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The bridge of friendship

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To enrich: students knowledge giving them more information about Great  Britain and Kazakhstan.

        To enlarge: pupils vocabulary; to pay attention to their pronunciation; to  teach  to work creatively.

     To practice: grammar  material

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«The bridge of friendship »

The bridge of friendship

The bridge of friendship

To enrich : students knowledge giving them more information about Great Britain and Kazakhstan.  To  enlarge : pupils vocabulary; to pay attention to their pronunciation; to teach to work creatively.  To practice: grammar material.

To enrich : students knowledge giving them more information about Great Britain and Kazakhstan.

To enlarge : pupils vocabulary; to pay attention to their pronunciation; to teach to work creatively.

To practice: grammar material.

Answer the questions Where were you born? How many languages do you speak? Do you play any musical instruments? What is your favorite subject? What is favorite sport ? What do you want to be? What day is it today? What is your favorite color? What month is it now? What day was it yesterday?

Answer the questions

Where were you born?

How many languages do you speak?

Do you play any musical instruments?

What is your favorite subject?

What is favorite sport ?

What do you want to be?

What day is it today?

What is your favorite color?

What month is it now?

What day was it yesterday?

There is a dig house. The house is yellow with a red roof. There are two windows in the house and one door.  There is a black dog near the house.   There is a green tree. To the right of the tree two flowers. One of the flowers is red, the second flower is blue. In the tree there is a fat cat. Read the text

There is a dig house. The house is yellow with a red roof. There are two windows in the house and one door. There is a black dog near the house.

There is a green tree. To the right of the tree two flowers. One of the flowers is red, the second flower is blue. In the tree there is a fat cat.

Read the text

Polyglot  1 глава государства 2 обычай и традиции- 3река- 4 гора- 5 музей- 6 подросток- 7 молодежь- 8 будущее- 9пословицы- 10 мечта- 11 свободное время- 12 еда-


1 глава государства

2 обычай и традиции-


4 гора-

5 музей-

6 подросток-

7 молодежь-

8 будущее-


10 мечта-

11 свободное время-

12 еда-

Do you know?

Do you know?

  • The first Kazakh spaceman?
  • What are there in the national flag?
  • The oldest name of the capital of Kazakhstan?
  • When was the Declaration of Independence proclaimed?
  • How many provinces are there in Kazakhstan?
  • What is the capital of Great Britain?
  • The river in the UK?
  • Very popular sport in Britain?
  • The famous clock in Britain?
  • The national symbol of England?
Who is the quickest?

Who is the quickest?

  • The capital of Kazakhstan.
  • Your father’s father.
  • White, blue, grey are ……
  • The fourth letter of the English alphabet.
  • Who wrote the music of Kazakhstan anthem?
  • How old are you?
  • Nineteen and eight is …..
  • What is English for “саяхат”?
  • Name the 2 parts of the body.
  • Who works at school?
The capital of the USA. Your father’s mother. Winter, spring, summer are ……. The third letter of the English alphabet. Who wrote the words for Kazakhstan anthem? Where do you live? Sixty and ten is …….. What is English for “кеме”? Name the 2 school subjects. Who works at the hospital?
  • The capital of the USA.
  • Your father’s mother.
  • Winter, spring, summer are …….
  • The third letter of the English alphabet.
  • Who wrote the words for Kazakhstan anthem?
  • Where do you live?
  • Sixty and ten is ……..
  • What is English for “кеме”?
  • Name the 2 school subjects.
  • Who works at the hospital?
Brush up our grammar

Brush up our grammar

  • I _____ for my test since I got up. (study)
  • _______ you finished that book yet? (finish)
  • He looks terrible! What __ he ___ all night? (do)
  • It’s _____ for days – will it ever stop? (rain)
  • My friends and I ____ since 2 o’clock. (sunbath)
  • Sally _____ news since she left university. (report)
  • I ______ this book since eight o’clock, and I still have not finished! (read)
  • I _____ English for two years. (read)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

The bridge of friendship

Автор: Сапаргалиева Сауле Маликовна

Дата: 07.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 198344

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