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Северная Ирландия

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В данной работе находится информация о Северной Ирландии, а именно:географическое положение,национальные символы,образование,климат, история и культура. Если вы собираетесь отправиться      в путешествие, обязательно посетите Северную Ирландию. Вы насладитесь природой, чистым воздухом,  ведь не даром Северную Ирландию называют изумрудным городом.  Многие думают,что Ирландия и Северная Ирландия-одно и то же, но увы,это не так.

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«Северная Ирландия »

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland

Clover - the national symbol of Ireland.

Clover - the national symbol of Ireland.

National flag  National flag of Northern Ireland consists of the St. George Cross inside which a white six-pointed star and a red hand. Above the star is a crown.

National flag

National flag of Northern Ireland consists of the St. George Cross inside which a white six-pointed star and a red hand. Above the star is a crown.



  • Northern Ireland, the administrative and political part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
  • The official language is English, Irish, Ulster-Scots.
  • The capital and largest city - Belfast.
  • Largest cities of Belfast, Londonderry.
  • Territory a total of 13 843 km ².
Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is situated in the northeast of the island of Ireland .

Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is situated in the northeast of the island of Ireland .

Local management

Local management

Education In Northern Ireland education is compulsory for all children aged 5 to 16 years old.


In Northern Ireland education is compulsory for all children aged 5 to 16 years old.

Climate of Northern Ireland is mild with warm winters and cool summers.

Climate of Northern Ireland is mild with warm winters and cool summers.

Ireland is often called «The Emerald Isle» That is why fresh green grass coveres the ground in Ireland and it makes the island look so beautiful.

Ireland is often called «The Emerald Isle»

That is why fresh green grass coveres the ground in Ireland and it makes the island look so beautiful.

Beautiful landscapes There are many beautiful landscapes in Northern Ireland. There are many beautiful landscapes in Northern Ireland.

Beautiful landscapes

There are many beautiful landscapes in Northern Ireland.

There are many beautiful landscapes in Northern Ireland.

Counties and districts  Northern Ireland is divided into 6 counties and 26 districts .

Counties and districts

Northern Ireland is divided into 6 counties and 26 districts .



Linen Hall  There is also a library Linen Hall, which holds the main treasures of Irish Literature

Linen Hall

There is also a library Linen Hall, which holds the main treasures of Irish Literature

History and culture  History and culture of the city is presented in Ulster Museum near the University of Queens .

History and culture

History and culture of the city is presented in Ulster Museum near the University of Queens .

Holidays   St. Patrick's Day


St. Patrick's Day

Day Easter Rising

Day Easter Rising

Day of the Orange

Day of the Orange

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Северная Ирландия

Автор: Хаустова Мария Михайловна

Дата: 09.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 209551

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