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Презентация открытого урока " Что в твоей квартире?". 4 класс

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Презентация открытого урока " Что в твоей квартире?". 4 класс.

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«Презентация открытого урока " Что в твоей квартире?". 4 класс»














There is There are

There is

There are

Right answers: 1 There is a vase on the table. 2 There are curtains on the window. 3 There are chairs in the kitchen. 4 There is a sofa in the living room. 5 There are shelves on the wall.

Right answers:

1 There is a vase on the table.

2 There are curtains on the window.

3 There are chairs in the kitchen.

4 There is a sofa in the living room.

5 There are shelves on the wall.

Simon’s house

Simon’s house

Choose the correct preposition: 1 There are no pictures on / in / next to the wall. 2 There is a table and TV under / at / in the room. 3 There is a blue carpet behind / on / between the floor.

Choose the correct preposition:

1 There are no pictures on / in / next to the wall.

2 There is a table and TV under / at / in the room.

3 There is a blue carpet behind / on / between the floor.

Choose the right preposition: 1 There are no pictures on  the wall. 2 There is a table and TV under / at / in the room. 3 There is a blue carpet behind / on / between the floor.

Choose the right preposition:

1 There are no pictures on the wall.

2 There is a table and TV under / at / in the room.

3 There is a blue carpet behind / on / between the floor.

Choose the right preposition: 1 There are no pictures on  the wall. 2 There is a table and TV in the room. 3 There is a blue carpet behind / on / between the floor.

Choose the right preposition:

1 There are no pictures on the wall.

2 There is a table and TV in the room.

3 There is a blue carpet behind / on / between the floor.

Choose the right preposition: 1 There are no pictures on  the wall. 2 There is a table and TV  in  the room. 3 There is a blue carpet on  the floor.

Choose the right preposition:

1 There are no pictures on the wall.

2 There is a table and TV in the room.

3 There is a blue carpet on the floor.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Презентация открытого урока " Что в твоей квартире?". 4 класс

Автор: Ильина Светлана Федоровна

Дата: 17.10.2016

Номер свидетельства: 349828

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