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«Сказка "Репка" на английском языке для интерактивной доски.»
The turnip
Учитель английского языка
Гульфия Ринатовна
Цель: Формировать интерес к русским народным сказкам; воспитывать умение слушать сказки, вступать в беседу по прочитанному; следить за развитием действий, сопереживать героям произведения.
обучать умению слушать;
закреплять представления детей об овощах, в частности, репке как результате труда людей на огороде;
способствовать запоминанию последовательности действий персонажей;
It is yellow, but not a cheese, it is sweet, but not a candy, It has a tale, but not a mouse
The grandfather has a garden. Many vegetables grow here. Look! This is a turnip. It is very big! The grandfather wants to eat it. He pulls and pulls but cannot pull it up!
The grandfather calls the grandmother. The grandmother pulls the grandfather, the grandfather pulls the turnip. They pull and pull but cannot pull it up!
The grandmother calls the granddaughter. The granddaughter pulls the grandmother, the grandmother pulls the gtandfather, the grandfather pulls the turnip. They pull and pull but cannot pull it up!
The granddauther calls the dog. The dog pulls the granddaughter, the granddaughter pulls the grandmother, the grandmother pulls the gtandfather, the grandfather pulls the turnip. They pull and pull but cannot pull it up!
The dog calls the cat. The cat pulls the dog, the dog pulls the granddaughter, the granddaughter pulls the grandmother, the grandmother pulls the gtandfather, the grandfather pulls the turnip. They pull and pull but cannot pull it up!
The cat calls the mouse. The mouse pulls the cat, the cat pulls the dog, the dog pulls the granddaughter, the granddaughter pulls the grandmother, the grandmother pulls the grandfather, the grandfather pulls the turnip. They pull and pull, and pull the turnip up!
What is in grandfather’s garden?
Вспомнить названия овощей, найти ответ на вопрос.
What size is the turnip?
Активизировать в речи слова «большой – средний - маленький»