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Презентация для урока "Healthy & unhealthy habits"

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«Презентация для урока "Healthy & unhealthy habits"»

Bad habits   Watching TV much Skipping Eating junk /fast food Snaking Taking drugs Sleeping too much or little Drinking alcohol

Bad habits

Watching TV much


Eating junk /fast food


Taking drugs

Sleeping too much or little

Drinking alcohol

Read definitions and then say a word.  You should reduce it to be healthy.  They are very useful for your health.  It is one of the modern bad habits.  When we are ill or catch a cold we have it. Smoking Vitamins Cough Weight

Read definitions and then say a word.

You should reduce it to be healthy.

They are very useful for your health.

It is one of the modern bad habits.

When we are ill or catch a cold we have it.





Complete sentences Sleeping too much or too little causes Smoking makes affects teeth yellow Snaking Skipping obesity Watching much TV slow reactions Drinking alcohol headache Taking drugs Cancer (рак) Eating junk/fast food people around us the whole family

Complete sentences

Sleeping too much or too little



makes affects

teeth yellow




Watching much TV

slow reactions

Drinking alcohol


Taking drugs

Cancer (рак)

Eating junk/fast food

people around us

the whole family

Some products you should eat MORE and some LESS . What are these products? Complete sentences with MORE or LESS

Some products you should eat MORE and some LESS . What are these products?

Complete sentences with MORE or LESS

  • You should eat ___ fat food
  • You should eat ___fruit and vegetables
  • You should eat ___desserts
  • You should drink ___ milk
  • The doctor advised him to smoke ___
Read the text about a patient and his doctor. Fill in the words that fit. Mr. Smith ……. very bad. One of his friends advised him to go to a ……...  Mr. Smith decided to ………his advice. When the doctor examined him he told him to go to a village and …… there for a month, to get …… early, drink ……., eat a lot of …………. and ……… only one cigar a day. “If you take my ………” said the doctor, you will soon feel ………..” Mr. Smith looked a little …….. when he heard the doctor’s advice, but the doctor didn’t see it.  A month later Mr. Smith came to the …….. again. “How ………you?” the doctor asked him. “You look …….. now. Did my advice …….. you?” “Thank you,” ………Mr. Smith, “ I ……… all you had recommended me to do. I ……. to the country, I ……… a lot of vegetables. But one cigar a …… nearly killed me. You see it is impossible to ……… smoking at my age.”

Read the text about a patient and his doctor. Fill in the words that fit.

Mr. Smith ……. very bad. One of his friends advised him to go to a ……...

Mr. Smith decided to ………his advice. When the doctor examined him he told him to go to a village and …… there for a month, to get …… early, drink ……., eat a lot of …………. and ……… only one cigar a day. “If you take my ………” said the doctor, you will soon feel ………..” Mr. Smith looked a little …….. when he heard the doctor’s advice, but the doctor didn’t see it.

A month later Mr. Smith came to the …….. again. “How ………you?” the doctor asked him. “You look …….. now. Did my advice …….. you?” “Thank you,” ………Mr. Smith, “ I ……… all you had recommended me to do. I ……. to the country, I ……… a lot of vegetables. But one cigar a …… nearly killed me. You see it is impossible to ……… smoking at my age.”

Let’s summarize information and translate it into English спать 7-8 часов в день делать упражнения по утрам есть здоровую пищу ограничивать время TV и компьютером пить воду не колу быть активным быть дружелюбным

Let’s summarize information and translate it into English

  • спать 7-8 часов в день
  • делать упражнения по утрам
  • есть здоровую пищу
  • ограничивать время TV и компьютером
  • пить воду не колу
  • быть активным
  • быть дружелюбным

And let’s complete the poster  To be healthy I SHOULD … sleep 7 or 8 hours a day do morning exercises eat healthy food limit TV and computer time drink water not Cola be active be friendly Let’s remind bad habits

And let’s complete the poster

To be healthy I SHOULD …

  • sleep 7 or 8 hours a day
  • do morning exercises
  • eat healthy food
  • limit TV and computer time
  • drink water not Cola
  • be active
  • be friendly

Let’s remind bad habits

  • drinking, smoking
  • taking drugs…

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация для урока "Healthy & unhealthy habits"

Автор: Былина Наталья Анатольевна

Дата: 21.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 402156

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