Тема: Funny Alphabet
Цель: систематизировать и закрепить лексико-грамматические навыки по данной теме, организовать познавательную деятельность учащихся по формированию и совершенствованию знаний.
Задачи: 1) повторение и закрепление грамматического и лексического материала; повторить алфавит, счёт от 1 до 20; решение примеров; повторение цветов;
2) занимательный диктант цветик-семицветик;
3) перевод предложений с русского на английский язык.
активизировать речевые навыки на уровне представления информации о животных;
4) формирование лексических навыков говорения, умения понимать на слух с целью извлечения информации;
5) воспитание дружбы между членами коллектива.
Ожидаемый результат: владение грамматическим и лексическим материалом, умение правильно отвечать на заданные вопросы.
Дидактический материал: раздаточный дидактический материал; алфавит; слайды.
План урока
- Greeting.
Good afternoon, dear children! Are you ready for the lesson? Fine! I’m glad to hear it. The theme of our lesson is Funny Alphabet. Each of you will get cards of green colours for each right answer. At the end of the lesson we’ll count them and you’ll get marks.
- Realization
- Warm up: Dear boys and girls! Today we are going to travel to a wonderful and beautiful country of letters. We will guess many puzzles, play many games and solve many interesting tasks there. Are you ready to travel? Now, close your eyes and let’s count from 1 up to 10 all together. Now, open your eyes, please. Welcome to the country of Letters.
Dear children, you know all letters of the English alphabet.
How many letters are there in the English alphabet? You are right, there are 26 letters in the English alphabet.
How many vowels are there in the English alphabet? (A,E,U,Y,O,I).
- Now, look at the board, please. What can you see? It’s a Christmas tree. What colour is it? You are right, it’s green.
Let’s decorate the Christmas tree. Let’s make it colourful. Here are our colourful balls. Come to the board, take one ball, name its colour and the letter, than decorate the Christmas tree.
Dear children, you can count. Let’s count the balloons. Excellent!
2. Next task is to complete the puzzle. Look at the houses and write the name of each missing letter. Each pupil should write only one letter, do it by turns. Let’s check your spelling.
3. Now, let’s do sums.
2+4=6 4+4=8
5+2=7 6+4=10
7+1=8 8+1=9
5. Are you tired? Let’s have a rest.
-Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips, sit down,
Stand up clap, clap,
Arms up clap, clap,
Step, step arms down,
Clap, clap, please sit down!
6.The last task is to translate sentences from Russian into English. Work in pairs. Raise your hands when you are ready to answer, and read your sentence.
- Reflexion
You’ve worked very good today. Thank you for your lesson. Let’s count how many cards you got during the lesson. That pupil will have “5” which has more green cards.
Your marks ……….for the lesson.
- Homework
To revise the alphabet, the numbers (1-20).