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Страны, события, люди

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«Страны, события, люди»

Countries, events, people 2023/2024

Countries, events, people


Brain Storm  Whose birthplace is Stratford-upon-Avon? What holiday is celebrated on the 31 st of October? Where is Hollywood situated? What is the name of the first president of the USA ? Who is now the King of the UK? What is the name of the river London stands on? What city is the capital of Northern Ireland? A musical instrument which is widespread in Scotland. What is the nickname of New York? What season is now in Australia?

Brain Storm

  • Whose birthplace is Stratford-upon-Avon?
  • What holiday is celebrated on the 31 st of October?
  • Where is Hollywood situated?
  • What is the name of the first president of the USA ?
  • Who is now the King of the UK?
  • What is the name of the river London stands on?
  • What city is the capital of Northern Ireland?
  • A musical instrument which is widespread in Scotland.
  • What is the nickname of New York?
  • What season is now in Australia?

countries  sights famous people  traditions language  rebuses 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4



famous people




























Which is the world’s second largest country by area after Russia? How many points are there on the Canadian flag’s maple leaf? back

Which is the world’s second largest country by area after Russia?

How many points are there on the Canadian flag’s maple leaf?


Australia  Where is the longest fence situated? back


Where is the longest fence situated?


In which country is the southernmost capital located? back New Zealand,Wellington

In which country is the southernmost capital located?


New Zealand,Wellington

England  Which country gave the world rugby and polo? back


Which country gave the world rugby and polo?



Mention "Sydney, Australia" and most people think of…

The Kakadu National Park

Great Barrier Reef

The Opera House


What is the name of of the item?  Big Ben St. Stephen’s back Elizabeth Tower

What is the name of of the item?

Big Ben

St. Stephen’s


Elizabeth Tower

back What is the name of the item you see first coming to New York by ship? The Statue of Liberty


What is the name of the item you see first coming to New York by ship?

The Statue of Liberty

Which remarkable natural wonder is located between the US and Canada? Grand Canyon Smoky Mountains back Niagara Falls

Which remarkable natural wonder is located between the US and Canada?

Grand Canyon

Smoky Mountains


Niagara Falls

Henry Ford’s Whose first automobile (quadricycle) appeared in 1893? back

Henry Ford’s

Whose first automobile (quadricycle) appeared in 1893?


Allan Milne Who invented this character? back

Allan Milne

Who invented this character?


Winston Churchill Who invented the V-sign? back

Winston Churchill

Who invented the V-sign?


Agatha Christie Whose 75 detective stories were translated into 103 languages? back

Agatha Christie

Whose 75 detective stories were translated into 103 languages?


What is allowed to do on Guy Fawkes Day? back burn bonfires and set off fireworks

What is allowed to do on Guy Fawkes Day?


burn bonfires and set off fireworks

Australia Where does this Santa Clause live? back


Where does this Santa Clause live?


pumpkin This is the most popular vegetable on the 31th of October  What is in the box? ? back


This is the most popular vegetable on the 31th of October What is in the box?



The USA Which country celebrates its birthday on the 4 th of July? back


Which country celebrates its birthday on the 4 th of July?


Find the mistakes Do your friend celebrate his birthday yesterday? Did your friend celebrate his birthday yesterday? Has he go to school every day? Does he have to go to school every day? He has been to America in this year. He has been to America in this year. Is her umbrella pink or red? Her umbrella is pink or red? Have you ever to catch a crocodile? Have you ever caught a crocodile? back

Find the mistakes

Do your friend celebrate his birthday yesterday?

Did your friend celebrate his birthday yesterday?

Has he go to school every day?

Does he have to go to school every day?

He has been to America in this year.

He has been to America in this year.

Is her umbrella pink or red?

Her umbrella is pink or red?

Have you ever to catch a crocodile?

Have you ever caught a crocodile?


Work mystery notes out letmeintroducemyselfmynameispamiamfromLondoniam theonlychildinthefamilyiamapupiloftheeleventhformofa secondaryschoolmyfavouritesubjectatschoolis literatureiamalwaysverybusybutwheniamfreeiamfondof readingbooksandiamfondofsportsiliketotravelmyparents andihavevisitedmanyancientrussiantownsiamveryhappy Let me introduce myself. My name is Pam. I am from London. I am the only child in the family. I am a pupil of the eleventh form of a secondary school. My favourite subject at school is Literature. I am always very busy, but when I am free I am fond of reading books and I am fond of sports. I like to travel. 21) My parents and I have visited many ancient Russian towns. I am very happy. back

Work mystery notes out

letmeintroducemyselfmynameispamiamfromLondoniam theonlychildinthefamilyiamapupiloftheeleventhformofa secondaryschoolmyfavouritesubjectatschoolis literatureiamalwaysverybusybutwheniamfreeiamfondof readingbooksandiamfondofsportsiliketotravelmyparents andihavevisitedmanyancientrussiantownsiamveryhappy

Let me introduce myself. My name is Pam. I am from London. I am the only child in the family. I am a pupil of the eleventh form of a secondary school. My favourite subject at school is Literature. I am always very busy, but when I am free I am fond of reading books and I am fond of sports. I like to travel. 21) My parents and I have visited many ancient Russian towns. I am very happy.


Find the mistakes The most smart people are successful. smartest worst It was the worse trip in my life. Films about James Bond are the interestingest. most She is the  more attractive girl in the class. most PE is more easier than Maths. back

Find the mistakes

The most smart people are successful.



It was the worse trip in my life.

Films about James Bond are the interestingest.


She is the  more attractive girl in the class.


PE is more easier than Maths.


Work mystery notes out Pete hello. Boring is lesson this. Biology hate I. Tonight fantastic match a football is there. Love Madrid Real I. Matches their watch I always. Tonight to house my come you can? TV watch can we and for dinner pizza there is. You see. Friend your, Alex Hello Pete, This lesson is boring. I hate Biology. Tonight there is a fantastic football match. I love Madrid Real. I always watch their matches. Can you come to my house tonight? We can watch TV and there is pizza for dinner. See you. Your friend, Alex back

Work mystery notes out

Pete hello. Boring is lesson this. Biology hate I. Tonight fantastic match a football is there. Love Madrid Real I. Matches their watch I always. Tonight to house my come you can? TV watch can we and for dinner pizza there is. You see. Friend your, Alex

Hello Pete,

This lesson is boring. I hate Biology. Tonight there is a fantastic football match. I love Madrid Real. I always watch their matches. Can you come to my house tonight? We can watch TV and there is pizza for dinner.

See you.

Your friend, Alex


summer Guess the riddle 1 2 2 5 4 back


Guess the riddle

1 2 2 5 4


monument Guess the riddle back


Guess the riddle


interesting Guess the riddle back


Guess the riddle


Merry Christmas Guess the riddle back

Merry Christmas

Guess the riddle


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Страны, события, люди

Автор: Белякова Ирина Алексеевна

Дата: 16.12.2023

Номер свидетельства: 642449

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