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Разработка открытого урока.

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Презентация для проведения открытого урока в 7 классе по УМК Кузовлева В.П.Тема  "Школьная жизнь британских школьников".

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«Разработка открытого урока.»

School and school life.

School and school life.

A letter. England , London  30/10/2019   Dear Russian friends! I’ m John and I’m from London . I have some problems at my school and I need your advice. I’m a bit lazy and never worried about my study. I’m afraid but I always thought that people can do without teachers. At least we have Internet. I never do my homework and my parents often punish me .What should I do? Do you like your school? I have heard that in Russia students have a lot of homework. Is it really so? Please ,write me back soon. With best wishes, John  Johnconor.com.@am

A letter. England , London 30/10/2019

Dear Russian friends!

I’ m John and I’m from London . I have some problems at my school and I need your advice.

I’m a bit lazy and never worried about my study. I’m afraid but I always thought that people can do without teachers. At least we have Internet. I never do my homework and my parents often punish me .What should I do?

Do you like your school? I have heard that in Russia students have a lot of homework. Is it really so?

Please ,write me back soon.

With best wishes,



Read the poem and answer the question S ubjects are so nice and great C lasses, teachers every day. H ere life is flying by, O nly students will survive. O pen your eyes and ears, L isten, learn and study there.  What is this poem about ?

Read the poem and answer the question

S ubjects are so nice and great

C lasses, teachers every day.

H ere life is flying by,

O nly students will survive.

O pen your eyes and ears,

L isten, learn and study there.

What is this poem about ?

What does school mean to you? Pupils School activities Teachers School Punishment School rules Classrooms School building School  uniform

What does school mean to you?


School activities




School rules


School building

School uniform

Let’s watch a video.

Let’s watch a video.

What is a good teacher like?          be strict know his /her subject a good teacher should/shouldn’t respect  children have a sense of humour look nice, neat and tidy explain everything clearly understand pupils give knowledge

What is a good teacher like?

be strict

know his /her


a good teacher




have a sense of


look nice, neat

and tidy

explain everything




give knowledge

Use these expressions: I go to school … .  I like  … . On Tuesday we have …  My favourite subject is …  At English we … .   …  is interesting ( easy, difficult ,boring). My lucky day at school is ..  .  I like/ don’t like …  .  Tell us about your school and your favourite school subjects .

Use these expressions:

I go to school … .

I like … .

On Tuesday we have …

My favourite subject is …

At English we … . … is interesting ( easy, difficult ,boring).

My lucky day at school is .. . I like/ don’t like … .

Tell us about your school and your favourite school subjects .

Look at these words, g uess these school subjects. Drama madar leshing English shypsci Physics shority History Art rat chenrf French gioloby Biology Geography phragyeog

Look at these words, g uess these school subjects.

















What do you like most in your school?           I learn useful subjects  I prepare for adult life School is a place where I get knowledge I take exams and write tests I make friends I learn to help each other  it is fun

What do you like most in your school?

I learn useful subjects

I prepare for adult life

School is a place where

I get knowledge

I take exams and write tests

I make friends

I learn to help each other

it is fun

.  Why people go to school? … . t o get knowledge … to do experiments … to discover new things … to meet friends … .. Your opinion


  • Why people go to school?
  • . t o get knowledge
  • to do experiments
  • to discover new things
  • to meet friends
  • .. Your opinion

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разработка открытого урока.

Автор: Даллари Карина Карени

Дата: 21.11.2019

Номер свидетельства: 527956

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    ["seo_title"] => string(113) "mietodichieskaiarazrabotkaotkrytoghourokaproizvodstviennoghoobuchieniiaotdielkapovierkhnostighipsovymiizdieliiami"
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    ["seo_title"] => string(114) "mietodichieskaiarazrabotkaotkrytoghourokaproizvodstviennoghoobuchieniiaotdielkapovierkhnostighipsovymiizdieliiami1"
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object(ArrayObject)#851 (1) {
  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
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    ["category_seo"] => string(7) "prochee"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
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