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Защита окружающей среды

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Развитие цивилизации,стремительный технический прогресс, кроме многих положительных сторон, имеет и крайне негативные побочные явления. Многлетнее широкомасштабныное, бесконтрольное и бездумное вмешательство человека в естественнйе природные процессы приводят к тому, что мир может оказаться на грани катастрофы. Одной из важных проблем охраны окружающей среды является охрана атмосферного воздуха.

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«Защита окружающей среды »

Any visible or invisible particle or gas found in the air that is not part of the original, normal composition.
  • Any visible or invisible particle or gas found in the air that is not part of the original, normal composition.
Natural:  forest fires, pollen, dust storm Unnatural : man-made; coal, wood and other fuels used in cars, homes, and factories for energy

Natural: forest fires, pollen, dust storm

Unnatural : man-made; coal, wood and other fuels used in cars, homes, and factories for energy

5 Major Pollutants: 1..) Carbon Monoxide 2.) Sulfur Dioxide 3.) Nitrogen Dioxide 4.) Particulate Matter 5.) Ground Level Ozone

5 Major Pollutants:

1..) Carbon Monoxide

2.) Sulfur Dioxide

3.) Nitrogen Dioxide

4.) Particulate Matter

5.) Ground Level Ozone

Combination of gases with water vapor and dust Combination of words smoke and fog Combination of words smoke and fog Forms when heat and sunlight react gases (photochemical smog) Forms when heat and sunlight react gases (photochemical smog) Forms when heat and sunlight react gases (photochemical smog) Occurs often with heavy traffic, high temperatures, and calm winds Occurs often with heavy traffic, high temperatures, and calm winds Occurs often with heavy traffic, high temperatures, and calm winds Occurs often with heavy traffic, high temperatures, and calm winds
  • Combination of gases with water vapor and dust
  • Combination of words smoke and fog
  • Combination of words smoke and fog
  • Forms when heat and sunlight react gases (photochemical smog)
  • Forms when heat and sunlight react gases (photochemical smog)
  • Forms when heat and sunlight react gases (photochemical smog)
  • Occurs often with heavy traffic, high temperatures, and calm winds
  • Occurs often with heavy traffic, high temperatures, and calm winds
  • Occurs often with heavy traffic, high temperatures, and calm winds
  • Occurs often with heavy traffic, high temperatures, and calm winds
1 st smog related deaths were in London in 1873; death toll 500 people; can you imagine how much worse the atmosphere is now?! Limits visibility Decreases UV radiation Yellow/black color over cities Causes respiratory problems and bronchial related deaths
  • 1 st smog related deaths were in London in 1873; death toll 500 people; can you imagine how much worse the atmosphere is now?!
  • Limits visibility
  • Decreases UV radiation
  • Yellow/black color over cities
  • Causes respiratory problems and bronchial related deaths
Ride your bike  Tell your friends and family about pollution  Make sure your parents get pollution checks on their cars  Ride the school bus
  • Ride your bike
  • Tell your friends and family about pollution
  • Make sure your parents get pollution checks on their cars
  • Ride the school bus
Learn more; stay up to date  Join a group to stop pollution  Encourage your parents to carpool to work  Switch off lights, fan, heat, etc. when you leave the room
  • Learn more; stay up to date
  • Join a group to stop pollution
  • Encourage your parents to carpool to work
  • Switch off lights, fan, heat, etc. when you leave the room

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Защита окружающей среды

Автор: Меджитова Шарифа Ахмедовна

Дата: 22.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 189918

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