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....Условные предложения................






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«Условные предложения »

Презентация по английскому языку по теме «Условные предложения»

Презентация по английскому языку по теме «Условные предложения»

Zero conditional Одно событие следует за другим- чем-то всегда истинным   if = when If clause Main clause IF+ PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT SIMPLE If you freeze  water, it turns into ice. If you speak English well, you have a chance to get a well-paid job. If you …

Zero conditional

Одно событие следует за другим- чем-то всегда истинным

if = when

If clause

Main clause



If you freeze water,

it turns into ice.

If you speak English well,

you have a chance to get a well-paid job.

If you …

1 st Conditional 1. Используем, когда говорим о возможных событиях в БУДУЩЕМ , которые зависят от других будущих событий : If clause Main clause IF+ PRESENT SIMPLE WILL/WON`T + INFINITIVE WITHOUT TO If you don`t change your life stile, you will have heart attack. If the rain stops, The match will begin . If Alice is late, We won`t wait for her long. Возможны и другие варианты: (с другими модальными глаголами) If you have time, We CAN walk home today.

1 st Conditional

1. Используем, когда говорим о возможных событиях в БУДУЩЕМ , которые зависят от других будущих событий :

If clause

Main clause



If you don`t change your life stile,

you will have heart attack.

If the rain stops,

The match will begin .

If Alice is late,

We won`t wait for her long.

Возможны и другие варианты:

(с другими модальными глаголами)

If you have time,

We CAN walk home today.

1 st Conditional 1. Используем, когда говорим о возможных событиях в БУДУЩЕМ , которые зависят от других будущих событий : If clause Main clause Возможны и другие варианты: (с другими модальными глаголами) If you have time, We CAN walk home today.

1 st Conditional

1. Используем, когда говорим о возможных событиях в БУДУЩЕМ , которые зависят от других будущих событий :

If clause

Main clause

Возможны и другие варианты:

(с другими модальными глаголами)

If you have time,

We CAN walk home today.

1 st Conditional 2. Также используется, когда мы хотим дать совет, приказание выдвинуть предложение: If clause Main clause IF+ PRESENT SIMPLE IMPERATIVE if you have problems, ПОВЕЛИТЕЛЬНОЕ НАКЛОНЕНИЕ call me at once. (imperative) If you are late for the last train take a taxi! If you feel unwell go to bed!

1 st Conditional

2. Также используется, когда мы хотим дать совет, приказание выдвинуть предложение:

If clause

Main clause



if you have problems,


call me at once. (imperative)

If you are late for the last train

take a taxi!

If you feel unwell

go to bed!

unless -1 если не; пока не  -2 кроме, исключая, за исключением Иногда в Zero и 1 st conditional используется Unless + present simple когда мы говорим о событиях, которые могут случиться, если только кто-то этому не помешает.  Main clause She always comes to work, Unless+ present simple We are always ready to help, unless she is seriously ill. unless it is not too late.

unless -1 если не; пока не -2 кроме, исключая, за исключением

  • Иногда в Zero и 1 st conditional используется Unless + present simple когда мы говорим о событиях, которые могут случиться, если только кто-то этому не помешает.

Main clause

She always comes to work,

Unless+ present simple

We are always ready to help,

unless she is seriously ill.

unless it is not too late.

2 nd Conditional 1. используется, когда мы говорим о выдуманных , нереальных или маловероятных  событиях В БУДУЮЩЕМ : If clause Main clause IF+ PAST Would/ should(редко)/ could /might + infinitive without TO If I were a gold fish, I would live in a beautiful aquarium. If you were not  late for the last train, you could get home without troubles. If he failed  the exam, we all would be so surprised

2 nd Conditional

1. используется, когда мы говорим о выдуманных , нереальных или маловероятных событиях В БУДУЮЩЕМ :

If clause

Main clause


Would/ should(редко)/ could /might + infinitive without TO

If I were a gold fish,

I would live in a beautiful aquarium.

If you were not late for the last train,

you could get home without troubles.

If he failed the exam,

we all would be so surprised

2 nd Conditional 2. используется, когда мы говорим о нереальных или невозможных  событиях В настоящем : If clause Main clause IF+ PAST Would/ should(редко)/ could /might + infinitive without TO If I were not overweight, I would not be ion a diet now. If we had a villa in Caribbian, we would spend our holidays there.

2 nd Conditional

2. используется, когда мы говорим о нереальных или невозможных событиях В настоящем :

If clause

Main clause


Would/ should(редко)/ could /might + infinitive without TO

If I were not overweight,

I would not be ion a diet now.

If we had a villa in Caribbian,

we would spend our holidays there.

3 rd Conditional 1. используется, когда мы говорим о нереальных  ситуациях В ПРОШЛОМ : мы выдумываем вещи, которые не случились на самом деле . If clause Main clause IF+ PAST PERFECT! Would/ should/ could /might + have + V3 ! If I had entered a university (when I was young), I could have become a professor now. If I had known the truth before, I would not have helped that terrible man! If he hadn`t broken that window, he wouldn`t have been taken to police station, wouldn`t have been late for work and would `t have been fired.

3 rd Conditional

1. используется, когда мы говорим о нереальных ситуациях В ПРОШЛОМ : мы выдумываем вещи, которые не случились на самом деле .

If clause

Main clause


Would/ should/ could /might + have + V3 !

If I had entered a university (when I was young),

I could have become a professor now.

If I had known the truth before,

I would not have helped that terrible man!

If he hadn`t broken that window,

he wouldn`t have been taken to police station, wouldn`t have been late for work and would `t have been fired.

Zero conditional 1 st conditional Последовательные события, истина, правила… Будущее. Present simple Совет, приказание If you eat much you put on weight. Present simple/will (can, may) 2 nd conditional when you see that guy, you will be surprised! Present simple/imperative невозможное в будущем невозможное в настоящем 3 rd conditional If it is late, go home! Past/would + V1 Нереальное в прошлом; то, что не случилось. If you saw a ghost you would be so frightened! Past perfect (had+V3)/ would+have+v3 If I had spoken a foreign language, I would have made a career Повторяем!

Zero conditional

1 st conditional

Последовательные события, истина, правила…


Present simple

Совет, приказание

If you eat much you put on weight.

Present simple/will (can, may)

2 nd conditional

when you see that guy, you will be surprised!

Present simple/imperative

невозможное в будущем

невозможное в настоящем

3 rd conditional

If it is late, go home!

Past/would + V1

Нереальное в прошлом; то, что не случилось.

If you saw a ghost you would be so frightened!

Past perfect (had+V3)/ would+have+v3

If I had spoken a foreign language, I would have made a career


Нулевой тип условных. Раскройте скобки

Нулевой тип условных. Раскройте скобки

  • If you (to love) nature you never ( to throw) litter outdoors.
  • If I (to get up) late I usually (to have) a headache.
  • If you (not to eat) long you (to get) weak.
  • If you (to boil) ice it (to melt) and (to turn) into water.
  • When you (to speak) your vocal chords (to vibrate).
  • When a storm (to begin) people ( to shelter) in their homes.
Первый тип условных. Раскройте скобки

Первый тип условных. Раскройте скобки

  • If we (to walk) to the park we (to feed) some birds there.
  • If they (to go) to the disco they (to listen) to loud music.
  • If I (to go) to the theatre I (to watch) an interesting play.
  • If you (to study) hard you (to pass) this exam.
  • If you (to wear) these trousers you (to look) a bit strange.
  • If you (to play) this composition your guests (be pleased).
  • If David (to forget) his umbrella I (to give) him mine.
  • If the sun (to shine) all day we (to go) to the beach.
  • If he (to have) a temperature he (to see) the doctor.
Второй тип условных. Раскройте скобки

Второй тип условных. Раскройте скобки

  • If I (to see) Mary, I would (to be) really glad to meet her.
  • If Rachael (to be) rich, she (to study) at a foreign college.
  • If it (to snow) now, it (to be) really difficult to get to the country for us.
  • surprised?
  • If somebody (to rob) your house, what (to do) you?
  • If I ever (to get) married, I (to do) it only of love.
  • If I (to have) enough money, I (buy) a country cottage.
Третий тип условных. Раскройте скобки

Третий тип условных. Раскройте скобки

  • If he (to study) harder, he (to pass) his test better then.
  • If we (to begin) the work earlier , we (to have) more time.
  • Lena (to buy) the milk if she (forget) about it .
  • They (not to get) into that accident if Jim (not to drive ) so fast.
  • The dogs(to get out) if the door (to be) locked.
  • If Jenny (to ask) me about the matter I (to answer) all her questions.
  • I (to call) the police if I (to see) those robbers again .
Определите тип условного предложения

Определите тип условного предложения

  • If I were you I would tell him about their plan.
  • If he had come yesterday we would have met him.
  • If this story were not interesting I wouldn`t read it!
  • If we had come a minute later, we would not have seen the matter.
  • If it rains hard for a long time water runs along the streets.
  • If I have some free time I will call on you.
Список литературы:

Список литературы:

  • http://foto.mail.ru/list/tasha-66/23/559.html
  • http://s-english.ru/uprazhneniya/u-conditionals
  • http://www.englishvseiarusi.com/

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Условные предложения

Автор: Мейрамова Гулим Толегеновна

Дата: 23.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 177786

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