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The theme: "Human beings" (open lesson) 5th grade

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In this lesson, students learn to describe themself and other people using the structure "have, has got" and the words of parts of body.

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«The theme: "Human beings" (open lesson) 5th grade»

Guess the animals Listening  to develop students’ skills

Guess the animals


to develop students’ skills

Unit 2 “Living things”  The theme: Human beings Lesson objectives  Pronounce and name parts of body    Respond to the questions correctly

Unit 2 “Living things” The theme: Human beings

Lesson objectives

  • Pronounce and name parts of body

  • Respond to the questions correctly

  • Compare and describe the picture
Бас- Head

Бас- Head

Бет- Face

Бет- Face

Көздер- Eyes

Көздер- Eyes

Мұрын- Nose

Мұрын- Nose

Ауыз- Mouth

Ауыз- Mouth

Құлақтар- Ears

Құлақтар- Ears

Шаш- Hair

Шаш- Hair

Мойын- Neck

Мойын- Neck

Қол- Arms

Қол- Arms

Қол- Hand

Қол- Hand

Саусақтар- Fingers

Саусақтар- Fingers

Иықтар- Shoulders

Иықтар- Shoulders

Дене- Body

Дене- Body

Аяқтар - Legs

Аяқтар - Legs



Have, has got I have got You have got He , she, it has got You have got We have got They have got Aydos has got

Have, has got

I have got

You have got

He , she, it has got

You have got

We have got

They have got

Aydos has got

Haven’t hasn’t got I haven't got You haven't got He, she, it hasn’t got You haven't got We haven't got They haven't got Aydos hasn’t got

Haven’t hasn’t got

I haven't got

You haven't got

He, she, it hasn’t got

You haven't got

We haven't got

They haven't got

Aydos hasn’t got

Question Forms Have I got? Have you got? Has he, she, it got? Have you got? Have we got? Have they got? Has Jandos got?

Question Forms

Have I got?

Have you got?

Has he, she, it got?

Have you got?

Have we got?

Have they got?

Has Jandos got?

Let’s practice I ………a car. You ……..an umbrella. He …………a friend. They ………..ticket to Antalya We ………….a map of Kash. Aydos …………some books My teacher …………….a computer.

Let’s practice

I ………a car.

You ……..an umbrella.

He …………a friend.

They ………..ticket to Antalya

We ………….a map of Kash.

Aydos …………some books

My teacher …………….a computer.

Complete the sentences

Complete the sentences

Guess the famous person

Guess the famous person

Guess the famous person

Guess the famous person

Guess the famous person

Guess the famous person

Guess the famous person

Guess the famous person

Guess the famous person

Guess the famous person

Home work ex.5, p.

Home work ex.5, p.

Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

The theme: "Human beings" (open lesson) 5th grade

Автор: Туребекова Динара Ордабековна

Дата: 19.10.2021

Номер свидетельства: 588956

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