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Викторина "Символы Великобритании"

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Мультимедийная игра страноведческого характера, составленная по типу телевизионной передачи «Один против всех», подготовлена с целью закрепления пройденного материала по теме «Символы Великобритании». В игре участвуют игрок и две команды. Игроком становится тот ученик, который первым ответит на вопрос или загадку ведущего. Им предлагается ответить на 20 вопросов различной степени сложности  (от 5-100 баллов). У игрока и команд имеются карточки с вариантами ответов (a, b, c).Время на обдумывание вопроса в командах-20 секунд, затем отвечает игрок. Если  игрок и команды ответили правильно, всем присуждаются баллы вопроса, если команды дали неверный ответ, то данное количество баллов присуждается игроку. Если игрок дал неправильный ответ, его баллы подсчитываются, и он выбывает из игры. Затем выбирают другого игрока.

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«Викторина "Символы Великобритании"»

QUIZ “ ICONS OF BRITAIN”     Malkova E.N  Kiyasovsky school  2015


Malkova E.N

Kiyasovsky school


5 points 1. How many letters are there in the English alphabet? a) 33  b) 26  c) 29  Answer

5 points

  • 1. How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
  • a) 33
  • b) 26
  • c) 29


b) 26

b) 26

10 points 2. What is not a British dish? a) fish and chips  b) pudding  c) pancakes  Answer

10 points

2. What is not a British dish?

  • a) fish and chips
  • b) pudding
  • c) pancakes


c) pancakes

c) pancakes

15 points 3) Which country consists of four parts having their own capitals? a) the UK  b) the USA  c) Canada  Answer

15 points

3) Which country consists of four parts having their own capitals?

  • a) the UK
  • b) the USA
  • c) Canada


a) the UK

a) the UK

20 points 4. What holiday do the British and American children celebrate? a) Thanksgiving Day  b) Halloween  c) Guy Fawkes Night  Answer

20 points

4. What holiday do the British and American children celebrate?

  • a) Thanksgiving Day
  • b) Halloween
  • c) Guy Fawkes Night


b) Halloween

b) Halloween

25 points 5. Where does the British Queen live? a) Buckingham Palace  b) the Tower of London  c) Westminster Abbey  Answer

25 points

5. Where does the British Queen live?

  • a) Buckingham Palace
  • b) the Tower of London
  • c) Westminster Abbey


a) Buckingham Palace

a) Buckingham Palace

30 points 6. What is the name of the Queen of the United Kingdom? a) Victoria  b) Elisabeth II  c) Elisabeth I  Answer

30 points

6. What is the name of the Queen of the United Kingdom?

  • a) Victoria
  • b) Elisabeth II
  • c) Elisabeth I


b) Elisabeth II

b) Elisabeth II

35 points  7. What river is London situated on? a) the Severn  b) the Clyde  c) the Thames  Answer

35 points

7. What river is London situated on?

  • a) the Severn
  • b) the Clyde
  • c) the Thames


c) the Thames

c) the Thames

40 points  8. What is Big Ben? a) a palace  b) a bell  c) a square  Answer

40 points

8. What is Big Ben?

  • a) a palace
  • b) a bell
  • c) a square


b) a bell

b) a bell

45 points 9. Who wrote about Winnie –the – Pooh? a) Alan Miln b) Roald Dahl c) Lewis Carroll  Answer

45 points

9. Who wrote about Winnie –the – Pooh?

  • a) Alan Miln
  • b) Roald Dahl
  • c) Lewis Carroll


a) Alan Miln

a) Alan Miln

50 points 10. What do letters A B C D F mean in British and American school? a) the first letter of the form teacher’s name b) letters of forms  c) marks  Answer

50 points

  • 10. What do letters A B C D F mean in British and American school?
  • a) the first letter of the form teacher’s name
  • b) letters of forms
  • c) marks


c) marks

c) marks

55 points 11. What is the London underground named? a) the metro  b) the subway  c) the tube  Answer

55 points

  • 11. What is the London underground named?
  • a) the metro
  • b) the subway
  • c) the tube


c) the tube

c) the tube

60 points 12. What is the RSPCA in Britain? a) a shop b) a holiday c) a charity  Answer

60 points

12. What is the RSPCA in Britain?

  • a) a shop
  • b) a holiday
  • c) a charity


c) a charity  (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)

c) a charity

(The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)

65 points  13. William Wallace was… a) a British writer b) a Scottish national hero c) a Welsh sportsman  Answer

65 points

13. William Wallace was…

  • a) a British writer
  • b) a Scottish national hero
  • c) a Welsh sportsman


b) a Scottish national hero

b) a Scottish national hero

70 points 14. Where is the famous International Tennis Championship played in Britain? a) Wembley stadium b) Hampden stadium c) Wimbledon  Answer

70 points

  • 14. Where is the famous International Tennis Championship played in Britain?
  • a) Wembley stadium
  • b) Hampden stadium
  • c) Wimbledon


c) at Wimbledon

c) at Wimbledon

75 points 15. William Shakespeare was the British writer and poet. Where was he born? a) Oxford b) London c) Stratford-on- Avon  Answer

75 points

  • 15. William Shakespeare was the British writer and poet. Where was he born?
  • a) Oxford
  • b) London
  • c) Stratford-on- Avon


c) Stratford-on- Avon

c) Stratford-on- Avon

80 points  16. What is the name of the national park in England? a) the Lake District b) Yellowstone c) Valday  Answer

80 points

16. What is the name of the national park in England?

  • a) the Lake District
  • b) Yellowstone
  • c) Valday


a) the Lake District (England)

a) the Lake District (England)

85 points  17. Who wrote about Sherlock Holmes? a) Walter Scott  b) Robert Louis Stevenson  c) Arthur Conan Doyle  Answer

85 points

17. Who wrote about Sherlock Holmes?

  • a) Walter Scott
  • b) Robert Louis Stevenson
  • c) Arthur Conan Doyle


c) Arthur Conan Doyle

c) Arthur Conan Doyle

90 points  18. What is the flag of the UK called? a) Stars and Stripes b) Tricolour c) Union Jack  Answer

90 points

18. What is the flag of the UK called?

  • a) Stars and Stripes
  • b) Tricolour
  • c) Union Jack


c) Union Jack

c) Union Jack

95 points 19. Scottish Highland Games are very attractive. Look at the photo and name this activity. a) tossing of caber  b) throwing the hammer  c) putting the stone  Answer

95 points

19. Scottish Highland Games are very attractive. Look at the photo and name this activity.

  • a) tossing of caber
  • b) throwing the hammer
  • c) putting the stone


a) tossing of caber

a) tossing of caber



100 points  20. Video-fragment. What competition is on the Thames? a) the Royal Ascot b) the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race c)the Ryder Cup  Answer

100 points

20. Video-fragment. What competition is on the Thames?

  • a) the Royal Ascot
  • b) the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race
  • c)the Ryder Cup


b) the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race

b) the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Викторина "Символы Великобритании"

Автор: Малкова Эльвира Николаевна

Дата: 15.07.2015

Номер свидетельства: 222908

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