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Презентация "Сравнение прилагательных"

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1. Качественные прилагательные в английском языке имеют три степени сравнения: положительную, сравнительную и превосходную.

a. Положительная степень (The Positive Degree) обозначает качество предмета вне сравнения с каким-либо другим предметом, обладающим тем же качеством.

b. Сравнительная степень (The Comparative Degree) указывает на наличие большей степени качества у одного предмета сравнительно с другим предметом, обладающим тем же качеством. При сравнении часто употребляется союз than - чем.

c. Превосходная степень (The Superlative Degree) указывает на высшую степень качества у того или иного предмета среди всех других однородных предметов, обладающих тем же качеством.

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«Презентация "Сравнение прилагательных"»

Adjectives Short adjectives ( 1 – 2 syllables ) Adjectives of 2 or more syllables Irregular forms good bad long short tasty happy clever beautiful interesting difficult Test .


Short adjectives

( 1 – 2 syllables )

Adjectives of

2 or more syllables















the  small + est Small + er Small .

the small + est

Small + er



Small   smaller (than) the smallest Long longer (than )   the longest Tall taller (than) the tallest   Short shorter (than) the shortest Cold colder (than) the coldest New newer (than) the newest

Small smaller (than) the smallest

Long longer (than ) the longest

Tall taller (than) the tallest

Short shorter (than) the shortest

Cold colder (than) the coldest

New newer (than) the newest

Big – big g er – the big g est Nic e – nicer – the nicest Happ y – happ i er – the happ i est

Bigbig g er – the big g est

Nic e – nicer – the nicest

Happ y – happ i er – the happ i est

Nice  nicer the nicest smaller Small ________ the smallest the biggest Big bigger  ______________ Funny  ___________ _______________  funnier the funniest  Happy happier _________ ___________  the happiest  Clever the  cleverest  _________  cleverer  _______________  Long ________ the longest longer  New the  newest  ______ newer __________  ______ _______ the hottest    Hot hotter

Nice nicer the nicest


Small ________ the smallest

the biggest

Big bigger ______________

Funny ___________ _______________

funnier the funniest

Happy happier

_________ ___________ the happiest

Clever the cleverest

_________ cleverer _______________

Long ________ the longest


New the newest

______ newer __________

______ _______ the hottest

Hot hotter

the  old est  of all old er than …….  I am 70 I am 58 I am 64 Bob Barbara Molly Molly is old Bob is old er  than  Molly Barbara is  the  old est  of all

the old est of all

old er than …….

I am


I am 58

I am 64




Molly is old

Bob is old er than Molly

Barbara is the old est of all

1. Monkeys are funnier than kittens 2. Dogs are cleverer than cats 3. Oranges are not tasty  4. The horse’s tail is longer than the bear’s 5. The dog’s ears are the biggest 6 . I am taller than my mother   7 . The crocodile has got the shortest tail

1. Monkeys are funnier than kittens

2. Dogs are cleverer than cats

3. Oranges are not tasty

4. The horse’s tail is longer than the bear’s

5. The dog’s ears are the biggest

6 . I am taller than my mother

7 . The crocodile has got the shortest tail

long tastier longer cleverest older biggest  ni c e taller 1.  The giraffe has a _____________ neck   2 . Russia is the ____________ country in the world 3. My father is ___________ than my mother 4. Monkey’s tail is ____________ than cat’s tail  5. My little brother is very ________ 6. I think that bananas are _____________ than oranges 7. I am ____________ than my sister 8. Bob is the ____________ pupil in the class







ni c e


1. The giraffe has a _____________ neck

2 . Russia is the ____________ country in the world

3. My father is ___________ than my mother

4. Monkey’s tail is ____________ than cat’s tail

5. My little brother is very ________

6. I think that bananas are _____________ than oranges

7. I am ____________ than my sister

8. Bob is the ____________ pupil in the class

Use the words : small, big, long, short, strong A giraffe An elephant A tiger

Use the words : small, big, long, short, strong

A giraffe

An elephant

A tiger

Start Use the words: sweet, tasty, juicy A grapefruit A pear A banana


Use the words: sweet, tasty, juicy

A grapefruit

A pear

A banana

more the most  beautiful beautiful beautiful


the most




more interesting Interesting ___________ the most interesting Dangerous  the most dangerous _______ more dangerous ___________  more difficult the most difficult Difficult ___________ ___________   more wonderful the most wonderful Wonderful ___________ ___________

more interesting

Interesting ___________ the most interesting

Dangerous the most dangerous

_______ more dangerous ___________

more difficult the most difficult

Difficult ___________ ___________

more wonderful the most wonderful

Wonderful ___________ ___________

The book/the newspaper/the magazine (interesting) The newspaper is interesting. The magazine is more interesting than the newspaper . The book is the most interesting of all. 1. English/Russian/Chinese (difficult)  2. autumn/winter/summer (a beautiful season) 3. New Year’ Day/Christmas/birthday (a wonderful season) 4. tigers/wolves/snakes (dangerous animals) 5. The car/the flat/the TV set (expensive)

The book/the newspaper/the magazine (interesting)

The newspaper is interesting.

The magazine is more interesting than the newspaper .

The book is the most interesting of all.

1. English/Russian/Chinese (difficult)

2. autumn/winter/summer (a beautiful season)

3. New Year’ Day/Christmas/birthday (a wonderful season)

4. tigers/wolves/snakes (dangerous animals)

5. The car/the flat/the TV set (expensive)

Start Use the words: interesting, wonderful “ Little Red Hiding Hood” “ Cinderella” “ Snow White”


Use the words: interesting, wonderful

“ Little Red Hiding Hood”

“ Cinderella”

“ Snow White”

Start Bad – worse – the worst Good – better – the best


Bad – worse – the worst

Good – better – the best

Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of adjectives 1. I think that parrots are the …………………… pets ( funny ) 2. Apples are ……………….. than pears ( tasty ) 3.Books are …………………..………. than films ( interesting ) 4. Winter is the ……………… season of the year ( cold ) 5. Ann is ………………………………. than Betty ( beautiful ) 6. The horse is ……………….. than the wolf ( big ) 7. Snakes are very ……………………….. ( dangerous ) 8. St .Petersburg is the ……………… city in the world ( good ) 9. Mary’s toys are …………….. than Ben’s toys ( new ) 10 The weather today is ……………….. than it was  yesterday ( bad )

Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of adjectives

1. I think that parrots are the …………………… pets ( funny )

2. Apples are ……………….. than pears ( tasty )

3.Books are …………………..………. than films ( interesting )

4. Winter is the ……………… season of the year ( cold )

5. Ann is ………………………………. than Betty ( beautiful )

6. The horse is ……………….. than the wolf ( big )

7. Snakes are very ……………………….. ( dangerous )

8. St .Petersburg is the ……………… city in the world ( good )

9. Mary’s toys are …………….. than Ben’s toys ( new )

10 The weather today is ……………….. than it was

yesterday ( bad )

Sam Betty Jack Tom Liz






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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация "Сравнение прилагательных"

Автор: Шкаров Олег Владимирович

Дата: 10.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 264531

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