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Монологи по английскому языку ОГЭ-2023

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«Монологи по английскому языку ОГЭ-2023»

Learning a foreign language

Hello! Today I’m going to give a talk about learning a foreign language.

*To begin with, I’d like to say that I started learning English 7 years ago. In primary school we had just 2 lessons of English a week. Now I have 3 lessons a week in my school and we do a lot of useful things: reading interesting texts, speaking about vital problems, watching videos and learning new vocabulary.

*In Russia most of the students learn English at school. I think it is very nice as English is an international language and you need it for communication with people from other countries.

*As for me, I use English out of class for the following: firstly, I read books in original. Secondly, using computer programs is much easier if you understand this language. Finally, I enjoy listening to British and American singers or sometimes watch serials in English.

*I think English is a widely-spread language which is spoken all over the world. That’s why we have to study it.

That’s all I wanted to tell you about learning English.

My home town

Hello! Today I’m going to give a talk about the place where I live.

*To begin with, I’d like to say that I live in Volgograd which is a big city in the south of Russia. It is on the great river Volga.

* Moreover, Volgograd is a city-hero and it is famous for the fact that during the World War II there were large-scale battles here. And today our city is well-known for lots of memorial places like Mamayev Kurgan and the statue «Motherland calling» on its top.

*As for me, my favourite place in Volgograd is water front with unique architectural design. Here citizens enjoy concerts and firework displays. In addition to it, the embankment is in the city centre with lots of cafes, theatres and shops. So you can have lots of fun with friends and family!

*I think Volgograd is a great place to live as there are lots of parks, museums and universities. It is a must to visit for everyone!

That’s all I wanted to tell you about my hometown.

Modern technology

Hello, today I’m going to give a talk about modern technology.

*To begin with, I’d like to say that we can’t imagine our life without devices and machines, like phones, laptops, washing machines, cars, planes and others. They have made our lives much easier and more comfortable. If you have a mobile, you can call anybody at anytime. Also, laptops are necessary for business people who can exchange information anywhere.

*As for me, the most useful thing is a smart phone because I can use it like a GPS, a laptop or an e-book and I don’t need to buy other expensive equipment.

*However, there are some drawbacks. Modern gadgets can be useless if there is no internet connection around or the signal is weak. Besides, they can distract students from studying and, even worse, some of them become addicted.

*In my opinion, devices we have today are convenient and really helpful for communication, studies and for everyday.

That’s all I wanted to tell you about modern technologies.


Hello, today I’m going to give a talk about hobbies.

*Hobbies are important part of our life. They have made our lives much easier and more comfortable. In my opinion, people have different free time activities for several reasons. Firstly, a hobby helps to relax after a hard working day. Secondly, it can broaden your mind and find new friends.

* Everyone has a favourite pastime. The most popular activity with my friends are football, boxing and swimming.

*As for me, I like painting very much. In my free time I create nice pictures and present them to my friends and relatives.

*I think learning English is a useful hobby. It can help you in your future career and in communication with pen-friends from abroad.

That’s all I wanted to tell you about modern hobbies.


Hello, today I’m going to give a talk about summer holidays.

*To begin with, I’d like to say that summer holidays is the most favourite time of children.

*During this vacation I enjoy travelling to other cities. It’s so exciting to see other places, learn about their history and visit unique sights.

*As for me, I’d like to spend my ideal summer holidays in the country as there are no cars, no hustle and bustle, but you relax in peace and quiet.Besides, perfect summer holidays is when my family and I drive into our summer house and swim in river.

*Unfortunately, sometimes we can have some negative situations which can spoil our summer time. I think bad weather and lots of rains can make my holiday really boring. Another reason is health problems which can change your plans and make you feel awful.

* I like summer holidays most of all as you can do everything from relaxing with a book on the sofa to white water rafting or go hiking. And what’s more, you don’t care about your school homework.

That’s all I want to tell you about my summer holidays.


Today, I am going to give a talk about school uniform.

No doubt, it is important to wear a uniform at school. Bright clothes distract teenagers from the process of learning. More official style helps us to be more serious. I understand the rules but still I don’t like the uniform very much.

As for me, I wear a white shirt or a T-shirt and black jeans or trousers. From my point of view, I always wear official clothes to school and they really suit me.

To tell the truth, I like the atmosphere in my lyceum most of all. Firstly, I meet my best friends every day and we always help each other. Secondly, there are some subjects which I like to attend such as English and the Study of the Society.

So, I have told you about school uniform. I hope, it was interesting.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Монологи по английскому языку ОГЭ-2023

Автор: Земченкова Татьяна Владимировна

Дата: 07.02.2023

Номер свидетельства: 625057

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