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Презентация к проекту "Bridges"

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A bridge is a structure built

to span physical obstacles,

such as rivers, valleys, or roads, 

for the purpose of providing  passage over the  obstacle.

The first bridges were made by nature itself.

The first  bridges made by humans were probably spans of cut wooden logs and eventually stones.

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«Презентация к проекту "Bridges"»



What is a bridge? A bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles, such as rivers, valleys, or roads, for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle.

What is a bridge?

A bridge is a structure built

to span physical obstacles,

such as rivers, valleys, or roads,

for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle.

History History The first bridges were made by nature itself. The first bridges made by humans were probably spans of cut wooden logs and eventually stones.



The first bridges were made by nature itself.

The first bridges made by humans were probably spans of cut wooden logs and eventually stones.

World first bridges    aren’t built they are grown in India. Nature's incredible engineering: some of the bridges can hold more than 50 people at a time.   .

World first bridges  

aren’t built they

are grown in India.

Nature's incredible engineering: some

of the bridges can

hold more than 50 people at a time. .

Types of bridges Beam bridge Truss bridge Suspension bridge Arch bridge Cable-stayed bridge Cantilever bridge Tied arch bridge

Types of bridges

Beam bridge

Truss bridge

Suspension bridge

Arch bridge

Cable-stayed bridge

Cantilever bridge

Tied arch bridge

Beam Bridges are horizontal beams supported at each end by substructure unites. They are the simplest and most inexpensive kind of bridges.

Beam Bridges

are horizontal



at each end by


unites. They

are the simplest

and most


kind of bridges.

Arch bridge The arch bridge is used for heavy weight objects.  Arch bridge is one of the oldest one.

Arch bridge

  • The arch bridge is used for heavy
  • weight objects.

Arch bridge is one of the oldest one.

Truss Bridge is a bridge whose load-bearing structure is composed of a truss. This truss is a structure of connected elements forming triangular units.

Truss Bridge

is a bridge




is composed

of a truss.

This truss is

a structure

of connected





Cantilever Bridges are built using cantilevers -horizontal beams supported on only one end. They usually use a pair of spans.

Cantilever Bridges

are built using cantilevers -horizontal beams supported on

only one end. They usually use a pair of spans.

Suspension Bridges are suspended from cables. The earliest bridges were made of ropes or vines. In modern bridges, the cables hang from towers. Suspension bridges are far longer than any other kind of bridges.

Suspension Bridges

are suspended from cables. The earliest bridges were made of

ropes or vines. In modern bridges, the cables hang from towers.

Suspension bridges are far longer than any other kind of bridges.

Cable-Stayed Bridge is a bridge design which uses large steel cables suspended from high towers or pylons to support the bridge deckling.

Cable-Stayed Bridge

is a bridge design which uses large steel cables suspended

from high towers or pylons to support the bridge deckling.

The bridge of Immortals, Huanghsan, China

The bridge of Immortals, Huanghsan, China

Bridges of Sighs in Oxford and in Venice

Bridges of Sighs in Oxford and in Venice

Bridge to Nowhere, New Zealand

Bridge to Nowhere, New Zealand

The Storseisudent Bridge, Norway  (The drunk bridge)

The Storseisudent Bridge, Norway (The drunk bridge)

It looks as it is more a diving board than a bridge, but it is an optical illusion. .

It looks as it is more a diving board than a bridge, but it is an optical illusion.


Even when you can see the whole bridge it still looks scary .

Even when you can see the whole bridge it still looks scary .

Types by use

Types by use

  • Car Traffic - Double-decked - Pipelines
  • Pedestrian - Viaducts - Train bridge
The Banpo Fountain Bridge, South Korea

The Banpo Fountain Bridge, South Korea

  • It was opened in 2009. It is in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest bridge fountain.
Millau Viaduct, France

Millau Viaduct, France

  • This bridge is in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the tallest bridge in the world.
Siduhe Bridge  (The Si Du River Bridge) It is the highest bridge in the world (472m). It was opened in 2009.

Siduhe Bridge (The Si Du River Bridge)

It is the highest bridge in the world (472m). It was opened in 2009.

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge, China It is the world’s longest bridge.  It is high-speed railway in China (164,8 kilometers long)

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge, China

It is the world’s longest bridge. It is high-speed railway in

China (164,8 kilometers long)

Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia

Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia

  • It is a pedestrian bridge (2,300 ft above sea level).
  • It gives tourists the opportunity to view some of the most beautiful sights of the Malaysian mountains and rainforests.
Helix Bridge, Singapore

Helix Bridge, Singapore

  • It was designed to look like the structure of DNA. It was opened in 2010.
Webb Bridge, Australia It is a pedestrian/cycle bridge over the Yarra river, in Melbourne. It was opened in 2007.

Webb Bridge, Australia

It is a pedestrian/cycle bridge over the Yarra river, in Melbourne.

It was opened in 2007.

The Falkirk Wheel, Scotland

The Falkirk Wheel, Scotland

  • It was opened in 2002. This is the world’s first and only boat lift!
Henderson Waves Bridge, Singapore

Henderson Waves Bridge, Singapore

  • The bridge was opened in 2004. It is the highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore.
Khaju Bridge, Iran   It was built by the Persian King, Shah Abbas II, in the 17th century.

Khaju Bridge, Iran

It was built by the Persian King, Shah Abbas II, in the 17th century.

Chengyang Bridge, China

Chengyang Bridge, China

  • It was built in 1916 without a single nail.

Moses Bridge, Netherlands

Moses Bridge, Netherlands

  • was built in the 17 th century.
  • It was made invisible to its enemies.
Tower Bridge, England

Tower Bridge, England

  • In the 19th century, London Bridge was the only way of crossing the Thames river.

Quiz Question 1 Which type of bridge is the cheapest? Beam Arch Cable-stayed Suspension Question 2 What is the tallest bridge in the world?


Question 1

Which type of bridge is the cheapest?

  • Beam
  • Arch
  • Cable-stayed
  • Suspension

Question 2

What is the tallest bridge in the world?

  • Millau Viaduct, France
  • Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia
  • The Si Du River Bridge
Identify these bridge types

Identify these bridge types

  • Suspension bridges
  • Arch bridges
  • Beam bridges
  • Cable-stayed bridges
Suspension bridges Arch bridges Beam bridges Cable-stayed bridges
  • Suspension bridges
  • Arch bridges
  • Beam bridges
  • Cable-stayed bridges
Suspension bridges Arch bridges Beam bridges Truss bridges
  • Suspension bridges
  • Arch bridges
  • Beam bridges
  • Truss bridges
Suspension bridges Arch bridges Beam bridges Cable-stayed bridges
  • Suspension bridges
  • Arch bridges
  • Beam bridges
  • Cable-stayed bridges
Suspension bridge Arch bridge Beam bridge Cable-stayed bridge
  • Suspension bridge
  • Arch bridge
  • Beam bridge
  • Cable-stayed bridge
Thanks for  your  attention! Somebody said: A smile is the bridge that put together two souls

Thanks for your attention!

Somebody said:

A smile is the bridge

that put together two


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация к проекту "Bridges"

Автор: Кащеева Марина Анатольевна

Дата: 11.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 251479

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