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Презентация по теме Австралия

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Австралия — государство в Южном полушарии, расположенное на материке Австралия, острове Тасмания и нескольких других островах Индийского, Тихого и Южного океанов. Единственная страна-материк. Входит в число стран-гигантов по площади территории. Этимология названия.Название «Австралия» происходит от лат. australis, что переводится как «южный»


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«Презентация по теме Австралия»



Australia-a country located in the southern hemisphere, including the world's smallest continent, the island of Tasmania and the other much smaller islands in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Australia Flag

Australia-a country located in the southern hemisphere, including the world's smallest continent, the island of Tasmania and the other much smaller islands in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

Australia Flag

CLIMATE Most of the territory of Australia is located in a tropical continental climate zone, dry or very dry. Location of Australia in the southern hemisphere determines the distribution of the different seasons of the year than in the northern hemisphere. January is the warmest month of the year , while July has the lowest average temperatures.


Most of the territory of Australia is located in a tropical continental climate zone, dry or very dry.

Location of Australia in the southern hemisphere determines the distribution of the different seasons of the year than in the northern hemisphere. January is the warmest month of the year , while July has the lowest average temperatures.

Australian population THE AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES Aborigines are the first and orginal inhabitants of Australia. They have lived here for over 40.000 years. When the first white settlers arrived in the 18th century and stole their land, many Aborigines died, fighting to protect it. Today only about 100.000 survive.

Australian population


Aborigines are the first and orginal inhabitants of Australia.

They have lived here for over 40.000 years.

When the first white settlers arrived in the 18th century and stole their land, many Aborigines died, fighting to protect it. Today only about 100.000 survive.

Uluru , also known as Ayers Rock, is a large sandstone rock formation in central Australia.  It is a sacred importance to the Aborigens.

Uluru , also known as Ayers Rock, is a large sandstone rock formation in central Australia.

It is a sacred importance to the Aborigens.

Animals in Australia - are fundamentally different from the fauna from other parts of the world. Many Australian animals are not found anywhere else. 83% of mammals, 89%reptiles, 90% fish and 93% of amphibians living in Australia does not occur in other parts of the world. Platypus  Koala Mammals For example: Monotremes Marsupials Echinda burningwell Tasdevil large  Kangaroo

Animals in Australia - are fundamentally different from the fauna from other parts of the world. Many Australian animals are not found anywhere else. 83% of mammals, 89%reptiles, 90% fish and 93% of amphibians living in Australia does not occur in other parts of the world.




For example:



Echinda burningwell

Tasdevil large


In  Australia and surrounding territories there are more than 800 species of birds . The most popular birds Emoe Parrot Humming-bird

In Australia and surrounding territories there are more than 800 species of birds .

The most popular birds




GREAT BARRIER REEF Great Barrier Reef - the world's largest coral reef, located off the coast of Australia. It is the largest single structure on earth created by living organisms, visible even from space .


Great Barrier Reef - the world's largest coral reef, located off the coast of Australia. It is the largest single structure on earth created by living organisms, visible even from space .

Canberra - the capital of Australia, is located IN the Australian Alps OVER Molonglo River just 320 km from Sydney and 480 km from Melbourne. Crest of Canberra

Canberra - the capital of Australia, is located IN the Australian Alps OVER Molonglo River just 320 km from Sydney and 480 km from Melbourne.

Crest of Canberra

SYDNEY Sydney is the largest and most famous city in Australia . Sydney is located on Australia's south-east coast of the Tasman Sea. The most well-known attractions include the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge.


Sydney is the largest and most famous city in Australia . Sydney is located on Australia's south-east coast of the Tasman Sea.

The most well-known attractions include the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

MELBOURNE The metropolis is located on the large natural bay known as Port Phillip, with the city centre positioned at the estuary of the Yarra River . Today, it is a centre for the art, commerce, education, entertainment, sport and tourism. It is the birthplace of cultural institutions such as Australian film Australian television, Australian football .


The metropolis is located on the large natural bay known as Port Phillip, with the city centre positioned at the estuary of the Yarra River .

Today, it is a centre for the art, commerce, education, entertainment, sport and tourism. It is the birthplace of cultural institutions such as Australian film Australian television, Australian football .

Some images about Australia

Some images about Australia

Tour d ’Australie

Tour d ’Australie

Pinnacles - Western Australia

Pinnacles - Western Australia

Mc Laren Vale - South Australia

Mc Laren Vale - South Australia

Les 12 Apôtres - Victoria

Les 12 Apôtres - Victoria

12 Apôtres et Razorback - Victoria

12 Apôtres et Razorback - Victoria

Les 12 Apôtres - Victoria

Les 12 Apôtres - Victoria

Fougères arborescentes - Victoria

Fougères arborescentes - Victoria

Fairy Cove - Victoria

Fairy Cove - Victoria

Hopetoun falls - Victoria

Hopetoun falls - Victoria

Chutes Beauchamp - Victoria

Chutes Beauchamp - Victoria

Melbourne - Victoria

Melbourne - Victoria

Dove Lake - Tasmania

Dove Lake - Tasmania

Cradle Mountains - Tasmanie

Cradle Mountains - Tasmanie

Côte de Tasmanie

Côte de Tasmanie

Maria Island - Tasmanie

Maria Island - Tasmanie

Sydney - New South Wales

Sydney - New South Wales

Toits de l ’Opéra de Sydney

Toits de l ’Opéra de Sydney

Opéra de Sydney et Harbour Bridge

Opéra de Sydney et Harbour Bridge

Sydney Tower

Sydney Tower

Harbour Bridge

Harbour Bridge

Coffs Harbour - New South Wales

Coffs Harbour - New South Wales

Brisbane - Queensland

Brisbane - Queensland

Noosa Heads - Queensland

Noosa Heads - Queensland

Grande Barrière de corail - Queensland

Grande Barrière de corail - Queensland

Heart Reef - Grande Barrière de corail - Queensland

Heart Reef - Grande Barrière de corail - Queensland

Port Douglas - Queensland

Port Douglas - Queensland

Rainbow lorikeet

Rainbow lorikeet

Uluru - Northern Territory

Uluru - Northern Territory

Les Olgas - Northern territory

Les Olgas - Northern territory

Diable cornu - Northern Territory

Diable cornu - Northern Territory

Spinifex - végétation de l ’Outback

Spinifex - végétation de l ’Outback

Devil ’s Marble - Northern Territory

Devil ’s Marble - Northern Territory

Jim Jim Falls - Kakadu NP - Northern Territory

Jim Jim Falls - Kakadu NP - Northern Territory



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Презентация по теме Австралия

Автор: Буинцева Оксана Павловна

Дата: 12.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 275863

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