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Презентация по английскому языку для урока в 7 классе на тему "Праздники в Британии"

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«Презентация по английскому языку для урока в 7 классе на тему "Праздники в Британии"»

Holidays And Festivals  In Britain

Holidays And Festivals In Britain

Goals and Aims:

Goals and Aims:

  • To summarize and systematize pupils’ knowledge on the topic
  • To develop pupils’ skills in speaking, reading, listening on the topic
  • To develop pupils’ skills in doing tests
  • To develop pupils’ interest in the festivals, traditions and customs of English-speaking countries
New Year’s Day The beginning of a new year is a time for celebrating and for making a new start. People wish each other “Happy New Year” and send special greeting cards. On New Year’s Eve (December 31 st ) many people go to parties with their families, neighbours and friends. They go to bed after midnight to “see the New Year in” at 12 o’clock. In London people gather to celebrate in Trafalgar Square. From there they can hear Big Ben, the large clock at the Houses of Parliament. When Big Ben strikes, they all hug and kiss each other and shout “Happy New Year”. January 1 st is a public holiday in Britain and the USA.

New Year’s Day

The beginning of a new year is a time for celebrating and

for making a new start. People wish each other “Happy

New Year” and send special greeting cards. On New

Year’s Eve (December 31 st ) many people go to parties with

their families, neighbours and friends. They go to bed after

midnight to “see the New Year in” at 12 o’clock. In London

people gather to celebrate in Trafalgar Square. From there

they can hear Big Ben, the large clock at the Houses of

Parliament. When Big Ben strikes, they all hug and kiss

each other and shout “Happy New Year”. January 1 st is a

public holiday in Britain and the USA.

St. Valentine’s Day

St. Valentine’s Day

  • On St. Valentine’s Day people send a special greeting card (Valentine) to those who they love. It’s a tradition not to give the name of the sender. Some people buy presents for their sweethearts or give them red roses, a symbol of love.
Easter Festival

Easter Festival

  • Easter Sunday is the day when Christians celebrate Christ’s return to life and victory over death. On this day many people go to church. Children get presents of chocolate Easter eggs. Easter always means spring, new life after winter, flowers, green trees and young animals, especially lambs and chicks. Some time ago it was a tradition to make new clothes and hats for Easter.


  • Celebrating Halloween is a very old tradition. Long ago people thought that on 31 October spirits of the dead came back. That’s why now some people dress up as witches and ghosts. They make lanterns out of pumpkins. Sometimes children go out in groups, knock on people’s doors and say “Trick or treat”. They usually get a treat, some sweets or nuts. People also have Halloween parties where they often play games.
Guy Fawkes’ Night

Guy Fawkes’ Night

  • Guy Fawkes’ Night is on 5 November. That day in 1605 some conspirators wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I and his ministers. G.Fawkes was one of them. But they couldn’t do that because the King’s men caught G.Fawkes and killed him. On 5 November when it gets dark, people go out into the streets and watch beautiful fireworks. In the country they often make big bonfires. and gather near them.


  • People in Britain celebrate Christmas on 25 December as the day when Jesus Christ was born. Families decorate their homes and Christmas trees. The day before Christmas is Christmas Eve. People prepare presents, make Christmas cakes, hang stockings near the fireplace. Children often write letters to Father Christmas with their wishes.


  • On Christmas Day everyone opens presents and sits down to table to have a big dinner. Families usually have turkey or goose with vegetables. After dinner the family gathers in the living room to listen to Queen of England on television. At teatime in the late afternoon they drink tea with the Christmas cake.
The day after Christmas is Boxing Day. But there is no fighting on that day. The name “boxing” comes from the time when people put money for the poor in the church boxes. Then on 26 December the poor got that money. Now people often use this day to give some money to people who helped them during the year.
  • The day after Christmas is Boxing Day. But there is no fighting on that day. The name “boxing” comes from the time when people put money for the poor in the church boxes. Then on 26 December the poor got that money. Now people often use this day to give some money to people who helped them during the year.
Task 1 Match the dates with the names of the holidays: 1. 1 January a) Easter Festival 2.14 February b) Halloween 3. March/April c) New Year’s Day 4. 31 October d) St. Valentine’s Day 5. 5 November e) Christmas Festival 6. 25 December f) Boxing Day 7. 26 December g) Guy Fawkes’s Night

Task 1

Match the dates with the names of the holidays:

1. 1 January a) Easter Festival

2.14 February b) Halloween

3. March/April c) New Year’s Day

4. 31 October d) St. Valentine’s Day

5. 5 November e) Christmas Festival

6. 25 December f) Boxing Day

7. 26 December g) Guy Fawkes’s Night

Task 1.  1) c; 2) d; 3) a; 4) b; 5) g; 6) e; 7) f. The criteria: ” 5” – 0 mistakes;“4 ” - 1 mistake; “ 3” - 2 - 3 mistakes

Task 1.

1) c; 2) d; 3) a; 4) b; 5) g; 6) e; 7) f.

The criteria:

5” – 0 mistakes;“4 ” - 1 mistake;

3” - 2 - 3 mistakes

Task 2. True or False?

Task 2. True or False?

  • Holidays usually mean not going to school or to work.
  • On New year’s Eve young people go out and meet their friends at parties, discos and different clubs.
  • On Easter Sunday children get presents of computer games.
  • On Halloween children make lanterns out of glass.
  • On 5 November people stay at home and watch TV shows.
  • Christmas is the day when Jesus Christ was born.
  • The weather is usually fine at Christmas.
  • On Christmas Day you can hear Queen of England on television.
  • There are a lot of fighting on Boxing Day.
  • Boxing Day is the day when the poor get money in churches.
Task 2. 1.True 2.True. 3. False. 4. False. 5. False. 6. True 7. False. 8. True. 9. False. 10. True. The criteria: “ 5” – no mistakes; “4” – 1 - 4 mistakes; “ 3” - 5 - 7 mistakes)

Task 2.



3. False.

4. False.

5. False.

6. True

7. False.

8. True.

9. False.

10. True.

The criteria:

5” – no mistakes; “4” – 1 - 4 mistakes;

3” - 5 - 7 mistakes)

Task 3. Listening

Task 3. Listening

  • What holidays are these people speaking about?
  • The Gordons b) Easter Sunday
  • Lily’s Neighbour a) New Year’s Eve
  • Tommy Forester c) Guy Fawkes’ Night
Task 3. 1. с 2. b 3. a The criteria: “ 5” – no mistakes; “4’ -1 mistake; “ 3” – 2 mistakes

Task 3.

1. с

2. b

3. a

The criteria:

5” – no mistakes; “4’ -1 mistake;

3” – 2 mistakes

Task  4. Complete the text Use the following words to fill in the gaps:  decorate, prepare, before, hang, busy, other, presents, “Merry Christmas!”   In Britain the time … Christmas Day is very … . Children … the Christmas trees and … beautiful balls and toys on it. Their parents … a big dinner for the family, friends and neighbours. On Christmas Day people get … and say “ … …!”.

Task 4. Complete the text

  • Use the following words to fill in the gaps:

decorate, prepare, before, hang, busy, other, presents, “Merry Christmas!”

In Britain the time … Christmas Day is very … . Children … the Christmas trees and … beautiful balls and toys on it. Their parents … a big dinner for the family, friends and neighbours. On Christmas Day people get … and say “ … …!”.

Task 4. Before, busy, decorate, hang, prepare, presents, “Merry Christmas!” The criteria: “ 5”- no mistakes; “4” – 1 mistake; “ 3’ – 2- 3 mistakes

Task 4.

Before, busy, decorate, hang, prepare, presents, “Merry Christmas!”

The criteria:

5”- no mistakes; “4” – 1 mistake;

3’ – 2- 3 mistakes

The Traditional English Song “Jingle, Bells!” Jingle , bells! Jingle, bells! Jingle all the way! Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh! Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh, O’er the fields we go Laughing all the way. Bells on bob-tail ring, Making spirits bright.  Fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight!

The Traditional English Song “Jingle, Bells!”

Jingle , bells! Jingle, bells!

Jingle all the way!

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh!

Dashing through the snow

In a one-horse open sleigh,

O’er the fields we go

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bob-tail ring,

Making spirits bright.

Fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight!

Texts for Listening 1 ) Lily’s Neighbour That evening my neighbor Lily knocked on my door at about eight o’clock. I put on some warm clothes – it was a cold evening – and we went out together. There were a lot of people in the streets. All little shops, cafes and pubs were open. We drove in Lily’s car to the park, which was the place of celebrations that year. We left the car in the car park and walked to the big bonfire that was burning in the middle of the park. The people around it were eating hot dogs, hamburgers and barbeque and drinking coke and beer. All were happy and soon most beautiful fireworks began … 2) The Gordons That day the weather was pleasant – warm and sunny. I got up early though it was Sunday. While I was making coffee my mother returned from church. On her way home she bought a very nice cake and we had it with coffee. Mother always buys chocolate eggs for my two sons and the boys can’t wait to open them. All their friends get choclate eggs too. They count the eggs and then tell each other how many eggs they’ve got. 3) Tommy Forester My father brought home a small green tree and asked me and my sister to decorate it. We didn’t have very many toys to put on the tree but we decided to decorate it with sweets, nuts, and little flags. Our mother and granny were in the kitchen cooking some very special things. When we heard Big Ben striking twelve, we sat to table and wished each other a lot of success.

Texts for Listening

1 ) Lily’s Neighbour

That evening my neighbor Lily knocked on my door at about eight o’clock. I put on some warm clothes – it was a cold evening – and we went out together. There were a lot of people in the streets. All little shops, cafes and pubs were open. We drove in Lily’s car to the park, which was the place of celebrations that year. We left the car in the car park and walked to the big bonfire that was burning in the middle of the park. The people around it were eating hot dogs, hamburgers and barbeque and drinking coke and beer. All were happy and soon most beautiful fireworks began …

2) The Gordons

That day the weather was pleasant – warm and sunny. I got up early though it was Sunday. While I was making coffee my mother returned from church. On her way home she bought a very nice cake and we had it with coffee. Mother always buys chocolate eggs for my two sons and the boys can’t wait to open them. All their friends get choclate eggs too. They count the eggs and then tell each other how many eggs they’ve got.

3) Tommy Forester

My father brought home a small green tree and asked me and my sister to decorate it. We didn’t have very many toys to put on the tree but we decided to decorate it with sweets, nuts, and little flags. Our mother and granny were in the kitchen cooking some very special things. When we heard Big Ben striking twelve, we sat to table and wished each other a lot of success.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Презентация по английскому языку для урока в 7 классе на тему "Праздники в Британии"

Автор: Сухоплюева Ирина Николаевна

Дата: 21.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 214089

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