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«Формирование монологической речи на уроках английского языка»
Темы коллоквиумов.
Май 2015-2016 учебный год.
Учитель английского языка Ильина Н.А.
3 класс
Проекты по одной из тем:
Времена года.
5 класс
1)Personal identification
2)Daily life and travelling
3)Free time
4)Sport in my life
5)More about Russian and British traditions
7)Continents and countries
8)The Earth in danger
9)The Queen and the Parliament
10)Healthy way of life
6 класс
Проект по одной из тем:
1)Scotland the Beautiful.
2)William Shakespeare
4)Trip to the USA
5)Washington DC
6)The USA geographical outlook
7)Country and people of the USA
8)Who rules the country ?
9)American Presidents
10)Australia - geographical outlook.
8 класс
1) Do you like shopping ?
2)What makes money Valuable ?
3)Getting Dressed for the big school.
4)The man and his work.
5)Virtual reality: Danger ahead ?
6)Computer in my life.
7)The world of traveling.
9)Rules for travelers.
10)Newspapers and television.
The world of mass media.
9 класс
Health crazes
A report how to improve…
Ice festival
Where time begins
10 класс
Проект по одной из тем:
1) Renaissance faires
2) National parks
Tsingy Bemaraha
3) Been there , done that.
4) World Heritage sites
5) Eco-tourism.
The future of holidays
6) Save the whales
7) World's wildlife in danger.
8)Environmental news.
9)What is happiness ?
10)Nanotechnology - the next big thing?