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Презентация по теме "Праздники"

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Презентация составлена по УМК "Spotlight" 6 класс. Модуль 5 b "Let's celebrate". Повторение лексики по теме и грамматики Present Continuous.

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«Презентация по теме "Праздники"»

Spotlight 6.  Lesson 5b.   Let’s celebrate

Spotlight 6. Lesson 5b. Let’s celebrate

to celebrate - celebration

to celebrate - celebration

[ i: ] – wr ea th t ea  ea t cl ea n [ tʃ ] – wat ch wit ch ex ch ange

[ i: ] – wr ea th t ea ea t cl ea n

[ tʃ ] – wat ch wit ch ex ch ange

Make wreaths Exchange gifts Wear costumes Offer flowers and sweets Eat traditional food Watch parades Watch a firework display
  • Make wreaths
  • Exchange gifts
  • Wear costumes
  • Offer flowers and sweets
  • Eat traditional food
  • Watch parades
  • Watch a firework display
Absolutely Witch costume terrifying bobbing for apples Musical chairs They’re nearly all gone To come over The party is nearly over To clean up Toffee apple
  • Absolutely
  • Witch costume
  • terrifying
  • bobbing for apples
  • Musical chairs
  • They’re nearly all gone
  • To come over
  • The party is nearly over
  • To clean up
  • Toffee apple
Answer the questions 1. What holiday do the Russians make wreaths for? 2. What do you like to get as a birthday present? 3. When is the Women’s Day? What do people do on that day? 4. When do people exchange gifts? 5. Which holidays do people watch fireworks display?

Answer the questions

1. What holiday do the Russians make wreaths for?

2. What do you like to get as a birthday present?

3. When is the Women’s Day? What do people do on that day?

4. When do people exchange gifts?

5. Which holidays do people watch fireworks display?

make / wear/ fireworks / traditional / gifts

make / wear/ fireworks / traditional / gifts

  • When we are on holiday, we often go to local restaurants to eat … food.
  • We love to watch the … in the sky on Victory Day.
  • I love it when we exchange … at our family celebrations.
  • They … wreaths at this time of year.
  • What costume are you going to … at the party?
Homework 1. Мы все одеты в костюмы ведьм! 2. Это забавно! 3. Заходи и отведай яблок в карамели! 4. Они почти все закончились. 5. В какие игры вы играете?


1. Мы все одеты в костюмы ведьм!

2. Это забавно!

3. Заходи и отведай яблок в карамели!

4. Они почти все закончились.

5. В какие игры вы играете?

What’s the difference?  Every year my mother makes a wreath. (Action which happens every year)  Look! My mother is making wreath! It’s beautiful! (Action which is happening now.)

What’s the difference?

Every year my mother makes a wreath.

(Action which happens every year)

Look! My mother is making wreath! It’s beautiful!

(Action which is happening now.)

Present continuous (Affirmative)  I am  She/he/it is + V ing  You/we/they are

Present continuous (Affirmative)

I am

She/he/it is + V ing

You/we/they are

  • I am singing now.
  • She is singing now.
  • They are singing now.
Present Continuous (Negative)  I am not  She/he/it isn’t + V ing  You/we/they aren’t  I ’m not writ ing now.  He isn’t writ ing now.  We aren’t writ ing now.

Present Continuous (Negative)

I am not

She/he/it isn’t + V ing

You/we/they aren’t

I ’m not writ ing now.

He isn’t writ ing now.

We aren’t writ ing now.

Present Continuous (Interrogative)  Am I   Is She/he/it + V ing ?  Are You/we/they Short answers: 1. Yes, I am. No, I’m not.  2. Yes, …. is. No, ….. isn’t.  3. Yes, ….. are. No, ….. aren’t.   Examples: Are you doing your homework? – Yes, I am.  Is she reading a book?- Yes, she is.  Are they sleeping? – No, they aren’t.

Present Continuous (Interrogative)

Am I

Is She/he/it + V ing ?

Are You/we/they

Short answers: 1. Yes, I am. No, I’m not. 2. Yes, …. is. No, ….. isn’t.

3. Yes, ….. are. No, ….. aren’t.

Examples: Are you doing your homework? – Yes, I am.

Is she reading a book?- Yes, she is.

Are they sleeping? – No, they aren’t.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация по теме "Праздники"

Автор: Кузнецова Ирина Геннадьевна, Лазарева Елена Леонидовна

Дата: 11.01.2024

Номер свидетельства: 643857

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