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Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Have you got any plans?"

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Презентация к уроку в 6 классе по теме "У тебя есть какие-нибудь планы?" (УМК Кузовлева В.П. и др. English-6). 

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«Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Have you got any plans?"»

Have you got any plans?

Have you got any plans?

We are going on holiday in August. – to be going to This year we are spending our holidays in Spain. – the Present Progressive Tense My brother has got different plans, he is staying at home because he is going to take part in the school football competition in September. - the Present Progressive Tense, to be going to I think we will tour Barcelona. – the Future Simple tense And I hope we will see
  • We are going on holiday in August. – to be going to
  • This year we are spending our holidays in Spain. – the Present Progressive Tense
  • My brother has got different plans, he is staying at home because he is going to take part in the school football competition in September. - the Present Progressive Tense, to be going to
  • I think we will tour Barcelona. – the Future Simple tense
  • And I hope we will see its famous cathedral. . – the Future Simple tense

Where will all the families spend their holidays? The Atkinsons will spend their holidays in … .   Spain

Where will all the families spend their holidays?

  • The Atkinsons will spend their holidays in … .


Translate the sentences into English.

Translate the sentences into English.

  • Аткинсоны собираются провести отпуск в Испании.
  • The Atkinsons are going to spend their holidays in Spain .
  • Аткинсоны проведут отпуск в Испании. Они уже купили билеты.
  • The Atkinsons are spending their holidays in Spain . They have already bought the tickets.
The Walters will spend their holidays in … .
  • The Walters will spend their holidays in … .


Translate the sentences into English.

Translate the sentences into English.

  • Семья Уолтеров собирается провести отпуск в Италии.
  • The Walters are going to spend their holidays in Italy.
  • Семья Уолтеров проведёт отпуск в Италии. Они решили сделать это давно.
  • The Walters are spending their holidays in Italy. They have decided to do it long ago.
The Douglas family will spend their holidays in … .
  • The Douglas family will spend their holidays in … .


Translate the sentences into English.

Translate the sentences into English.

  • Семья Дугласов собирается провести отпуск во Франции.
  • The Douglas family are going to spend their holidays in France.
  • Семья Дугласов проведёт отпуск во Франции. Они уже созвонились с отелем.
  • The Douglas are spending their holidays in France. They have telephoned the hotel.
Are you leaving today? No, we’re not. We are leaving tomorrow. Where are you going first? We are going to Madrid. To Madrid? What are you going to do there? We are going to see the palace where the king lives. Have you planned your visit to Madrid? Not yet. Maybe we will watch a Real Madrid match . And what are your plans for August? I am spending
  • Are you leaving today?
  • No, we’re not. We are leaving tomorrow.
  • Where are you going first?
  • We are going to Madrid.
  • To Madrid? What are you going to do there?
  • We are going to see the palace where the king lives.
  • Have you planned your visit to Madrid?
  • Not yet. Maybe we will watch a Real Madrid match . And what are your plans for August?
  • I am spending August with my grandparents. I always do it.
Give your classmate a grade. 5 – “ 5 ” 4 – “ 4 ” 3 – “ 3 ”

Give your classmate a grade.

5 – “ 5 ”

4 – “ 4 ”

3 – “ 3 ”

Tick the level reached. 5 Now I can understand when I should use the Future Simple, the Present Progressive and to be going to 4 Now I can use the Future Simple, the Present Progressive and to be going to for future actions 3 2 1

Tick the level reached.


Now I can understand when I should use the Future Simple, the Present Progressive and to be going to


Now I can use the Future Simple, the Present Progressive and to be going to for future actions




Have you got any plans?

Have you got any plans?



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Have you got any plans?"

Автор: Бурлакова Евгения Ивановна

Дата: 18.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 458083

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