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Презентация "Праздники Великобритании - День Гая Фокса"

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Презентация предназначена для учеников 6 класса УМК “Happy English.ru” К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман. Может быть использована с любым УМК в качестве дополнительного страноведческого материала об одном из праздников Великобритании.

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«Презентация "Праздники Великобритании - День Гая Фокса"»

The 5 th of November “ Remember, Remember  The fifth of November  The gunpowder treason and plot.  I know of no reason  Why the gun powder treason  Should ever be forgot.”

The 5 th of November

“ Remember, Remember

The fifth of November

The gunpowder treason and plot.

I know of no reason

Why the gun powder treason

Should ever be forgot.”

King James I That time King James was the first monarch of two countries England and Scotland.

King James I

That time King James was the first monarch of two countries England and Scotland.

English Catholics The religion in England was Anglican. King James hated Catholics and Catholics hated him.

English Catholics

The religion in England was Anglican. King James hated Catholics and Catholics hated him.

Guy Fawkes The Parliament Guy Fawkes and his friends help all Catholics. They want to blow up the King James and the Parliament.

Guy Fawkes

The Parliament

Guy Fawkes and his friends help all Catholics. They want to blow up the King James and the Parliament.

Guy Fawkes & plotters Thomas Percy    Robert Catesby Thomas Winter    John Grant Sir  Everard Digby   Thomas Bates

Guy Fawkes & plotters

Thomas Percy Robert Catesby

Thomas Winter John Grant

Sir Everard Digby Thomas Bates

They dig a tunnel… The wall is very thick in the cellar under the Parliament. They want to blow up 36 barrels of gunpowder.

They dig a tunnel… The wall is very thick in the cellar under the Parliament. They want to blow up 36 barrels of gunpowder.

Some of the plotters remember their relatives. They are the Members of Parliament.

Some of the plotters remember their relatives. They are the Members of Parliament.

One plotter sent an anonymous letter: “Don’t go to the Parliament on the fifth of November.  It’s not safe”.

One plotter sent an anonymous letter: “Don’t go to the Parliament on the fifth of November. It’s not safe”.

Guards go into the cellar. The gunpowder plotters are waiting. They are arrested and executed.

Guards go into the cellar. The gunpowder plotters are waiting. They are arrested and executed.

Now the 5 th of November is a holiday. People burn a figure of man on top of a bonfire.

Now the 5 th of November is a holiday. People burn a figure of man on top of a bonfire.

People make big bonfires in the fields and put on Guy Fawkes’ masks.

People make big bonfires in the fields and put on Guy Fawkes’ masks.

People watch fireworks. They are very beautiful.

People watch fireworks. They are very beautiful.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация "Праздники Великобритании - День Гая Фокса"

Автор: Колегаева Светлана Алексеевна

Дата: 07.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 324693

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