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Технология обучения фразовым глаголам на занятиях дополнительного образования

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Технология обучения фразовым глаголам английского языка как средство лингвистической, коммуникативной и социо-культурной компетенций обучающихся в возрастной категории 7-9 класс. В технологии представлена система упражнений для формирования навыков употребления фразовых глаголов в речи, перечень глаголов, соответствующих содержанию программы обучения, для развития умений чтения, говорения, аудирования и письма. Работа содержит презентацию
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«Технология обучения фразовым глаголам на занятиях дополнительного образования»

ОГБУДО «Центр эстетического воспитания детей» Обучение  фразовым глаголам как средство формирования лингвистической, социо-  культурной и коммуникативной компетенций  учащихся 7-9-х классов на уроках английского языка   Учитель английского языка Кобзарь А.В. 20 14-2015 учебный год Г. Рязань

ОГБУДО «Центр эстетического воспитания детей»

Обучение фразовым глаголам как средство формирования лингвистической, социо- культурной и коммуникативной компетенций учащихся 7-9-х классов на уроках английского языка

Учитель английского языка

Кобзарь А.В.

20 14-2015 учебный год

Г. Рязань

Этапы подготовки к технологии

Этапы подготовки к технологии

  • Изучение и анализ УМК
  • Анализ ЗУН учащихся
  • Изучение опыта работы других педагогов
Анкета № 1 Знаешь ли ты, как называются сочетания глаголов с частицами, которые уже встречались тебе при изучении английского языка?   To get up, to find out, to look after, to take off, to put on

Анкета № 1

  • Знаешь ли ты, как называются сочетания глаголов с частицами, которые уже встречались тебе при изучении английского языка?

To get up, to find out, to look after, to take off, to put on

  • Ты сможешь перевести их сейчас на русский язык? Go ahead!
  • Из каких элементов они состоят?
  • Используешь ли ты такие сочетания в своей речи на уроках? Если да, то в какой ситуации?
  • Трудно ли, по-твоему, их перевести и запомнить?
  • Как ты думаешь, они нужны для того, чтобы усложнить тебе жизнь или для чего-то еще?
  • Хотелось бы тебе знать больше об этих глаголах и пользоваться ими чаще?
  • Как бы ты хотел изучать такие глаголы? Укажи формы и приемы запоминания на уроке и дома.
Проблемы с изучением ФГ

Проблемы с изучением ФГ

  • Идиоматичность Многозначность Неоднородность грамматической структуры
  • Идиоматичность
  • Многозначность
  • Неоднородность грамматической структуры
Цели технологии

Цели технологии

  • формирование и совершенствование у учащихся лингвистической и социо - культурной компетенции за счет использования ФГ во всех видах речевой деятельности
  • Формирование эмоциональности, выразительности и идиоматичности речевых навыков учащихся
Задачи технологии

Задачи технологии

  • Определение статуса ФГ в современном английском языке
  • Систематизация знаний и представлений о ФГ
  • Создание методической типологии обучения ФГ на примере самых употребительных
  • Организация учебной деятельности учащихся посредством сотрудничества субъектов учебного процесса
  • Стимулирование самостоятельной, коллективной деятельности учащихся при изучении ФГ
Четыре компонента содержания обучения фразовым глаголам

Четыре компонента содержания обучения фразовым глаголам

  • Теоретические знания
  • Речевые лексические навыки
  • Специфические умения оперирования фразовыми глаголами
  • Повышение коммуникативной и социокультурной мотивации и успешности процесса
Методические принципы

Методические принципы

  • Доступность
  • Сознательность
  • Наглядность
  • Коммуникативная направленность
  • Аутентичность
  • Научность
Классификация фразовых глаголов

Классификация фразовых глаголов

  • По значению послелога
  • По трудности запоминания
  • По грамматической структуре


  • Запоминаемые и объяснимые единицы необходимо тренировать с помощью системы упражнений
  • Единицы, которые невозможно толковать, необходимо запоминать наизусть с помощью упражнений различных типов
  • Тренировочные упражнения должны содержать аутентичные тексты, должны быть эффективны и доступны пониманию учащихся
Отбор лексического материала Принцип частотности Тематическое содержание обучения Интересы учащихся

Отбор лексического материала

  • Принцип частотности
  • Тематическое содержание обучения
  • Интересы учащихся

Ожидаемые результаты Овладение определенным количеством фразовых глаголов в рамках изучаемых тем Навыки распознавания ФГ в тексте (чтение и аудирование) Умения конструирования синтаксического построения с ФГ( говорение) Использование ФГ в письменной речи  ( неформальное письмо, словарная статья)

Ожидаемые результаты

  • Овладение определенным количеством фразовых глаголов в рамках изучаемых тем
  • Навыки распознавания ФГ в тексте (чтение и аудирование)
  • Умения конструирования синтаксического построения с ФГ( говорение)
  • Использование ФГ в письменной речи

( неформальное письмо, словарная статья)

  • Развитие навыков работы в индивидуальном, парном, групповом, коллективном режимах
  • Развитие навыков работы со словарем и другими справочными материалами
7 класс  Traveling Abroad. Visiting Britain. Catch up with Pick up Check in Pull in Check out See off Take off Keep up with

7 класс Traveling Abroad. Visiting Britain.

Catch up with Pick up

Check in Pull in

Check out See off

Take off Keep up with

8 класс
  • 8 класс

It’s a wonderful Planet We Live On”

get down to

get on with

get off

get in (into)

get away from


ФГ по теме

To get

9 класс “Mass Media” Bring up  ставить  вопрос  на  рассмотрение Come on    быть  готовым  к  освещению , трансляции  Fill in      заполнить  документ Come out выйти в свет, быть опубликованным Flick through  быстро  просмотреть Go into приступать к чему-то конкретному Hand out  выдавать , раздавать Look up  искать  в  справочнике, смотреть c обожанием Make out  разобрать, различить, понять, притворяться, делать вид Make up    придумать , доказать Put forward выдвигать, предлагать, содействовать See through видеть насквозь, не дать себя обмануть Stand out    выделяться  на  фоне

9 класс “Mass Media”

Bring up ставить вопрос на рассмотрение

Come on быть готовым к освещению , трансляции

Fill in заполнить документ

Come out выйти в свет, быть опубликованным

Flick through быстро просмотреть

Go into приступать к чему-то конкретному

Hand out выдавать , раздавать

Look up искать в справочнике, смотреть c обожанием

Make out разобрать, различить, понять, притворяться, делать вид

Make up придумать , доказать

Put forward выдвигать, предлагать, содействовать

See through видеть насквозь, не дать себя обмануть

Stand out выделяться на фоне

Типология упражнений

Типология упражнений

  • 1 тип - направлен на активизацию языкового материала
  • 2 тип - способствует ненаправляемой активизации языкового материала
Алгоритм обучения 1 урок  Формирование навыка 2 урок Совершенствование навыка Содержание обучения фразовым глаголам 4 урок Контроль умений и навыков 3 урок Систематизация и обобщение Развитие умений

Алгоритм обучения

1 урок



2 урок



Содержание обучения

фразовым глаголам

4 урок

Контроль умений

и навыков

3 урок


и обобщение



DRILLS 1) CT: Agree with the speaker, please, like in the model. Model:  Jack Nimble gets on very well with his aunt.  To express agreement use: That's right . Absolutely. Just so. Quite so., etc


1) CT: Agree with the speaker, please, like in the model.

Model: Jack Nimble gets on very well with his aunt.

To express agreement use: That's right . Absolutely. Just so. Quite so., etc

2) CT: Mr. Mix-up is always confusing everything. Correct him politely like in the model. Model:

2) CT: Mr. Mix-up is always confusing everything. Correct him politely like in the model. Model:

  • T: Kate really takes after her mother.
  • S: (her father) Oh, no. Kate really takes after her father.
3) CT: Mrs. Echo, as you know, can't hear properly and asks her daughter to repeat what she says. Take Mrs. Echo's part and re-ask for her.

3) CT: Mrs. Echo, as you know, can't hear properly and asks her daughter to repeat what she says. Take Mrs. Echo's part and re-ask for her.

  • Model:
  • T: Peter takes after his father.
  • S: Who does he take after?
  • T: After his father.
  • S: I see.
4) CT: Express the same idea in a different way using a phrasal verb.  Model:   - The children have very good relationships with their grandfather, he is a fine old man. -  (get on very well)

4) CT: Express the same idea in a different way using a phrasal verb.

Model: - The children have very good relationships with their grandfather, he is a fine old man.

- (get on very well)

5) Answer my questions:

5) Answer my questions:

  • Do you stand out in your class? Why?
  • Can you make up a poem or a script of a simple play?
  • Who in your group usually hands out interesting ideas?
6) Translate into English :

6) Translate into English :

  • Давайте обсудим вопрос о загрязнении окружающей среды
  • Учитель раздает нам тексты для чтения
  • Я вижу насквозь все Ваши нечестные действия
  • Мы приступили к этой теме вчера
  • Заполните эту анкету
Translate into English:

Translate into English:

  • Ему всегда удается хорошо написать любой тест Над какой проблемой сейчас работают ученые? Археологи выяснили истинный возраст этого храма Выключи газ, пожалуйста
  • Ему всегда удается хорошо написать любой тест
  • Над какой проблемой сейчас работают ученые?
  • Археологи выяснили истинный возраст этого храма
  • Выключи газ, пожалуйста
Другие типы тренировочных упражнений

Другие типы тренировочных упражнений

  • На соответствие дефиниции и значения ФГ
  • На восстановление пропущенных компонентов
  • На восстановление порядка слов
  • Решение пропорций с синонимами
  • На множественный выбор одного из компонентов
  • Ответы на вопросы с использованием ФГ
  • Составление и решение кроссвордов
  • Составление словаря ФГ
  • Написание словарной статьи
Средства обучения Сетевые образовательные сообщества: Сайты - «Фестиваль педагогических идей «Открытый урок», «Открытый класс» (презентации, тесты)  BBC Learning “Face Up to Phrasals” - аудиокурс

Средства обучения

  • Сетевые образовательные сообщества: Сайты - «Фестиваль педагогических идей «Открытый урок», «Открытый класс» (презентации, тесты)

BBC Learning “Face Up to Phrasals” - аудиокурс

  • Словари фразовых глаголов, другая справочная литература
  • Наглядно-дидактические материалы
5. Выберите правильный вариант фразового глагола “to give”  Her secret is with me, won’t … it … :   give … off 1 0 give … down 2 0 give … through  3 0 give… away 4 1 give … for 5 0 give … in 6 0 5 Далее ► Задание

5. Выберите правильный вариант фразового глагола “to give”

Her secret is with me, won’t … it … :

give … off



give … down



give … through



give… away



give … for



give … in






откладывать надевать мириться put убирать выгонять, удалять записывать






выгонять, удалять


Match the beginnings of the following sentences with their endings:

Writing a dictionary entry

What would you do if …

  • Return, usually to your home
  • Say unkind and unfair things to or criticize somebody
  • Begin doing smth seriously
  • Manage to continue your way of life
  • Have a friendly relationship with someone
  • Arrive somewhere
  • Have problems
  • Find time to do something

At this lesson you will …

work / relationship / arrival / life

At this lesson you have …

Ask your partner the following questions:

Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions:


  • Have a friendly relationship with someone
  • get on with somebody
  • Arrive somewhere
  • get to
  • Have problems
  • get into trouble
  • Find time to do something
  • get round to doing smth
  • I have very little money ! How can I manage to live on it ?
  • I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never find any time. * Can’t you ?
  • Excuse me ! How can I find a way to the nearest post office ?
  • When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relation-ship with, began criticizing me unfairly.
  • 1. They lost their way and didn’t get to the hotel until after dark.
  • 2. He has to get up at five a.m. every morning.
  • 3. Liza got up and made a cup of tea for her guest.
  • 4. Have you seen the Browns ? They just got back from Japan.
  • 5. We’re friends with Tom, but I ‘ve never got on with his sister.
  • 6. As a teenager, Joey often got into trouble with the police.
  • 7. I had such a bad cold last winter, it took me two weeks to get over it.
  • 8. My wife has never got on with my mother – they’re always arguing.
  • 9. Unfortunately, I got on a wrong bus and was
  • When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relationship with, began criticizing me unfairly.
  • When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relationship with , began criticizing me

late for work.

unfairly .

  • When I returned home

late yesterday, my mother,

who we’ve always got on

well with , began getting at me.

get into trouble

get into trouble

  • Return, usually to your home
  • get back
  • Say unkind and unfair things to or criticize somebody
  • get at somebody
  • Begin doing smth seriously
  • get down to doing smth
  • Manage to continue your way of life
  • get by


get on



get on


  • A) to have a success in one’s career
  • B) to feel well again after an illness or difficult situation
  • C) to take or leave a bus/train, etc.
  • D) to explain smth, succeed in communica-ting ideas
  • E) to wake up and leave one’s bed
  • 1. It took him ages to get his point of view across .
  • 2. Get me up at seven, would you ?
  • 3. Don’s pretty upset but he’ll get over it.
  • 4. She soon found that it wasn’t easy to get ahead in the movie business.
  • 5. He got on a wrong bus and soon had to get off it.

get over

get over

  • … got on very well with all the children…
  • … enough work to get by .
  • … his wife used to get at him .
  • … get down to some work …
  • … to get into more trouble …
  • … to get back to the village .
  • … got to his house …
  • … didn’t get round to doing much work …
  • 1. …you were feeling angry about something?
  • C) I’d get over it.
  • 2. …you had difficulty dealing with some teachers at school ?
  • E) I’d try to get on with them.
  • 3. …you had spent too much time away from home ?
  • A) I’d get back.
  • 4. …you didn’t have enough pocket money ?
  • F) I’d get by.
  • 5. …you put a lot of effort into your career ?
  • G) I’d get ahead.
  • 6. …you were late for a test ?
  • B) I’d get down to it at once.
  • 7. …your friend couldn’t understand you ?
  • D) I’d get my idea across.
  • I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese

but can never find any time.

  • A) I’d get back.
  • B) I’d get down to it at once.
  • C) I’d get over it.
  • D) I’d get my idea across.
  • E) I’d try to get on with them.
  • F) I’d get by.
  • G) I’d get ahead .
  • 1. …you were feeling angry about something?
  • 2. …you had difficulty dealing with some teachers at school ?
  • 3. …you had spent too much time away from home ?
  • 4. …you didn’t have enough pocket money ?
  • 5. …you put a lot of effort into your career ?
  • 6. …you were late for a test ?
  • 7. …your friend couldn’t understand you ?
  • Excuse me ! How can I find a way to

the nearest post office ?

  • I have very little money ! How can I manage to live on it ?
  • I have very little money !

How can I manage to live

on it ?

  • I have very little money !

How can I get by on it ?

  • spelling and structure
  • word class
  • picture
  • definition
  • examples
  • Russian
  • listen to a tale and write out phrasal verbs;
  • classify phrasal verbs and find out their definitions;
  • learn more phrasal verbs;
  • work with an English-English dictionary;
  • play “Phrasal Verb Bingo Game”;
  • write a poster with a dictionary entry;
  • speak about yourself;
  • speak about the situations you’re interested in.
  • listened to a tale and written out phrasal verbs;
  • classified phrasal verbs and found out their definitions;
  • learnt more phrasal verbs;
  • worked with an English-English dictionary;
  • played “Phrasal Verb Bingo Game”;
  • written a poster with a dictionary entry;
  • spoken about yourself and the situations you’re interested in.
  • A) back from Japan.
  • B) on a wrong bus and was late for work.
  • C) into trouble with the police.
  • D) on with my mother – they’re always arguing.
  • E) over it.
  • F) on with his sister.
  • G) up and made a cup of tea for her guest.
  • H) up at five a.m. every morning.
  • I) to the hotel until after dark.
  • 1. They lost their way and didn’t get
  • 2. He has to get
  • 3. Liza got
  • 4. Have you seen the Browns ? They just got
  • 5. We’re friends with Tom, but I ‘ve never got
  • 6. As a teenager, Joey often got
  • 7. I had such a bad cold last winter, it took me two weeks to get
  • 8. My wife has never got
  • 9. Unfortunately, I got
  • When was the last time you got over the illness ?
  • Which friend do you get on with best ?
  • What school subjects are you not very good at but you get by ?
  • Who usually gets at you at home when you get bad marks ?
  • What do you want to get across to your parents to get on well with them ?
  • What activities have you always wanted to get down to but never got round ?
  • What work or business would you like to get down to after finishing school ?
  • work –
  • get down, get round
  • relationship –
  • get on with , get at
  • arrival –
  • get to, get back
  • life -
  • get by, get into trouble
  • How can teachers get on their salary ?

  • He has got some problems, but I’m sure he can get them.
  • I’ll have to get to work soon – I’ve got lots to do.


get ahead

get ahead



  • Excuse me ! How can I find a way to the nearest post office ?
  • Excuse me ! How can I get to the nearest post office ?
  • I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never find any time.
  • I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never get round to it .

get round

get round

  • Have a good relationship with smb
  • We get on with our neighbours very well.
  • Continue doing smth after an interruption
  • After I put down the phone, I got on with my work.

get up



get up

get across

get down to

get down to

get across

  • When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relationship with, began criticizing me unfairly.


  • I’ve always wanted to start learning

Japanese but can never find any time.

  • Can’t you ?
  • I have very little money ! How can I manage to live on it ?
  • Excuse me ! How can I find a way to the nearest post office ?


get off

get off

get at

get at

get by

get by
































  • I have very little money ! How can I manage to live on it ?
Warming-Up I’ve always wanted to start learning  Japanese but can never find any time. Can’t you ? 2


  • I’ve always wanted to start learning

Japanese but can never find any time.

  • Can’t you ?


Warming-Up Excuse me ! How can I find a way to the nearest post office ? 3


  • Excuse me ! How can I find a way to the nearest post office ?


Warming-Up When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relationship with, began criticizing me unfairly. 4


  • When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relationship with, began criticizing me unfairly.


I have very little money ! How can I manage  to live on it ?   I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never find any time.  * Can’t you ?   Excuse me ! How can I find a way to the nearest post office ?   When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relation-ship with, began criticizing me unfairly.
  • I have very little money ! How can I manage to live on it ?
  • I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never find any time. * Can’t you ?
  • Excuse me ! How can I find a way to the nearest post office ?
  • When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relation-ship with, began criticizing me unfairly.


get into trouble get on get over get ahead get round get up get across get down to get off get at get by 6

get into trouble

get on

get over

get ahead

get round

get up

get across

get down to

get off

get at

get by




At this lesson you will …  listen to a tale  and write out phrasal verbs; classify phrasal verbs and find out their definitions; learn more phrasal verbs; work with an English-English dictionary; play “Phrasal Verb Bingo Game”; write a poster with a dictionary entry; speak about yourself; speak about the situations you’re interested in. 8

At this lesson you will …

  • listen to a tale and write out phrasal verbs;
  • classify phrasal verbs and find out their definitions;
  • learn more phrasal verbs;
  • work with an English-English dictionary;
  • play “Phrasal Verb Bingo Game”;
  • write a poster with a dictionary entry;
  • speak about yourself;
  • speak about the situations you’re interested in.


4 3 2 1 9






… got on  very well  with  all the children… … enough work  to get by . … his wife used  to get at  him . … get down to  some work … … to get into  more  trouble … … to get back to  the village . … got to  his house … … didn’t get round to  doing much work …
  • … got on very well with all the children…
  • … enough work to get by .
  • … his wife used to get at him .
  • … get down to some work …
  • … to get into more trouble …
  • … to get back to the village .
  • … got to his house …
  • … didn’t get round to doing much work …


work / relationship / arrival / life work –  get down, get round  relationship –  get  on with , get at arrival –  get to, get back  life -  get by, get into trouble 11

work / relationship / arrival / life

  • work –
  • get down, get round
  • relationship –
  • get on with , get at
  • arrival –
  • get to, get back
  • life -
  • get by, get into trouble


Return, usually to your home  Say unkind and unfair things to or criticize somebody  Begin doing smth seriously  Manage to continue your way of life  Have a friendly relationship with someone  Arrive somewhere  Have problems  Find time to do something
  • Return, usually to your home
  • Say unkind and unfair things to or criticize somebody
  • Begin doing smth seriously
  • Manage to continue your way of life
  • Have a friendly relationship with someone
  • Arrive somewhere
  • Have problems
  • Find time to do something


Return, usually to your home    get back  Say unkind and unfair things to or criticize somebody   get at somebody Begin doing smth seriously    get down to doing smth Manage to continue your way of life    get by
  • Return, usually to your home
  • get back
  • Say unkind and unfair things to or criticize somebody
  • get at somebody
  • Begin doing smth seriously
  • get down to doing smth
  • Manage to continue your way of life
  • get by


Have a friendly relationship with someone    get on with somebody Arrive somewhere     get to Have problems    get into trouble Find time to do something    get round to doing smth
  • Have a friendly relationship with someone
  • get on with somebody
  • Arrive somewhere
  • get to
  • Have problems
  • get into trouble
  • Find time to do something
  • get round to doing smth


1. It took him ages to get his point of view across . 2. Get me up at seven, would you ? 3. Don’s pretty upset but he’ll get over it. 4. She soon found that it wasn’t easy to get ahead in the movie business. 5. He got on a wrong bus and soon had to get off it.   A) to have a success in one’s career B) to feel well again after an illness or difficult situation C) to take or leave a bus/train, etc. D) to explain smth, succeed in communica-ting ideas E) to wake up and leave one’s bed
  • 1. It took him ages to get his point of view across .
  • 2. Get me up at seven, would you ?
  • 3. Don’s pretty upset but he’ll get over it.
  • 4. She soon found that it wasn’t easy to get ahead in the movie business.
  • 5. He got on a wrong bus and soon had to get off it.
  • A) to have a success in one’s career
  • B) to feel well again after an illness or difficult situation
  • C) to take or leave a bus/train, etc.
  • D) to explain smth, succeed in communica-ting ideas
  • E) to wake up and leave one’s bed


I have very little money ! How can I manage  to live on it ? I have very little money !  How can I manage to live   on it ? I have very little money !
  • I have very little money ! How can I manage to live on it ?
  • I have very little money !

How can I manage to live

on it ?

  • I have very little money !

How can I get by on it ?


I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese  but can never find any time. I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never find any time. I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never get round to it .
  • I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese

but can never find any time.

  • I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never find any time.
  • I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never get round to it .


Excuse me ! How can I find a way to  the nearest post office ? Excuse me ! How can I find a way  to the nearest post office ? Excuse me ! How can I get to the nearest post office ?
  • Excuse me ! How can I find a way to

the nearest post office ?

  • Excuse me ! How can I find a way to the nearest post office ?
  • Excuse me ! How can I get to the nearest post office ?


When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relationship with, began criticizing me unfairly. When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relationship with , began criticizing me  unfairly . When I returned home
  • When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relationship with, began criticizing me unfairly.
  • When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relationship with , began criticizing me

unfairly .

  • When I returned home

late yesterday, my mother,

who we’ve always got on

well with , began getting at me.


Match the beginnings of the following sentences with their endings: 1. They lost their way and didn’t get 2. He has to get 3. Liza got 4. Have you seen the Browns ? They just got 5. We’re friends with Tom, but I ‘ve never got 6. As a teenager, Joey often got 7. I had such a bad cold last winter, it took me two weeks to get 8. My wife has never got 9. Unfortunately, I got  A) back from Japan. B) on a wrong bus and was late for work. C) into trouble with the police. D) on with my mother – they’re always arguing. E) over it. F) on with his sister. G) up and made a cup of tea for her guest. H) up at five a.m. every morning. I) to the hotel until after dark.  20

Match the beginnings of the following sentences with their endings:

  • 1. They lost their way and didn’t get
  • 2. He has to get
  • 3. Liza got
  • 4. Have you seen the Browns ? They just got
  • 5. We’re friends with Tom, but I ‘ve never got
  • 6. As a teenager, Joey often got
  • 7. I had such a bad cold last winter, it took me two weeks to get
  • 8. My wife has never got
  • 9. Unfortunately, I got
  • A) back from Japan.
  • B) on a wrong bus and was late for work.
  • C) into trouble with the police.
  • D) on with my mother – they’re always arguing.
  • E) over it.
  • F) on with his sister.
  • G) up and made a cup of tea for her guest.
  • H) up at five a.m. every morning.
  • I) to the hotel until after dark.


1. They lost their way and didn’t get to the hotel until after dark. 2. He has to get up at five a.m. every morning. 3. Liza got up and made a cup of tea for her guest. 4. Have you seen the Browns ? They just got back from Japan. 5. We’re friends with Tom, but I ‘ve never got on with his sister. 6. As a teenager, Joey often got into trouble with the police.  7. I had such a bad cold last winter, it took me two weeks to get over it. 8. My wife has never got on with my mother – they’re always arguing. 9. Unfortunately, I got on a wrong bus and was
  • 1. They lost their way and didn’t get to the hotel until after dark.
  • 2. He has to get up at five a.m. every morning.
  • 3. Liza got up and made a cup of tea for her guest.
  • 4. Have you seen the Browns ? They just got back from Japan.
  • 5. We’re friends with Tom, but I ‘ve never got on with his sister.
  • 6. As a teenager, Joey often got into trouble with the police.
  • 7. I had such a bad cold last winter, it took me two weeks to get over it.
  • 8. My wife has never got on with my mother – they’re always arguing.
  • 9. Unfortunately, I got on a wrong bus and was

late for work.


Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions: How can teachers get  on their salary ?      He has got some problems, but I’m sure he can get them.  I’ll have to get to work soon – I’ve got lots to do.   by over down 22

Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions:

  • How can teachers get on their salary ?

  • He has got some problems, but I’m sure he can get them.
  • I’ll have to get to work soon – I’ve got lots to do.





Writing a dictionary entry  spelling and structure   word class   picture   definition    examples    Russian 23

Writing a dictionary entry

  • spelling and structure
  • word class
  • picture
  • definition
  • examples
  • Russian


WARNING :   GET ON WITH Have a good relationship with smb  We get on with our neighbours very well. Continue doing smth after an interruption  After I put down the phone, I got on with my work. 24


  • Have a good relationship with smb
  • We get on with our neighbours very well.
  • Continue doing smth after an interruption
  • After I put down the phone, I got on with my work.


What would you do if … A) I’d get back. B) I’d get down to it at once. C) I’d get over it. D) I’d get my idea across. E) I’d try to get on with them. F) I’d get by. G) I’d get ahead . 1. …you were feeling angry about something? 2. …you had difficulty dealing with some teachers at school ? 3. …you had spent too much time away from home ? 4. …you  didn’t have enough pocket money ? 5. …you put a lot of effort into your career ? 6. …you were late for a test ? 7. …your friend couldn’t understand you ? 25

What would you do if …

  • A) I’d get back.
  • B) I’d get down to it at once.
  • C) I’d get over it.
  • D) I’d get my idea across.
  • E) I’d try to get on with them.
  • F) I’d get by.
  • G) I’d get ahead .
  • 1. …you were feeling angry about something?
  • 2. …you had difficulty dealing with some teachers at school ?
  • 3. …you had spent too much time away from home ?
  • 4. …you didn’t have enough pocket money ?
  • 5. …you put a lot of effort into your career ?
  • 6. …you were late for a test ?
  • 7. …your friend couldn’t understand you ?


1. …you were feeling angry about something?  C) I’d get over it. 2. …you had difficulty dealing with some teachers at school ?  E) I’d try to get on with them. 3. …you had spent too much time away from home ? A) I’d get back. 4. …you didn’t have enough pocket money ? F) I’d get by. 5. …you put a lot of effort into your career ? G) I’d get ahead. 6. …you were late for a test ? B) I’d get down to it at once. 7. …your friend couldn’t understand you ? D) I’d get my idea across.
  • 1. …you were feeling angry about something?
  • C) I’d get over it.
  • 2. …you had difficulty dealing with some teachers at school ?
  • E) I’d try to get on with them.
  • 3. …you had spent too much time away from home ?
  • A) I’d get back.
  • 4. …you didn’t have enough pocket money ?
  • F) I’d get by.
  • 5. …you put a lot of effort into your career ?
  • G) I’d get ahead.
  • 6. …you were late for a test ?
  • B) I’d get down to it at once.
  • 7. …your friend couldn’t understand you ?
  • D) I’d get my idea across.


Ask your partner the following questions: When was the last time you got over the illness ? Which friend do you get on with best ? What school subjects are you not very good at but you get by ? Who usually gets at you at home when you get bad marks ? What do you want to get across to your parents to get on well with them ? What activities have you always wanted to get down to but never got round ? What work or business would you like to get down to after finishing school ?  27

Ask your partner the following questions:

  • When was the last time you got over the illness ?
  • Which friend do you get on with best ?
  • What school subjects are you not very good at but you get by ?
  • Who usually gets at you at home when you get bad marks ?
  • What do you want to get across to your parents to get on well with them ?
  • What activities have you always wanted to get down to but never got round ?
  • What work or business would you like to get down to after finishing school ?


At this lesson you have …  listened to a tale  and written out phrasal verbs; classified phrasal verbs and found out their definitions; learnt more phrasal verbs; worked with an English-English dictionary; played “Phrasal Verb Bingo Game”; written a poster with a dictionary entry; spoken about yourself and the situations you’re interested in. 28

At this lesson you have …

  • listened to a tale and written out phrasal verbs;
  • classified phrasal verbs and found out their definitions;
  • learnt more phrasal verbs;
  • worked with an English-English dictionary;
  • played “Phrasal Verb Bingo Game”;
  • written a poster with a dictionary entry;
  • spoken about yourself and the situations you’re interested in.


get into trouble get on get over get ahead THE END get round get up get down to get across get off get at get by 29

get into trouble

get on

get over

get ahead


get round

get up

get down to

get across

get off

get at

get by


Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions:

Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions:

  • How can teachers get on their salary ?
  • He has got some problems, but I’m sure he can get them.
  • I’ll have to get to work soon – I’ve got lots to do.
When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relationship with, began criticizing me unfairly. When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relationship with , began criticizing me  unfairly . When I returned home
  • When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relationship with, began criticizing me unfairly.
  • When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relationship with , began criticizing me

unfairly .

  • When I returned home

late yesterday, my mother,

who we’ve always got on

well with , began getting at me .

Excuse me ! How can I find a way to  the nearest post office ? Excuse me ! How can I find a way  to the nearest post office ? Excuse me ! How can I get to the nearest post office ?
  • Excuse me ! How can I find a way to

the nearest post office ?

  • Excuse me ! How can I find a way to the nearest post office ?
  • Excuse me ! How can I get to the nearest post office ?
I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese  but can never find any time. I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never find any time. I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never get round to it .
  • I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese

but can never find any time.

  • I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never find any time.
  • I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never get round to it .
I have very little money ! How can I manage  to live on it ? I have very little money !  How can I manage to live   on it ? I have very little money !
  • I have very little money ! How can I manage to live on it ?
  • I have very little money !

How can I manage to live

on it ?

  • I have very little money !

How can I get by on it ?

Writing a dictionary entry  spelling and structure

Writing a dictionary entry

  • spelling and structure

  • word class
  • picture
  • definition
  • examples
  • Russian

                                                                                  Уровень сформированности ЗУН учащихся 9 класса за 2008 -2009, 2009 -2010 и 1 четверть 2010 -2011 учебного года по основным видам речевой деятельности

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Уровень сформированности ЗУН учащихся 9 класса по основным видам речевой деятельности

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Общая успеваемость учащихся 8.2 и 9 А классов по четвертям 2009-2010 и 1 четверти 2010-2011 учебного года



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Отмечается адекватное использование учащимися ФГ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • У учащихся сформировались навыки восприятия и идентификации изучаемых ЛЕ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Учащиеся могут использовать ФГ в несложной речевой ситуации
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Принцип отбора лексических единиц и упражнений способствуют развитию идиоматичности и коммуникативной компетенции у учащихся
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Изучение ФГ повышает мотивацию учащихся к изучению лексики и изучению иностранного языка вцелом.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  As long as we remember,  we live…

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  As long as we remember,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  we live…

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  300 thousand left to the front in 1941 180 thousand did not return from the battlefields 300 Ryazaners were awarded the Title of a Hero of the Soviet Union 43 fighters became the Officers of the Order of Glory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • 300 thousand left to the front in 1941
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • 180 thousand did not return from the battlefields
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • 300 Ryazaners were awarded the Title of a Hero of the Soviet Union
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • 43 fighters became the Officers of the Order of Glory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Alexander Firsov Ivan Zemnukhov Valery Utkin Alexander Tipanov Feodor Poletayev Alexey Kashirin  Vladimir Molotsov Nikolay Stroykov
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Alexander Firsov
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Ivan Zemnukhov
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Valery Utkin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Alexander Tipanov
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Feodor Poletayev
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Alexey Kashirin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Vladimir Molotsov
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Nikolay Stroykov
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Leonid Novospassky Andrey Kotlyar Grigory Mahovoy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Leonid Novospassky
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Andrey Kotlyar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Grigory Mahovoy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ivan Zavrazhnov Antonina Zubkova Yeugeny Pichugin Ivan Grachev
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Ivan Zavrazhnov
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Antonina Zubkova
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Yeugeny Pichugin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Ivan Grachev

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Получите в подарок сайт учителя

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Предмет: Английский язык

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Категория: Презентации

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Технология обучения фразовым глаголам на занятиях дополнительного образования

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Автор: Кобзарь Алла Викторовна

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Дата: 25.11.2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Номер свидетельства: 258307

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