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Buying clothes in a shop.

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Dialogue: Buying clothes in a shop.

Speaker1: Customer

Speaker2: Shop assistant

  • S1 Good afternoon. May I ask you for advice?


  • S2 Of course. I’m ready to help you.


  • S1 I need  buying some clothes for summer at your shop.


  • S2  You are at the right place. We’ve got a new trendy summer collection.


  • S1 I see there is a large assortment of fashionable things. I wish a new sundress and two shorts.


  • S2 Here you are. Try them on, please.


  • S1 What do you think about the sundress? It fits me, but does it look well?


  • S2 To my mind everything suits you.


  • S1 What is the total price of clothes?


  • S2 85 pounds.


  • S1 It’s not to much expensive. I make the purchase. You are of great help.


  • S2 Thank you. We’re always glad to see you again at our shop.


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«Buying clothes in a shop. »

Dialogue: Buying clothes in a shop.

Speaker1: Customer

Speaker2: Shop assistant

  • S1 Good afternoon. May I ask you for advice?

  • S2 Of course. I’m ready to help you.

  • S1 I need buying some clothes for summer at your shop.

  • S2 You are at the right place. We’ve got a new trendy summer collection.

  • S1 I see there is a large assortment of fashionable things. I wish a new sundress and two shorts.

  • S2 Here you are. Try them on, please.

  • S1 What do you think about the sundress? It fits me, but does it look well?

  • S2 To my mind everything suits you.

  • S1 What is the total price of clothes?

  • S2 85 pounds.

  • S1 It’s not to much expensive. I make the purchase. You are of great help.

  • S2 Thank you. We’re always glad to see you again at our shop.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Buying clothes in a shop.

Автор: Миронова Ирина Владимировна

Дата: 21.08.2015

Номер свидетельства: 226232

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