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Презентация на тему: Eating in Britain

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The aim of the lesson:

1) To introduce new words and expressions.

2) To speak about food and drinks of different Countries, to read the text about eating in Britain, to ask each other questions, to solve the puzzle, compare eating in Britain and Kazakhstan.

3) To develop the pupils’ dialogue speaking, listening and writing habits.

The methods of the lesson:  group work, pair work, and questions-answers.

The Procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.

v Greeting.

v Phonetic drill.

II. Explaining of new theme.

III. Read the dialogue.

IV. Complete the chart.

V. Presentation of grammar.

VI. Brainstorming.

VII. Work with pictures.

VIII. Listening to the text.

IX. “Find your task”

X. Tasty crossword.

XI. Fill in the diagram about eating in Kazakhstan.

XII. Using the “Venn diagram”

XIII. Conclusion of the lesson.

v Home task.

v The end of the lesson.

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«Презентация на тему: Eating in Britain»

The aim of the lesson: 1) To introduce new words and expressions . 2) To speak about food and drinks of different Countries, to read the text about eating in Britain, to ask each other questions, to solve the puzzle, compare eating in Britain and Kazakhstan. 3) To develop the pupils’ dialogue speaking, listening and writing habits. 1) To introduce new words and expressions . 2) To speak about food and drinks of different Countries, to read the text about eating in Britain, to ask each other questions, to solve the puzzle, compare eating in Britain and Kazakhstan. 3) To develop the pupils’ dialogue speaking, listening and writing habits. The methods of the lesson:  group work, pair work, and questions-answers. The Procedure of the lesson. I. Organization moment.  Greeting.  Phonetic drill. II. Explaining of new theme. III. Read the dialogue. IV. Complete the chart. V. Presentation of grammar. VI. Brainstorming. VII. Work with pictures. VIII. Listening to the text. IX. “Find your task” X. Tasty crossword. XI. Fill in the diagram about eating in Kazakhstan. XII. Using the “Venn diagram” XIII. Conclusion of the lesson.  Home task.  The end of the lesson.  Home task.  The end of the lesson.

The aim of the lesson:

1) To introduce new words and expressions .

2) To speak about food and drinks of different Countries, to read the text about eating in Britain, to ask each other questions, to solve the puzzle, compare eating in Britain and Kazakhstan.

3) To develop the pupils’ dialogue speaking, listening and writing habits.

  • 1) To introduce new words and expressions . 2) To speak about food and drinks of different Countries, to read the text about eating in Britain, to ask each other questions, to solve the puzzle, compare eating in Britain and Kazakhstan. 3) To develop the pupils’ dialogue speaking, listening and writing habits.

The methods of the lesson: group work, pair work, and questions-answers.

The Procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.

  • Greeting.
  • Phonetic drill.

II. Explaining of new theme.

III. Read the dialogue.

IV. Complete the chart.

V. Presentation of grammar.

VI. Brainstorming.

VII. Work with pictures.

VIII. Listening to the text.

IX. “Find your task”

X. Tasty crossword.

XI. Fill in the diagram about eating in Kazakhstan.

XII. Using the “Venn diagram”

XIII. Conclusion of the lesson.

  • Home task. The end of the lesson.
  • Home task.
  • The end of the lesson.

Organization moment.  Greeting. Phonetic drill.
  • Organization moment.

  • Greeting.
  • Phonetic drill.

II. Explaining of new theme.

III. Read the dialogue. Theme: Eating in Britain

III. Read the dialogue.

Theme: Eating in Britain

IV. Complete the chart. Fruit Drinks Other food

IV. Complete the chart.



Other food

Read and write uncountable (u), countable (c) next to the words. cars , water , air , bottles , apple , bread  tea , dollars , money , peas , lemons , sugar , salt    eggs , toys , milk , sandwiches , ham , cheese , coffee

Read and write uncountable (u), countable (c) next to the words.

cars , water , air , bottles , apple , bread

tea , dollars , money , peas , lemons , sugar , salt

eggs , toys , milk , sandwiches , ham , cheese , coffee

VI. Brainstorming . 1 2 3 4 B B M P 5 U R O 6 E I T 7 C L A T T R K D E A A R R I T O C R N U E O E S T T S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

VI. Brainstorming .




















































  • People spread it on the bread.
  • The main kind of food.
  • The cows give it to us.
  • The Russian “second bread”.
  • It helps us to grow up.
  • The ingredients of “plov”.
  • You can find it in “Snickers”
Work with words.
  • Work with words.
VIII. Work with pictures.

VIII. Work with pictures.

B. In the kitchen

B. In the kitchen

IX. Listening to the text.  A. Read the text.  British food has a bad reputation in Europe; but traditional home cooked food is as good as European cooking.  A good example is the traditional British Sunday lunch which consist of roast-beef, roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding. British people eat a lot of meat. Mineral water is not very common. The most popular drink with meals is tea.  British breakfast consists of cornflakes with milk, toasts with marmalade, honey and tea. They eat a large meal at midday. At about 5 o’clock they have tea with bread and butter and cakes. In some families the midday meal is the chief one of the day. And in the evening they have a simple supper an omelet, or sausages, sometimes bacon and eggs.

IX. Listening to the text.

A. Read the text.

British food has a bad reputation in Europe; but traditional home cooked food is as good as European cooking.

A good example is the traditional British Sunday lunch which consist of roast-beef, roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding. British people eat a lot of meat. Mineral water is not very common. The most popular drink with meals is tea.

British breakfast consists of cornflakes with milk, toasts with marmalade, honey and tea. They eat a large meal at midday. At about 5 o’clock they have tea with bread and butter and cakes. In some families the midday meal is the chief one of the day. And in the evening they have a simple supper an omelet, or sausages, sometimes bacon and eggs.

True (T) or false (F)?  True (T) or false (F)?  True (T) or false (F)?  True (T) or false (F)?  True (T) or false (F)?  (T) or (F)?  (T) or (F)?  (T) or (F)?  (T) or (F)?  (T) or (F)?   1. British food is very popular in Europe.  2. British people eat Yorkshire pudding on Sundays. 3. British people eat a lot of meat. 4. They don’t like tea very much. 5. They drink a lot of mineral water. 5. They drink a lot of mineral water. 6. Breakfast is the chief meal of the day.

True (T) or false (F)?

  • True (T) or false (F)?
  • True (T) or false (F)?
  • True (T) or false (F)?
  • True (T) or false (F)?

(T) or (F)?

  • (T) or (F)?
  • (T) or (F)?
  • (T) or (F)?
  • (T) or (F)?

1. British food is very popular in Europe.

2. British people eat Yorkshire pudding on Sundays.

3. British people eat a lot of meat.

4. They don’t like tea very much.

5. They drink a lot of mineral water.

  • 5. They drink a lot of mineral water.

6. Breakfast is the chief meal of the day.

X. Fill in the diagram

X. Fill in the diagram

1. You have it with milk, for breakfast. 1. You have it with milk, for breakfast. . . . . or coffee? . Mark’s favorite. . You have it on bread or rolls. . A big green vegetable you have in a salad. . Some people have it in tea or coffee. . Apples, pineapples, bananas are . . . . A red vegetable you have in a salad. . You can drink . . . . . . juice at breakfast. 0. It’s green and you have it in a salad. 1 3 2 4 5 6 8 7 9 10

1. You have it with milk, for breakfast.

  • 1. You have it with milk, for breakfast.
  • . . . . or coffee?
  • . Mark’s favorite.
  • . You have it on bread or rolls.
  • . A big green vegetable you have in a salad.
  • . Some people have it in tea or coffee.
  • . Apples, pineapples, bananas are . . .
  • . A red vegetable you have in a salad.
  • . You can drink . . . . . . juice at breakfast.
  • 0. It’s green and you have it in a salad.











XII. Fill in the diagram about eating in Kazakhstan.

XII. Fill in the diagram about eating

in Kazakhstan.



Traditional foods



Conclusion of the lesson. Home task. Home task. To write an essay “Eating in Kazakhstan”. The end of the lesson.

Conclusion of the lesson.

Home task.

  • Home task.

To write an essay “Eating in Kazakhstan”.

The end of the lesson.

  • The end of the lesson.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация на тему: Eating in Britain

Автор: Калышева Ляззат Пердебаевна

Дата: 14.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 252853

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