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«Презентация урока на тему "Famous travellers of the world" 9класс.»
Обрабатывать информацию по теме «Fаmous travellers». Использовать информацию для планирования и осуществления своей деятельности.
Развивать диалогическую и монологическую речь учащихся при выполнении упражнений по теме «Fаmous travellers»
Планировать и организовывать процесс достижения поставленной цели по изучению темы «Fаmous travellers».
Обогащать словарь учащихся новыми словами; коррекция функций анализа и синтеза в процессе мыслительной деятельности в различных ситуациях, уметь оценивать последствия их решений.
Cheking up
the home task
Organization moment
Phonetic drill
Phonetic drill
“The world is a book and those who do not read only a page of it” (St.Augustine)
1. What is a traveller? 2. What kind of transport can people travel by? 3. What do you need for travelling? 4. What famous travellers do you know? 5. What famous Kazakhstani traveller do you know? 6. Who discovered America? 7. Who made the first expedition round the world?
1. A traveler is a man who travels around the world
2. car, bus, ship, plane, train
3. transport, food, map, money
4. Columbus, Cook, Polo, Nikitin, Bering, Hudson
5. Shokan Ualihanov
6. Christopher Columbus
7. Fernando Magellan
Famous [ ˈfeɪməs ] известный
traveller [ ˈtrævələ(r) ] путешественник
navigator [ ˈnæv.ɪ.ɡeɪ.tər ] мореплаватель
exploration [ ˌek.spləˈreɪ.ʃən ] исследование
ship [ ʃɪp ] корабль
to sail [ seɪl ] плавать
discovery [ dɪˈskʌvəri ] открытие
island [ ˈaɪlənd ] остров
coast [ kəʊst ] побережье
land [ lænd ] земля
“Try to guess a traveller”
Read the short texts with information about these travellers, to translate them and to try to guess to what travellers they refer to.
1.The Norwegian polar explorer was the first person to reach the South Pole in 1911. He was also a famous explorer of Antarctica. He wrote quite a number of books and was an outstanding public figure. (Roald Amundsen)
2. He discovered many instruments, accessories and equipment for diving. For example, a camera for underwater photography, underwater lights, camera. ( Jacques-Yves Cousteau )
3. The traveler, the first European to visit India. He was born in 1469 in the Portuguese city of Sines. In 1497, he sailed from Lisbon with the expedition - in India. The expedition brought him glory. ( Vasco da Gam а)
4. He was born on 26 August 1451. He began sailing on Italian ships at the age of 14. When he was 25 he was sailing on a ship headed for England. He opened a shop that sold maps and books for sailors. He explorer known that discovered America. (Christopher Columbus)