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Composition My childhood

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 I hurry to the nearest coppice to visit my “girl-friends”. Here they are my sweet birches. They see me, nod their curly heads, greeting. Here I have a favourite glade. There are always flowers in summer and mushrooms in autumn there. It`s great to lie on the grass, looking into the blue – blue sky dreaming. I dream that my birches will stay here forever. I wish my native people were healthy for many years. I dream that my own children could see this beauty, feel their link with nature, native land. I hurry to the nearest coppice to visit my “girl-friends”. Here they are my sweet birches. They see me, nod their curly heads, greeting. Here I have a favourite glade. There are always flowers in summer and mushrooms in autumn there. It`s great to lie on the grass, looking into the blue – blue sky dreaming. I dream that my birches will stay here forever. I wish my native people were healthy for many years. I dream that my own children could see this beauty, feel their link with nature, native land.

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«Composition My childhood»

 I hurry to the nearest coppice to visit my “girl-friends”. Here they are my sweet birches. They see me, nod their curly heads, greeting. Here I have a favourite glade. There are always flowers in summer and mushrooms in autumn there. It`s great to lie on the grass, looking into the blue – blue sky dreaming. I dream that my birches will stay here forever. I wish my native people were healthy for many years. I dream that my own children could see this beauty, feel their link with nature, native land.

   In the evening I come back home, have a cup of country milk with granny’s pies. Again and again I listen to grandma`s stories about her life, not an easy one. Then I go to bed and fast asleep on my favourite sofa – the couch of my childhood.

   At night I fall asleep to the songs of the cricket which has become almost a member of our family, and in the morning I wake up being absolutely happy. Finally, I am at home…

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Composition My childhood

Автор: Молдамуратова Меруерт

Дата: 05.06.2017

Номер свидетельства: 420573

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