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Контрольная работа по теме "The Past Simple Tense"

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Контрольная работа проводится по теме «The Past Simple Tense». По указанной теме обучающийся должен знать способы образования утвердительной, вопросительной и отрицательной формы, уметь употреблять данную форму глагола в предложениях. Контрольная работа разработана по двум вариантам, имеюся ключи с ответами.

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«Контрольная работа по теме "The Past Simple Tense"»

Задание для контрольной работы по теме «The Past Simple Tense»

Вариант I

I Заполните пропуски подходящими глаголами в форме Past Simple (запишите текст, подчеркните глаголы)

Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie_____78 crime novels, 19 plays and 6 romantic novels. She was born in Torquay, England. She was educated at home and _____ singing lessons in Paris. She _____writing at the end of the First World War. Her first novel was published in 1920. That _____the first appearance of Hercule Poirot, who_____one of the most popular private detectives.

When Agatha Christie got tired of Poirot she_____Miss Marple. Her last Poirot book _____shortly before her death, and her last Miss Marple story and her autobiography were published posthumously.








II Употребите предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме

1 Ray went to bed at ten o'clock yesterday.

2 You watched TV last week.

Вариант II

I Заполните пропуски подходящими глаголами в форме Past Simple (запишите текст, подчеркните глаголы)

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway_____ one of the greatest 20th-century American writers. He was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois.

While at school, Hemingway_____ football and_____ articles for the school newspaper.

In 1917, when the US entered the World War I, Hemingway_____ home to become a reporter. He _____ to enlist for the war but was rejected. Finally he _____to go to Europe as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross. His war experience and adventurous life_____ the background for his many short stories and novels.








II Употребите предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме

1 Yesterday William came to school at nine.

2 They played tennis last Saturday.


Вариант I

I Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie wrote 78 crime novels, 19 plays and 6 romantic novels. She was born in . She was educated at home and took singing lessons in Paris. She began writing at the end of the First World War. Her first novel was published in 1920. That was the first appearance of Hercule Poirot, who became one of the most popular private detectives.

When Agatha Christie got tired of Poirot she invented Miss Marple. Her last Poirot book appeared shortly before her death, and her last Miss Marple story and her autobiography were published posthumously.

Вариант II

I Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was one of the greatest 20th-century American writers. He was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. While at school, Hemingway played football and wrote articles for the school newspaper.

In 1917, when the US entered the World War I, Hemingway left home to become a reporter. He wanted to enlist for the war but was rejected. Finally he managed to go to Europe as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross. His war experience and adventurous life provided the background for his many short stories and novels.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Контрольная работа по теме "The Past Simple Tense"

Автор: Кульнева Елена Валерьевна

Дата: 27.04.2024

Номер свидетельства: 649728

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