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Save our planet

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«Save our planet »

Save Our Planet  Air Pollution

Save Our Planet

Air Pollution

Air pollution is the introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulates, or biological materials that cause discomfort, disease, or death to humans, damage other living organisms such as food crops, or damage the natural environment.

Air pollution is the introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulates, or biological materials that cause discomfort, disease, or death to humans, damage other living organisms such as food crops, or damage the natural environment.

Air Pollution in Cairo,Egypt  Population: 7,772 In Cairo just breathing the air is life threatening- equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day.

Air Pollution in Cairo,Egypt Population: 7,772

In Cairo just breathing the air is life threatening- equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day.

Bakersfield, California  Population: 807,407 Bakersfield and Delano, Calif., residents breathe some of the country’s most polluted air.  Agriculture in this region of the San Joaquin Valley

Bakersfield, California Population: 807,407

Bakersfield and Delano, Calif., residents breathe some of the country’s most polluted air. Agriculture in this region of the San Joaquin Valley "whips up" a lot of dust, pesticides, and fertilizers

Los Angeles  Population :  17,820,893 (includes Long Beach and Riverside)     Lots of people, cars, factories, and shipping ports, as well as sunny, stagnant weather all contribute to local air pollution

Los Angeles Population :  17,820,893 (includes Long Beach and Riverside)

Lots of people, cars, factories, and shipping ports, as well as sunny, stagnant weather all contribute to local air pollution

Birmingham, Alabama  Population: 1,212,848   In the late 1800s, the city was known as the Steel Capital of the South. While most of those steel mills have since closed, plenty of tailpipes and power-plant smokestacks continue to spew out pollutants.

Birmingham, Alabama Population: 1,212,848

In the late 1800s, the city was known as the Steel Capital of the South. While most of those steel mills have since closed, plenty of tailpipes and power-plant smokestacks continue to spew out pollutants.

Louisville, Kentucky  Population: 1,395,634 The Louisville area (Jefferson County, as well as neighboring Elizabethtown and Scottsburg, Ind.) is surrounded on all sides by hills that can hold dirty air hostage. The heat island effect also concentrates pollutants in the urban region of Louisville, as it does in other cities such as Los Angeles and Phoenix.

Louisville, Kentucky Population: 1,395,634

The Louisville area (Jefferson County, as well as neighboring Elizabethtown and Scottsburg, Ind.) is surrounded on all sides by hills that can hold dirty air hostage.

The heat island effect also concentrates pollutants in the urban region of Louisville, as it does in other cities such as Los Angeles and Phoenix.

Modesto, California  Population: 510,385 Modesto is surrounded by farmland and suffers from agricultural pollution.  But this city, too, is making efforts to clean the air, including establishing strict rules for the burning of trash and yard waste.

Modesto, California Population: 510,385

Modesto is surrounded by farmland and suffers from agricultural pollution. But this city, too, is making efforts to clean the air, including establishing strict rules for the burning of trash and yard waste.

Norilsk, Russia  Population: 134,000.

Norilsk, Russia Population: 134,000.

"Most Polluted City" in 2010. Center for heavy-metal smelting (cobalt, nickel, etc ).

Life expectancy 10-15 years below average for Russian mine workers.

New Delhi, India  Population: 23.9 million 3,000 tons of pollutants are spewed into the air each day by heavy industry and traffic. Groundwater is being contaminated by untreated, toxic industrial discharge.  Increased risk of sewage entering the food chain via agriculture

New Delhi, India Population: 23.9 million

3,000 tons of pollutants are spewed into the air each day by heavy industry and traffic. Groundwater is being contaminated by untreated, toxic industrial discharge. Increased risk of sewage entering the food chain via agriculture

Karachi, Pakistan  Population: 16.9 million Has major problems with untreated sewage and waste from factories. Air pollution estimated to be 20 times WHO standards.

Karachi, Pakistan Population: 16.9 million

Has major problems with untreated sewage and waste from factories.

Air pollution estimated to be 20 times WHO standards.

Linfen, China  Population:4.3 million. One of the

Linfen, China Population:4.3 million.

One of the "World's Most Polluted Cities". Home to smelting plants, coal mines and iron foundries.

Continuously blanketed in smog, coal dust & foul sulfurous gases.

Taiyuan, Shanxi China  Population: 4.3 million. Heavy industry and coal fired power stations are heavy polluters of air and water-ways.

Taiyuan, Shanxi China Population: 4.3 million.

Heavy industry and coal fired power stations are heavy polluters of air and water-ways.

Dzerzhinsk, Russia  Population: 300,000. Soil and groundwater heavily polluted with arsenic, heavy metals, phenols, etc.  Once named as the most chemically polluted city in the world by Guiness Book of World Records.

Dzerzhinsk, Russia Population: 300,000.

Soil and groundwater heavily polluted with arsenic, heavy metals, phenols, etc. Once named as the most chemically polluted city in the world by Guiness Book of World Records.

Chernobyl, Ukraine  Population:   45,59  The meltdown of the nuclear plant has led to the city being considered as uninhabitable, particularly the 19-mile exclusion zone that surrounds the plant.  Fortunately, measures are being taken to prevent additional radiation spills from the ruins of the plant.

Chernobyl, Ukraine Population:   45,59

The meltdown of the nuclear plant has led to the city being considered as uninhabitable, particularly the 19-mile exclusion zone that surrounds the plant. Fortunately, measures are being taken to prevent additional radiation spills from the ruins of the plant.

Ways of Solving Environmental Problems Solving ecological problems bring positive changes to the surrounding environment. To solve environmental health problems reduce the rate of pollution by use of biodegradable products. After using any contaminant it is advisable able to throw it in a pit or burn it.

Ways of Solving Environmental Problems

Solving ecological problems bring positive changes to the surrounding environment. To solve environmental health problems reduce the rate of pollution by use of biodegradable products. After using any contaminant it is advisable able to throw it in a pit or burn it.

Before: After:

Before: After:

Some Advices to Save Your Planet: Never drop litter.  Try not to waste energy.  Don’t waste paper.  Help to clean up your local environment.

Some Advices to Save Your Planet:

Never drop litter. Try not to waste energy. Don’t waste paper. Help to clean up your local environment.

Thank you for your attention 

Thank you for your attention 

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Save our planet

Автор: Данина Елена Вячеславовна

Дата: 15.06.2014

Номер свидетельства: 105363

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