremonies would help both of them. The conversation went friendly and unconstrained. At first there was some tension, as Gagarin on his way to the royal residence turned away from the windows of the palace, where the royal family stood, to salute the Londoners that gathered to welcome him, but Gagarin’s frankness won everybody’s favour and everything went well. (слайд 25)

Ученик 12: “The Soviet cosmonaut is a man of versatile knowledge,” said a famous physicist William Hodge about Gagarin.

Y. Gagarin was interested in everything, he used every minute to see and learn as much as he could.

In the London History Museum Gagarin paid his attention to the things belonging to the famous dancer Anna Pavlova among the numerous things of Britain’s kings.

He visited Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens. He went to see Waterloo Bridge which was familiar to him from the film of the same name.

When a large programme of visits, press conferences and meetings was exhausted he visited the Highgate Cemetery to honour the memory of Karl Marx.

Gagarin’s impressions about his visit to Great Britain were the following: “Leaving London I take with me the warmest memories about our friendly meeting with the hospitable people of Great Britain, the inhabitants of your capital and a glorious town of Manchester.

I take with me the kind memories about the meetings with your people, Her Majesty and Duke of Edinburgh, the Prime-Minister Macmillan and other official, political, public and trade-union leaders.”(слайд 26)

Ученик 13: Poland. In the summer of 1961 Gagarin went to Poland. On the day of his arrival in Warsaw the cosmonaut was awarded the Order of Gryunvald Cross of the first degree. Sharing impressions about Warsaw with the Polish leaders Gagarin told them how a group of young men in one of the streets ran up to the car where he was driving and wanted to lift and carry it. « I had to jump on the road », he said.

The youth greeted Gagarin with enthusiasm. In Katovitsy, the largest industrial centre of the country, the young miners and metallurgists, dressed in national costumes, crowded in the railway station square. As soon as Gagarin appeared on the steps of the railway carriage the girls in beautiful national dresses surrounded him and led him to the wooden platform. There were a lot of meetings in mines and at factories. A lot of models of miners’ lamps, coal combines were presented to the cosmonaut.

The next day an international festival of youth organizations from more than 20 countries took place. It was held in the city of Zelena Gura. Dozens of thousands of young men and women came to the festival. The cosmonaut was greatly impressed by what he saw. After the physical culture parade and Gagarin’s speech in which he spoke about peace and friendship of all young people on Earth there were fireworks. The young men and women in national costumes sang songs, danced, laughed. The centre of this wonderful holiday was Yuri Gagarin, an honourable guest of the festival.

Speaking in Star Town about his trip to Poland Gagarin said that he had fallen in love with the country and he would never forget Polish hospitality. (слайды 27, 28, 29)

Ученик 14: Cuba. In July, 1961 Yuri Gagarin visited Cuba. Hardly the plane IL-18 had stopped near the building of the airport a thunder and a heavy tropical shower began. The members of the government, the diplomats, the soldiers of the guard of honour, thousands of people stood under the floods of rain and waited for the guest. Cuba greeted the cosmonaut with thunderstorm, flashes of lightning and a mighty cry of people « Viva, Gagarin! »

The way from the airport to the capital was a way of people’s rejoicing. The young and old, teenagers and children, peasants and workers, milisanos with guns on their shoulders, young men and women expressed their feelings in their own way: by waving hands, exclaiming, throwing flowers to the cosmonaut, smiling. The boys let pigeons out and they were flying above the cars. The march of Cuban revolutionaries was heard on the radio.

The next day Revolution Square was full of people. More than a million of people came to Havana to meet the cosmonaut. At the beginning of the meeting Gagarin was awarded the Order of « Плайя Хирон ». He was the first to receive the order given for outstanding services in the struggle for freedom and independence, for peace and progress of mankind. Gagarin spoke in a low voice but he was heard in all the corners of the large square.

In Cuba Gagarin met with dockers and builders, teachers and schoolchildren, peasants and soldiers. In Havana University Gagarin gave a lecture in cosmonautics. The assembly hall of the university was full of scientists, engineers, students, workers and peasants, members of the government, ministers. Gagarin told them about the preparation of the spaceship for the flight, gave definitions of the state of weightlessness, described everything he saw in space. (слайды 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35)

Ученик 15: Canada. Le présidium de la conference de Pagouoche a invité Juri Gagarine à visiter le Canada. Le laureat du prix Lénine “Pour la consolidation de la paix entre les peuples” Saillrousse Itone a accueilli Gagarine chez soi à la maison.

Les habitants des villes et des villages venaient saluer Juri Gagarin quand il allait de l’aéroport.

Pendant son séjour au Canada Juri Gagarine a pris part au meeting dans la ville de Pagouoche. Ce meeting a duré plus de deux heures, 15 personnes y ont parlé. La radio et la télé ont transmis le meeting pour tout le pays. (слайды 36, 37, 38)

Ученик 16: Österreich. Jurij Gagarin und seine Frau Walentina kamen am 10. Mai 1962 nach Österrreich . Am Vortag war das Wetter schlecht, es regnete , aber am Tag des Besuches scheinte die Sonne und das Wetter war schön. Der Professior Hugo Gleiser sagte das alte österreichische Sprichwort : “ Wenn die Engel reisen, ändert sich das Wetter zu seinem Vorteil”.

Der Bundeskanzler von Österreich gab Jurij Gagarin die Goldmedaille über. Darauf waren die Worte: “Dem ersten Kosmonauten der Welt von der österreichischen Bundesregirung. Der 10. Mai. 1962.”

In Wien fanden die Pressekonferenzen, die Begegnungen mit Studenten und Professoren im Maximum-Saal der Wiener Uniwersität, die 20-tausende Kundgebung in der Sadthalle Wiens statt.

Die Schüler einer Wiener Schule begrüßten J. Gagarin auf Russisch. Er erzählte über die Geschichte der Sowietkosmonautik . Den ersten Kosmonauten begrüßten auch die Delegationen aus Niederösterreich, Oberösterreich, Burgenland. J. Gagarin besuchte das Wiener Opernhaus, legte die Blumen zum Denkmal den Soldaten der dritten ukrainischer Front nieder, nahm an der Fernsehsendungen teil.

Freundliche Begegnungen waren in Österrreich überall, wohin J. Gagarin kam: in Linz, Baden, Medling, Wiener-Neustadt, Neukirchen, Kapfenberg, Graz.

. J. Gagarin ehrte das Gedenken der Gefallenen an dem Konzentrationslager Mauthausen, wo 100-Tausend Menschen ihren Tod gefunden hatten. (слайды 39, 40)

Ученик 17: Japan. In May, 1962 on the invitation of the society « Japan – the USSR » Gagarin visited Tokyo. He was grateful to the Japanese. They were the first to translate his autobiographical novel « A Road to Space » into their language.

There was great excitement at Haneda airport in Tokyo. Tokyo journalists and reporters did their best to inform the people of the country about the arrival of the cosmonaut as fast as possible. Japanese boys and girls sang a song « Well, well, Gagarin » with the following words « Let flowers of the world blossom on green rich soil ».

Gagarin remembered a talk with Japanese scientists very well. One of the scientists said, « Our fathers say parting words to their children. What words, Gagarin – san, would you say to your daughters when they grow up? »

Yuri Alexeevich thought for a moment and then answered, « There are many such precepts. But I will probably name three of them at once. First of all I’d like my children to be fighters for peace. Secondly I’d like them to grow up honest, selfless people who love their Motherland dearly. Thirdly let them become good communists…»

In Japan Gagarin visited Osaka, Kyoto, the ancient capital of the country, Nagoya. Everywhere he was greeted with enthusiasm. Millions of Japanese took part in meetings at which Gagarin spoke. In Osaka Gagarin was given a garland of paper cranes sent to him by the children of Hiroshima. The young people of Nagoya made a model of a rocket where a Japanese youth in a spacesuit was sitting near Gagarin in the cabin. In his hands he had a poster with the words « Into Space Together!» (слайды 41, 42, 43, 44)

Ученик 18: Dänemark. Im Herbst 1962 verbrachte J. Gagarin einige Tage in Dänemark.

Am Tag des Besuches druckten alle Zeitungen von Kopenhagen die Artikel über die Erfolge der Sowietkosmonautik. “Добро пожаловать”-auf Russisch begrüßte die gröte Zeitung Jurij Gagarin und veröffentlichte sein Porträt,-мы надеемся, вы почувствуете сердечность,наше восхищение и приятно проведете время у нас.

Das Interesse war riesig. Es waren viele Begegnungen. Einige waren offiziel, andere waren warm und offen. Die Arbeiter der Schiffbauwerft “Burmeister og Wein” und des Werkes “Karlsberg” begegneten den Kosmonauten mit herzlichem Gruß. Der Präsident der dänischen Astronautikassoziation gab J. Gagarin die Ehrenmitgliedskarte über.(слайды 45, 46)

Ученик 19: France. En juin 1961 la nièce de Jules Verne Christine Allote de la Tuillet a envoyé une lettre adressée à J. Gagarine. Elle écrivait:” Je suis ravie de votre exploit. Vous avez realisé le rêve de Jules Verne. Sʼil êtait encore en vie, il se trouverait prés de vous en séparant la joie de votre pays.

Le 7 septembre 1963 J. Gagarine a été invité par lʼOrganisation des nations unies pour lʼéducation, science,culture à Paris. Il a fait un exposé au sujet du programme sowiétique de lʼassimilation de lʼespace cosmique.

Juin 1965. Gagarine et un groupe des cosmonautes sowiétiques ont participé au travail de la 26-e exposition international de lʼaéronautique et du cosmos à Paris. Ici Gagarin a fait connaissance des austronautes américaines Macdivit et White. (слайды 47, 48)

3. Заключение.

Ученик 1: Y. Gagarin loved life. He was a true son of the Earth which he was the first in history to leave. The part played by him in history does not become smaller with time – on the contrary, he and history are inseparable. Years have passed, men had been to the Moon but the first step was made by him.( Слайд 49)

Y. Gagarin’s flight opened the door into the Universe. It lasted for only 108 minutes but those minutes but those minutes were a turning point in history.

He received the awards of big and small countries, he was greeted with the triumphant salutes of cannons, he was escorted by guards of honour in brilliant uniforms, he was welcomed by festive crowds.

His name will remain in the history of mankind, in the history of the Earth which he so affectionately called the Blue Planet. His image will never fade (Слайд 50)

Звучит запись голоса Ю. А. Гагарина и первый куплет песни «Созвездие Гагарина» (слайд 51)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Проект "Гагарин – гражданин мира"

Автор: Лявданская Галина Николаевна

Дата: 27.10.2017

Номер свидетельства: 434872

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