Mushel toi.
Boy: What a happy day today!
Girl: Day today!
Boy: All the children dance and play!
Girl: Dance and play.
Boy: All the children are very gay!
Girl: Very gay.
Boy: Oh, the happy, happy day!
Boy and girl: Happy day!
One of the Chekhov’s Characters said that everything must be beautiful in a person- face,
Dress, spirit and mind. We don’t mean good looks alone when we speak about someone’s beauty. We want to see, as Chekhov wrote, a “beautiful spirit and mind” in a person. In additions, very important are his actions. We know many examples, when many people have shown the beauty of their character by their actions
Дефиле под музыку « мой ласковый, нежный»
Teacher: Good afternoon, dear teachers, pupils, guests. I am very glad to see you
Today we begin our open upbringing holiday “ Kazakhstan- Great Britain, Astana- London- the bridge of friendship and cooperation”.
Т : Our holiday will be held in the form of a TV program.
Диктор ?аза?стан; ?айырлы к?н, ??рметті к?рермендер! ?аза?стан- ?лыбритания- Астана- Лондон атты тікелей телек?пірін бастайды. Б?гін бізді? студиямызда Ке?арал орта мектебіні? о?ушылары Лондон ?аласыны? о?ушыларымен таныспа?шы.Бізді? корреспондент о?ушылардан интервью алады.
Корреспондент ?аза?стан: ??рметті о?ушылар: Б?гін сіздер бізді? студияда тікелей эфирде британды? о?ушылармен кездесіп т?рсыздар. Б?гінгі кездесуден не к?тудеміз. Ой- пікірлерімізді орта?а салайы?.
1о?ушы: Мені? атым.... Мен , сынып о?ушысымын. Мектепте а?ылшын тілін ?йренудемін. Лондон ?аласыны? о?ушыларымен хат жазысып т?райын деп едім.
2- о?ушы: Мені? атым .... Жазда мен Лондон ?аласында болып едім. Бір баламен таныстым. Оны? аты Билл Уайт. Осы эфирде досымды к?ргім келеді..
О?ушы. Мен Лондон ?аласы, жалпы Британия туралы білгім келеді.
Корреспондент ?аз.: Рахмет, о?ушылар! Енді с?зді бізді? диктор?а берейік.
Диктор ?аз. Рахмет! Тікелей эфирде Лондон ?аласыны? Джюли Бейкер дикторымен байланыстамыз.
Hello, London! Hello, Джюли! How are you? Can you hear me?
Julie Baker: OK! Good day! I’ m very glad to see you today. I” m fine. Thank you.
Dictor Kaz.. There are the pupils of Kenaral secondary school in our studio. They want to meet with English pupils and ask questions.
Julie Baker: OK. There are the pupils of British school.Our correspondent interviews them.
Correspondent ( London): Good day, dear pupils! Please tell about yourselves.
1st pupil: My name is … I am 13 and I live in London.We have today a good opportunity to see and speak with our friends from Kazakhstan. We are all interested in history and holidays, traditions of Kazakhstan and G.B. will be stronger from year to year.
2nd pupil: My name is … I am from the 7 th form. I want meet with a girl from Kazakhstan. Please, tell us what do you know Kazakh people’s traditions, customs with baby born
Dialogues Greetings (Встреча английской делегации)
Leader 1; Hello! How do you do!
Leader 2; Good day! You are welcome to our Place!
Leader 1; thanks. I’m so glad.
Leader 2; Here you are.
Leader 1: Thank you.
Leader 2: Feel yourself like at home.
Leader 1: I am very much obliged to you. How are you?
Leader 2: I’m fine thank you. And you?
Leader 1: I’m o.k. thank you. Allow me to introduce myself I’m Mr. Miram.
Leader 2: My name is miss Ainagul.
Leader 1: Miss, allow me to introduce you my friends. My companion miss Dana.
Leader 2: My name is Ainagul.
Dana: Pleased to meet you.
Ainagul: Did you enjoy trip? How do you feel?
Dana: Wonderful!
Miram: We are from G.B. We are very glad that we have come to your country.
Dana: We are here as tourists by invitation.
Ainagul: Permit me to invite you on the holiday” Mushel toi”
Miram: With pleasure.
Ainagul: Have a nice time!
(Слышется плач ребенка) С?іншімен - жа?сы хабармен ж?гіріп келеді бала.
- Оспанов Мирам о?иды.
1. Shildekhana Zholdybaeva Dana. (intо English)
Shildehana is a toi organized when a baby is born. At the daytime friends and relatives come to wish well, they say “kutty bolsyn” (be happy).
In the evening the guests gather and have fun, sing songs, play dombra ( Kazakh national instrument with two strings), and enjoy their food.
Please, tell us what do you know Kazakh people’s traditions, customs with baby born?
Correspondent (Kaz.) : о??шылар, британды? о?ушылар?а ?аза? салт –д?ст?рлер туралы ?нгімелеп берейік.
2. Ат ?ою. Ердосов К. А.
3. Баланы майлап сылы?анда
4. ?с-?с
5. Бесікті аластау
6. Бесіке б?леу
7. Бесіктен баланы шешіп аларда
8. Киім кигізгенде
Бала т?рбиесіне байланысты салт-д?ст?рлер
?ай халы?та да ж?байлар отбасын ??р?ан со?, олар баласы болуын арман етеді. Себебі бала-?мірді? жал?асы, отбасыны? жеміс берер г?лі, ерлі-зайыптыларды? тіреу-ді?гегі. Сонды?тан да ?аза? хал?ы «Бесіксіз ?йде береке жо?» деп ой топшыла?ан.
Жас н?рестені?, ?сіресі ?л баланы? ?мірге келуі отбасы м?шелеріне, ?кесі мен атасына, на?ашы ж?ртына ?лкен ?уаныш ?келген. С?йінші с?рай алдынан шы??ан адам ?л болса «Ат ?стар» деп, ?ыз болса «?ыры? жеті» деп хабарла?ан.
С?билік салт жырлары
Баланы ту?ан к?нінен бастап к?н аралата т?зды сумен шомылдыру, маймен денесін сылау, ?с-?с деп ?ол-ая?ын керіп-созу,онда ?ле?мен-
(Балдыр?анны? ?ол-ая?ын созу)
Етті болсын балтырын,
Епті боп ?с жар?ыным.
Бесікті аластау кезінде-
Алас, алас, баладан алас,
Иесі келді, п?лесі ??ш!
Айы? тусын о?ы?нан,
К?ні? тусын солы?нан
Мал менен басы? те? ?сіп,
Кетпесін д?улет ?асы?нан!
?лен «?лемні? жары?ын»
Dialogues: Dana and Ainagul
D: What is a wonderful song!
A; Excuse me, please. May ask some questions?
D: Sure!
A: What is your job? Do you work? Do you Study?
D: I do’nt work.
A: What is your profession?
D: I am future interpreter. I like travelling.
A: Where do you study?
D: I study at Cambrige, Iam studying languages. What is your job?
A: I am student.
D: I am interested in Kazakh customs and traditions. I am interested Kazakh Literature.
A: Do you know the works of Kazakh writers?
D: Yes. I am acquainted with the creative work. What is your Hobby?
A: My hobby –dancing, listening to music. What can you say about British Traditions and customs?
D: Every nation has its own customs and traditions. Englishmen are fond of their old traditions. In many houses in G. B. they have fire- places instead of central heating.
Everyone knows that the English people are very fond tea. They like to have a cup of tea 6 or 8 times a day and even more.
Nice and well made tea is a great comforter for everybody. Don”t hurry when you have tea, just sit down, relax and enjoy it like a real Englishmen.
A: O, yea…..British people and Kazakh people like to drink tea with milk….
D: Please, tell us : What kind of traditions and customs do you know?
A: Mushel toi.
D: What is mushel toi?
A person’s age was calculated the following way:
The first mushel amounts to 13 years and every 12 years one mushel is added: 25 years- 2 mushel, 37 years – 3 mushel, 49 mushel – 4 mushel. “ Mushel” calculating within every 12 years coincides with considerable physical and anatomic changes of an individual:
1 mushel ( 13 years) is the childhood
2 mushel (25) years)- the young age,
3 mushel (37)- years)- the maturity,
4-5 mushel (49, 61) – the wisdom, and further on the old age is coming. In the first mushel is believed to be dangerous. In this age the person must traditionally gift his new clothes to someone, ask God to give him health, invite people for “ kudaiy”
Выходят участники с табличками ( 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73)
Омарова Томирис.
3) In Kazakhstan live over 100 nationalities. They live in friendship and peace. Kazakh people are friendly, kind, hospitable, sociable.
There are many friends in our village. They congratulate with holiday “Happy birthday”
Запорожану Г. На молдавском языке.
Татарский танец.
M: Ladies and gentlemen! Dear friends!
Allow me to congratulate you happy holiday! I wish you happiness, good health, good luck. All the best!
А. D. M. Farewell
M: Excuse me, We must be going.
A: How did you like?
M: excellent!
Very good!
M: We are very much obliged to you.
D: We”d like to thank you for the invitation, the warm welcome.
M: Thank you for your hospitality.
Ann: Thank you for your attention.
Alb: Thank you for the present.
D: Best of all I liked the friendly attitude of those I met.
M: Thank you for all you have done for us. You are very kind.
M: Ladies and gentlemen! Dear friends!
Allow me to congratulate you happy holiday! I wish you happiness, good health, good luck. All the best!
D: Good bye! Good Luck! A: Bon voyage!
Dictor: ( G/B.) : Thank you very much. It was wonderful. Television and radio offer entertainment, news, opinions, and advertising messages. Television is very popular in G. B.. There are 4 main TV channels in G.B.: BBC-1, BBC-4, ITV, Channel shows general interest programs, light entertainment, sport and children” programs, educational programs. And today we had a good opportunity to know closely Kazakh traditions and customs.
Dictor: ( Kaz) ??рметті к?рермендер, о??шылар! Б?гін эфирде біз ?лыбританиямен тікелей байланыста болды?. Екі елімізді? досты?ы ны?ая берсін. Бейбетшілік болсын! Эфирде к?ріскенше. Сау болы?ыздар.
Leader I: We think that everybody here has good friends. Friendship between people grows when they do something useful together.
Our friendship is still better if we understand each other well. Therefore, you see that friendship between people is a very great thing. "Friendship is as the sun in winter». We are sure that friendship makes your life happier.
( By Edith Segal)
Friendship is a thing for two.
Выстраивают «мост дружбы» и вместе поем песню «Пусть всегда будет солнце!» на каз и англ яз.
Teacher: Thanks a lot to our participants, for their active participation. Also thanks to everybody!
Let's finish our meeting with a song " May there always be sunshine»
Chorus: May there always be sunshine,
May there always be blue skies,
May there always be Mummy,
May there always be me! (Twice)