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Theme: He has broken his leg

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 Презентация для 7 класса по английскому языку на тему : " He has broken his leg". В этом презентации рассказывается про  не  традиционном методе обучения неправильных глаголов.

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«Theme: He has broken his leg»

Tasdiqlayman: maktab direktori _________Tolibov Kh . M. Zarafshon shahar  10-umumta’lim maktabining  ingliz tili fani o’qituvchisi  Kalandarov Shuxrat Maxmudovichning  7-sinflar uchun ingliz tili fanidan “He’s broken his leg ”  mavzusidagi 1 soatlik dars ishlanmasi.    Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10


maktab direktori

_________Tolibov Kh . M.

Zarafshon shahar 10-umumta’lim maktabining ingliz tili fani o’qituvchisi Kalandarov Shuxrat Maxmudovichning 7-sinflar uchun ingliz tili fanidan “He’s broken his leg ” mavzusidagi 1 soatlik dars ishlanmasi.

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

The technology map of the lesson Names of task Definitions of working moment I. Organizing moment   Greeting, report of the duty, short conversation, checking up the homework. II. Objectives of new theme Method to enable pupils to talk about accident, present perfect tense, regular and irregular verbs; to develop pupils reading, speaking, listening, writing and grammar rules . III. To fix new theme conversation Time 2 minute  Doing the task of new lesson. Warm up, pronunciation exercise, matching exercise, complete the sentences, listening task, grammar rules, working with map, speaking task. IV. Total marks Interactive To practice exercises and tasks 25 minute V. Homework Count the points of groups and announce winners and put the marks. 16 minute Homework is given according to the academic plan Analyzing and conversation 1 minute 1 minute Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

The technology map of the lesson

Names of task

Definitions of working moment

I. Organizing moment

Greeting, report of the duty, short conversation, checking up the homework.

II. Objectives of new theme


to enable pupils to talk about accident, present perfect tense, regular and irregular verbs; to develop pupils reading, speaking, listening, writing and grammar rules .

III. To fix new theme



2 minute

Doing the task of new lesson.

Warm up, pronunciation exercise, matching exercise, complete the sentences, listening task, grammar rules, working with map, speaking task.

IV. Total marks


To practice exercises and tasks

25 minute

V. Homework

Count the points of groups and announce winners and put the marks.

16 minute

Homework is given according to the academic plan

Analyzing and conversation

1 minute

1 minute

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

1. Educational aim: 2. Developing aim: According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop pupils’ self educational skills, analyzing and systematizing skills of knowledge, develop to report According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to own ideas, communicative skills. improve pupils’ ideal-political knowledge, to form their developing skills and abilities He’s broken  his leg The Theme:  Objectives : 3.Socio-cultural: According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ knowledge, experience. Teach pupils new grammar rules, new words, improve their listening, reading, oral speech and writing skills. Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10


Educational aim:

2. Developing aim: According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop pupils’ self educational skills, analyzing and systematizing skills of knowledge, develop to report

According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to

own ideas, communicative skills.

improve pupils’ ideal-political knowledge, to form their developing skills and abilities

He’s broken his leg

The Theme:

Objectives :

3.Socio-cultural: According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ knowledge, experience. Teach pupils new

grammar rules, new words, improve their listening, reading, oral speech and writing skills.

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

The equipment of the lesson :   computer book  The type of the lesson: mixed Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

The equipment of the lesson :



The type of the lesson:


Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

The procedure of the lesson   I. Organizing moment: The beginning of the lesson: greeting :  T:Good morning, children.  PPs: Good morning, teacher.  b) report of the duty:  T: Who is on duty today?  PPs: I’m on duty at the lesson for today.  T: Who is absent today?  PPs: All are present  c) short conversation :  T: What date is it today?  PPs: Today is the 17 th of May.  T:What day is it today?   PPs: It is Thursday .  T: What is season now?  PPs: Now is spring.  T: What is the weather like today?  PPs: Today is warm, the sun shine, the sky is blue. II . Class expression :  Sit down, open your books and workbooks, look, listen, read and write. Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

The procedure of the lesson

  • I. Organizing moment:
  • The beginning of the lesson:
  • greeting :
  • T:Good morning, children.
  • PPs: Good morning, teacher.
  • b) report of the duty:
  • T: Who is on duty today?
  • PPs: I’m on duty at the lesson for today.
  • T: Who is absent today?
  • PPs: All are present
  • c) short conversation :
  • T: What date is it today?
  • PPs: Today is the 17 th of May.
  • T:What day is it today?
  • PPs: It is Thursday .
  • T: What is season now?
  • PPs: Now is spring.
  • T: What is the weather like today?
  • PPs: Today is warm, the sun shine, the sky is blue.
  • II . Class expression : Sit down, open your books and workbooks, look, listen, read and write.

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

The main part of the lesson: 1.Cheking up the homework 2. Explain new theme 3. Give task 4. To check exercises Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

The main part of the lesson:

  • 1.Cheking up the homework
  • 2. Explain new theme
  • 3. Give task
  • 4. To check exercises

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Day Memory Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10



Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Listen and sing together Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Listen and sing together

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Irregular verbs Most verbs in English are regular but some of the most common verbs in English are irregular. The forms here are the infinitive ( go, come), the past simple (went, came, ) and the past participle ( gone, come)  Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Irregular verbs

Most verbs in English are regular but some of the most common verbs in English are irregular. The forms here are the infinitive

( go, come), the past simple (went, came, ) and the past participle ( gone, come)

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

All forms the same
  • All forms the same



















Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Two different forms run ran keep run kept come came kept meet met win come won make met won made made Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Two different forms



















Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Three different forms
  • Three different forms

























Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Look, listen and do. Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Look, listen and do.

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Fill in: since, for, already, just or yet. John has ••  just •  finished his homework. His books are still on the table. 2 I haven ' t seen Sarah ............. 2007. 3 They haven't bought the tickets for the concert . •  •  •  ••  •• . •  ••  • . . 4 We ' ve lived here • .. •• . •••••••  ten years. 5 He's •••••••• . ••  come back from jogging and he's a bit tired. 6 We ' ve • ...... •••••  seen that film. Can we watch something else?  Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Fill in: since, for, already, just or yet.

John has •• just finished his homework.

His books are still on the table.

2 I haven ' t seen Sarah ............. 2007.

3 They haven't bought the tickets for the

concert . • • • •• •• . • •• • . .

4 We ' ve lived here • .. •• . ••••••• ten years.

5 He's •••••••• . •• come back from jogging

and he's a bit tired.

6 We ' ve • ...... ••••• seen that film. Can we

watch something else?

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Correct the mistakes. We have bought a new sofa last month. Jim lives in Germany for three years. My father has went fishing. She is just moved house. We have eaten lunch at one o’clock. Ann and Tom have got married ten years ago. Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Correct the mistakes.

  • We have bought a new sofa last month.
  • Jim lives in Germany for three years.
  • My father has went fishing.
  • She is just moved house.
  • We have eaten lunch at one o’clock.
  • Ann and Tom have got married ten years ago.

Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Homework Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10


Kalandarov Sh. sch.#10

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Theme: He has broken his leg

Автор: Kalandarov Shukhrat Makhmudovich

Дата: 21.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 547397

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