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Unit 3 Step 1 Eating in Britain

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Unit 3 Step 1

Eating in Britain

-To explain the new theme of the lesson. To teach to do translations and to put questions and  answering for them

-to develop pupils abilities in speech, to teach to work creatively, to improve pronunciation and to develop oral speech

- to teach pupils to respect Great Britain;

 to educate the fillings of international friendship.

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«Unit 3 Step 1 Eating in Britain»

To explain the new theme of the lesson. To teach to do translations and to put questions and answering for them to develop pupils abilities in speech, to teach to work creatively, to improve pronunciation and to develop oral speech
  • To explain the new theme of the lesson. To teach to do translations and to put questions and answering for them
  • to develop pupils abilities in speech, to teach to work creatively, to improve pronunciation and to develop oral speech

- to teach pupils to respect Great Britain;

to educate the fillings of international friendship.


Visual aids: multimedia, placard, pictures  Literature: Т.Аяпова, З.Абилдаева, Ж.Тутбаева  Алматы « Атамұра » 2012

Visual aids: multimedia, placard, pictures

Literature: Т.Аяпова, З.Абилдаева, Ж.Тутбаева

Алматы « Атамұра » 2012

Ann:  Excuse me! Talgat: Yes? Ann: Could you answer some questions? Talgat: Well. . . em …OK. Ann: What’s your name? Talgat : Talgat. Ann: OK, Talgat. What do you like to eat? Talgat: I like fruit. I love bananas, oranges, apples and apricots. Ann: Do you like meat? Talgat: Yes, I do. I also like fish and eggs and fried potatoes. Ann: What do you like to drink? Talgat: I like Coke and orange juice and tea with milk and . . . Ann: And what don’t you like? Talgat: I don’t like surveys! Good bye! Ann: Mmm?

Ann: Excuse me!

Talgat: Yes?

Ann: Could you answer some questions?

Talgat: Well. . . em …OK.

Ann: What’s your name?

Talgat : Talgat.

Ann: OK, Talgat. What do you like to eat?

Talgat: I like fruit. I love bananas, oranges, apples and apricots.

Ann: Do you like meat?

Talgat: Yes, I do. I also like fish and eggs and fried potatoes.

Ann: What do you like to drink?

Talgat: I like Coke and orange juice and tea with milk and . . .

Ann: And what don’t you like?

Talgat: I don’t like surveys! Good bye!

Ann: Mmm?

Fruit Drinks bananas Other food coke fish




Other food



VII.New words:  Roast - beef - қуырылған сиыр еті  Yorkshire pudding - Англия пуддингі   Lunch - екінші ас  Cornflakes - қуырылған жүгері дәндері  Toasts - майға қарып пісірілген нан  Omelete - Омлет ( жұмыртқадан пісірілген тамақ )  Sausage - еттен жасалған шұжық  Bacon - шошқаның қақталған төсі , бекон

VII.New words: Roast - beef - қуырылған сиыр еті Yorkshire pudding - Англия пуддингі Lunch - екінші ас Cornflakes - қуырылған жүгері дәндері Toasts - майға қарып пісірілген нан Omelete - Омлет ( жұмыртқадан пісірілген тамақ ) Sausage - еттен жасалған шұжық Bacon - шошқаның қақталған төсі , бекон

Ex:12 Read the text. Ex: 14 True or False

Ex:12 Read the text.

Ex: 14 True or False

honey Roast-beef meat butter Eating in Britain bread cake eggs omellete bacon sausage





Eating in Britain







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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Unit 3 Step 1 Eating in Britain

Автор: Өтеген Салтанат

Дата: 12.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 414719

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    ["file_id"] => string(6) "218362"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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