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Abai was a great Kazakh poet, musician and writer. He was born in Abai settlement near the city of Semei. He was a well - known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh literature, and its first classic. His father Kunanbai was very strict. But his mother Ulzhan and grandmother Zere were kind, warm-hearted and good-natured people. They were good story-tellers, too. They told little Abai a lot of interesting stories, tales and legends of Kazakh people.

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Abai was a great Kazakh poet, musician and writer. He was born in Abai settlement near the city of Semei. He was a well - known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh literature, and its first classic. His father Kunanbai was very strict. But his mother Ulzhan and grandmother Zere were kind, warm-hearted and good-natured people. They were good story-tellers, too. They told little Abai a lot of interesting stories, tales and legends of Kazakh people.

Abai went to a religious school at the age of 9. But when he was 13 he began to learn Russian and entered the Russian school in Semei. He liked to read books of great Russian poets and writers: Pushkin, Lermontov, Krylov. Later Abai translated their works into  Kazakh and wrote a lot of masterpieces of literature. His poetry is very popular nowadays.

The Words of Abai have been translated into many foreign languages. Abai Kunanbaev died in 1904. Kazakh people are proud of their great poet. He is well-known all over the world.

«Kara Sozder» [Book of Words] (prose) created by the great thinker constitute an ethnic philosophical work. This creation of his is an exploration of Kazakh national life in the second half of the 19th century. He influenced social affairs in the country where he lived.
The name of Abai is known worldwide just as Shakespeare, Goethe, and Pushkin are well - known in many countries, because his great words became a spiritual patrimony of not only one nation, but of the entire humankind.

Ibray Altynsarin was a famous Kazakh educator and teacher of the 19th century. He was born in 1841 in Torghai region. Altynsarin started a Cyrillic alphabet for the Kazakh language. He opened many Kazakh-Russian schools and schools for girls. He translated books and textbooks. He wrote the first Kazakh Grammar book. Altynsarin travelled a lot and visited many countries. He liked children and wrote poems for them. A lot of streets, institutes and schools are named after Altynsarin. There is an Altynsarin museum in Kostanay

Mukhtar Auezov was born in 1897 in Abai district in Semey region. His grandfather Auez and his father Omarkhan were well-educated persons. Mukhtar Auezov was : - a writer - a scientist-educator - one of the founders of Kazakh Soviet Literature - a famous public figure. In 1928 he graduated from the faculty of History and philology of Leningrad University. In 1930 he finished the post-graduated courses of the Turkic department of the faculty of his Orient in the Middle Asian State University in Tashkent. He was the first Kazakh professor lecturing on Kazakh Literature. His novels are : “Kokserek”, “Abai zholy”, “Karash karash”, “Enlik-Kebek” and etc. The most famous of his works is the novel “Abai zholy”. His first work “Enlik-Kebek” was written in 1917.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Checking report

Автор: Жахан Нұрдаулет

Дата: 07.02.2020

Номер свидетельства: 538745

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