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Презентация для урока "Music that changes lives"

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What is music?

It is universal language. Music is much more than a series of notes and rhythm. It can reach deep into human spirit. 
It can change a mood in an instant. 
Music can reduce stress and carry many health habits.
You can hear music everywhere.

На этом уроке я хотела ознакомить детей с новым для них инструментом Berimbao. Также учащиеся выпролняли разнообразные задание такие как: чтение текста, понимание, правда или неправда, отвечали на вопросы по тексту. И еще повторили грамматическую тему  Present Perfect Continious. На закрепление урока я связала музыку и грамматику, что дало очень эффективный результат. На закреплении мы с детьми поигали в  игру "" Паутина Знании" 

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«презентация для урока "Music that changes lives"»

Revision  Choose the correct words 1. Here’s nothing/ something to eat. 2. I’ve been everywhere/ nowhere in Europe. 3. There’s everyone/ no one in. 4. I’ve read all the Harry Potter books and love all of them/  none of them. Complete the sentences with must, mustn’t . 1. It’s my sister’s birthday this week. I ___forget to buy her a  present. 2. Sssh! You____ be quiet. 3. We’re having a party on Sunday. We___ go to the supermarket. 4. You _____ talk during exams.


Choose the correct words

1. Here’s nothing/ something to eat.

2. I’ve been everywhere/ nowhere in Europe.

3. There’s everyone/ no one in.

4. I’ve read all the Harry Potter books and love all of them/ none of them.

Complete the sentences with must, mustn’t .

1. It’s my sister’s birthday this week. I ___forget to buy her a present.

2. Sssh! You____ be quiet.

3. We’re having a party on Sunday. We___ go to the supermarket.

4. You _____ talk during exams.

The 23 rd of February Music

The 23 rd of February


What is music?

What is music?

  • Universal language. Music is much more than a series of notes and rhythm. It can reach deep into human spirit.
  • It can change a mood in an instant.
  • Music can reduce stress and carry many health habits.
  • You can hear music everywhere.
d  Musical instruments guitar harp drums piano flute keyboards bagpipes violin saxophone  banjo b c a h e f g По щелчку на изображение муз.инструмента появляется и убирается стрелка, указывающая на название. Звучит фоновая музыка, которую можно отключить по щелчку на значок с динамиком. j i


Musical instruments

  • guitar
  • harp
  • drums
  • piano
  • flute
  • keyboards
  • bagpipes
  • violin
  • saxophone
  • banjo








По щелчку на изображение муз.инструмента появляется и убирается стрелка, указывающая на название. Звучит фоновая музыка, которую можно отключить по щелчку на значок с динамиком.



Now, let’s watch  the video

Now, let’s watch

the video

Divide into two groups





True or false He arrived on the Brazilian pop scene in 2000. 2. He became known as a leader of the musical group “Boysband”. 3. Candeal was a very poor area. 4. His parents are alive today. 5. He trains young musicians.

True or false

  • He arrived on the Brazilian pop scene in 2000.

2. He became known as a leader of the musical group “Boysband”.

3. Candeal was a very poor area.

4. His parents are alive today.

5. He trains young musicians.

Answer the question What does the text say about Salvador?  2. Why do you think Carlinhos Brown wanted to do something for the children of Candeal?  3. How do the children start learning to play music at Practicum Music School?  4. How has the school developed since it started?  5. Why has the project been successful for the neighborhood?

Answer the question

  • What does the text say about Salvador?

2. Why do you think Carlinhos Brown wanted to do something for the children of Candeal?

3. How do the children start learning to play music at Practicum Music School?

4. How has the school developed since it started?

5. Why has the project been successful for the neighborhood?

What are they doing now?  How long have they been doing this? since 3 o`clock all morning for ten minutes

What are they doing now?

How long have they been doing this?

since 3 o`clock

all morning

for ten minutes

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

have been/has been +Ving Key words: since for all… (morning, evening, day) How long…?

have been/has been +Ving

Key words:



all… (morning, evening, day)

How long…?

There is a lion lying at a small airport in South America. Planes can`t leave because the lion is in the way! The lion has been lying there since 9 a.m. But no one wants to move them! The passengers have been waiting for five hours! The manager of the airport thinks this lion is enjoying  the sun and will move when the sun goes down. Until then, everyone must wait! (+) The lion has been lying there since 9 a.m. (-) The lion hasn`t been lying there since 9 a.m. (+) The passengers have been waiting for five hours. (?) Have the passengers been waiting for five hours? (?) How long have the passengers been waiting ?

There is a lion lying at a small airport in South America.

Planes can`t leave because the lion is in the way!

The lion has been lying there since 9 a.m.

But no one wants to move them!

The passengers have been waiting for five hours!

The manager of the airport thinks this lion is enjoying

the sun and will move when the sun goes down.

Until then, everyone must wait!

(+) The lion has been lying there since 9 a.m.

(-) The lion hasn`t been lying there since 9 a.m.

(+) The passengers have been waiting for five hours.

(?) Have the passengers been waiting for five hours?

(?) How long have the passengers been waiting ?

Make up the sentences eat an apple/ 2. play the piano/ 3. jump/ five minutes  a minute  2 o`clock  They have been jumping  for 5 minutes.  She has been eating an apple for a minute.  He has been playing the piano since 2 o`clock. 6. have lunch/ 30 minutes 4. ride bikes/ morning 5. play the guitar/ 5 o`clock  They have been riding their bikes all morning. He has been playing the guitar since 5 o`clock.  He has been having lunch for 30 minutes.

Make up the sentences

  • eat an apple/

2. play the piano/

3. jump/

five minutes

a minute

2 o`clock

They have been jumping for 5 minutes.

She has been eating an apple for a minute.

He has been playing the piano since 2 o`clock.

6. have lunch/ 30 minutes

4. ride bikes/ morning

5. play the guitar/

5 o`clock

They have been riding their bikes all morning.

He has been playing the guitar since 5 o`clock.

He has been having lunch for 30 minutes.

Jennifer Pike was twelve when she won her first prize in a competition for young musicians in Britain. She started playing the violin when she was five. She was taught by her father who worked at school for young musicians. Now Jennifer is a student at the same school. She has been playing the violin for eleven years. She loves swimming and table tennis as well, but she can`t play basketball because she might hurt her hands. What musical instrument does Jennifer play? How long has she been playing the violin? Why can`t she play basketball?

Jennifer Pike was twelve when she won her first prize in a competition for young musicians in Britain. She started playing the violin when she was five. She was taught by her father who worked at school for young musicians. Now Jennifer is a student at the same school. She has been playing the violin for eleven years. She loves swimming and table tennis as well, but she can`t play basketball because she might hurt her hands.

What musical instrument does Jennifer play?

How long has she been playing the violin?

Why can`t she play basketball?



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

презентация для урока "Music that changes lives"

Автор: Тагабаева София Муратовна

Дата: 27.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 310499

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