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Some, any презентация

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Have a nice day!

Well learn!

I wish you joy!

I wish you happiness!

I wish you luck!

Have a good time! 

Read these groups of words and choose the odd word: 

1. milk-cake-juice-tea

2. apples-oranges-potatoes-bananas

3. carrots-cabbage-tomatoes-fish

4. sweets-ice-cream-chocolate-meat

5. cheese-yogurt-onion-milk

6. garlic-carrot-strawberry-cabbage

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Some, any презентация»

Have a nice day! Well learn! I wish you joy! I wish you happiness! I wish you luck! Have a good time!  

Have a nice day!

Well learn!

I wish you joy!

I wish you happiness!

I wish you luck!

Have a good time!


Brainstorming What food and drink do you like? What food and drink don’t you like?


What food and drink do you like?

What food and drink don’t you like?

Read these groups of words and choose the odd word: 1. milk-cake-juice-tea 2. apples-oranges-potatoes-bananas 3. carrots-cabbage-tomatoes-fish 4. sweets-ice-cream-chocolate-meat 5. cheese-yogurt-onion-milk 6. garlic-carrot-strawberry-cabbage

Read these groups of words and choose the odd word:

1. milk-cake-juice-tea

2. apples-oranges-potatoes-bananas

3. carrots-cabbage-tomatoes-fish

4. sweets-ice-cream-chocolate-meat

5. cheese-yogurt-onion-milk

6. garlic-carrot-strawberry-cabbage

Uncountable nouns Countable nouns Oranges,apples,coffee,tea,bananas,grapes,juice,bread,eggs,tomatoes,cheese,rice,potatoes,biscuits,milk,butter,carrots,sugar

Uncountable nouns

Countable nouns


The theme: «Countable and uncountable nouns some, any»  The affirmative form There is some some soup. There some tomatoes  The negative form There isn’t any oil There aren’t any sandwiches. ? -Is there any salt? -No, there isn’t -Are there any apples?  -Yes, there are

The theme: «Countable and uncountable nouns some, any»

The affirmative form

There is some some soup. There some tomatoes

The negative form

There isn’t any oil There aren’t any sandwiches.


-Is there any salt?

-No, there isn’t -Are there any apples?

-Yes, there are

Work in pairs    Are there any eggs? No there aren’t. But there is some bread.

Work in pairs

Are there any eggs?

No there aren’t.

But there is some bread.

Work in groups 1 group : Underline the correct word 2 group : Look at the picture. Tick «v» for true. Cross «x» for false. 3 group: Look at the picture. Write true sentences.

Work in groups

1 group : Underline the correct word

2 group : Look at the picture. Tick «v» for true. Cross «x» for false.

3 group: Look at the picture. Write true sentences.



Dialogue between Mr and Mrs Smith

Dialogue between Mr and Mrs Smith

What is there in the fridge? Are there any……? Is there any……?

What is there in the fridge?

Are there any……?

Is there any……?

Reflection Do you like our lesson? What do you like best?


Do you like our lesson?

What do you like best?

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Some, any презентация

Автор: Джуманалиева Асем Таттыбайевна

Дата: 31.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 313010

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