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Презентация на английском языке по теме " Welcome to Maslenitsa."

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Презентация на английском языке по теме " Welcome to Maslenitsa" разработана для обучающихся 5 классов.

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«Презентация на английском языке по теме " Welcome to Maslenitsa."»



Seven days of Carnival ringing bells, screaming accordions, light colors colorful dresses. carnival  Week is literally filled with holiday chores, traditional games, amusement facilities and practices. Force, energy, enthusiasm enough for everything!

Seven days of Carnival ringing bells, screaming accordions, light colors colorful dresses. carnival Week is literally filled with holiday chores, traditional games, amusement facilities and practices. Force, energy, enthusiasm enough for everything!

You are waiting for Pancake Day!? Meet greasy pancake,? Cheese, honey, bun Yes and cabbage pie.? We are all waiting for the great post,? Load for the future, people!? All nedelyushku walk,? Eat up all stocks.? A day will come Forgiven ,? we worship not laziness,? Come Sunday -? Let us ask forgiveness, I make all the sins of the soul removed? with a pure heart to meet the post.? Scrapie friendship kiss? Though so we do not fight:? for Pancake Day need? strengthen friendship love.? Come to visit us? we will be glad we have guests!?

You are waiting for Pancake Day!? Meet greasy pancake,? Cheese, honey, bun Yes and cabbage pie.? We are all waiting for the great post,? Load for the future, people!? All nedelyushku walk,? Eat up all stocks.? A day will come Forgiven ,? we worship not laziness,? Come Sunday -? Let us ask forgiveness, I make all the sins of the soul removed? with a pure heart to meet the post.? Scrapie friendship kiss? Though so we do not fight:? for Pancake Day need? strengthen friendship love.? Come to visit us? we will be glad we have guests!?

Shopping Arcade at Shrovetide Fair village crammed with all sorts of delicacies. Paunchy samovars with mellow tea, fragrant bunch of bagels, a bench with nuts and honey cakes, but not conventional, but with patterns so the words:

Shopping Arcade at Shrovetide Fair village crammed with all sorts of delicacies. Paunchy samovars with mellow tea, fragrant bunch of bagels, a bench with nuts and honey cakes, but not conventional, but with patterns so the words: "Whom I love - that I give," from "nice gift - worth more than gold." Pickles, fish, eggs - eat to satiety!

But most importantly - it's pancakes! Damn - the symbol of the sun. The same round and hot. From piping hot, they are served at the table. With butter, sour cream, eggs, mushrooms, sturgeon or sturgeon - choose to suit every taste. But, after eating their fill - enjoy yourself and have fun!

But most importantly - it's pancakes! Damn - the symbol of the sun. The same round and hot. From piping hot, they are served at the table. With butter, sour cream, eggs, mushrooms, sturgeon or sturgeon - choose to suit every taste. But, after eating their fill - enjoy yourself and have fun!

Wide Shrovetide - Cheese week! You came elegant to us Spring to meet. To bake pancakes and we will have a good time all week That Winter ice cold from the house to banish!

Wide Shrovetide - Cheese week! You came elegant to us Spring to meet. To bake pancakes and we will have a good time all week That Winter ice cold from the house to banish!

With all the heart you we congratulate And it is warmly invited: All cares throw, Come on a visit, Directly to our porch To us to Shrovetide. Be convinced: Let's treat with pancakes, On sour cream donuts, Pies magnificent, to February - we will wave, Martha -

With all the heart you we congratulate And it is warmly invited: All cares throw, Come on a visit, Directly to our porch To us to Shrovetide. Be convinced: Let's treat with pancakes, On sour cream donuts, Pies magnificent, to February - we will wave, Martha - "hi" we will tell.

Where still you can sweep on painted sledge so that grasped spirit? To go down from huge ice slopes? To turn round and round on huge roundabouts? Wide Shrovetide in dances and round dances will begin to whirl you - feet will go to dance under fervent chastooshkas and humourous catchphrases. Clowns and buffoons will make laugh to tears. In buffooneries and theaters - representations endlessly. And the one who won't want to remain simply a viewer on this holiday, can participate in a masquerade. To dress up to unrecognizability or to muffle in a fur coat to toe! Here what it, Russian Shrovetide!

Where still you can sweep on painted sledge so that grasped spirit? To go down from huge ice slopes? To turn round and round on huge roundabouts? Wide Shrovetide in dances and round dances will begin to whirl you - feet will go to dance under fervent chastooshkas and humourous catchphrases. Clowns and buffoons will make laugh to tears. In buffooneries and theaters - representations endlessly. And the one who won't want to remain simply a viewer on this holiday, can participate in a masquerade. To dress up to unrecognizability or to muffle in a fur coat to toe! Here what it, Russian Shrovetide!

Loved in Russia a holiday of the Farewell to winter therefore celebrated widely – in the people and to this day sayings

Loved in Russia a holiday of the Farewell to winter therefore celebrated widely – in the people and to this day sayings "every dog has his day", «not life, and shrovetide» remain. And that is why: in itself Pancake Week isn't homogeneous. If in the first three days peasants still were engaged in economic works, since Thursday was forbidden to work, since Wide Shrovetide began. Thus, Pancake Week consisted of two halves - narrow and wide shrovetide, and every day of Pancake Week was given the name.

heels! Here what it, Russian Shrovetide!

Morning... MONDAY... There comes

Morning... MONDAY... There comes "MEETING". A bright sled with горочек slides. Whole day fun. There comes evening... Накатавшись in plenty, all pancakes eat. and every day of Pancake Week was given the name.

heels! Here what it, Russian Shrovetide!

"ZAIGRYSH" the careless - TUESDAY a joy. All to walk, frolic left, as one! Games and funs, and for them - an award: Rich and ruddy Pancake week pancake! heels! Here what it, Russian Shrovetide!

Here WEDNESDAY approaches -

Here WEDNESDAY approaches - "GOURMAND" is called. Each hozyayushka conjures at the furnace. Kulebyaki, cheesecakes - all is possible to them. Pies and pancakes - all on a table swords!

Russian Shrovetide!

And on THURSDAY - spacious

And on THURSDAY - spacious "WALK ABOUT" comes. Ice fortresses, snow fights... Three with bells on fields leave. Guys look for girls - the promiseds.

FRIDAY came -

FRIDAY came - "EVENINGS at the MOTHER-IN-LAW"... The mother-in-law invites the son-in-law to pancakes! Is with caviar and a salmon, it is possible slightly more simply, With sour cream, honey, we ate with oil.


SATURDAY - "SISTERS-IN-LAW the ENTERTAINMENT" approaches. All relatives meet, drive a round dance. The holiday proceeds, the general fun. Nicely sees off Zimushka the people!

SUNDAY light quickly comes. Facilitate soul all in

SUNDAY light quickly comes. Facilitate soul all in "ПРОЩЁНЫЙ ДЕНЬ". An effigy straw - Zimushka - burn, Having dressed up in a tulupchik, valenoks, a belt...

Shrovetide to us will come – messes, messes, messes. Means, there will be kind a year – messes, messes, messes. Means, there will be a crop – messes, messes, messes. There will be a happiness too much – messes, messes, messes.

Shrovetide to us will come – messes, messes, messes. Means, there will be kind a year – messes, messes, messes. Means, there will be a crop – messes, messes, messes. There will be a happiness too much – messes, messes, messes.

Magnificent celebrations Fair crowns. Good-bye, Shrovetide, come again! In a year the Beauty again we will meet. Let's celebrate again, with pancakes to treat!

Magnificent celebrations Fair crowns. Good-bye, Shrovetide, come again! In a year the Beauty again we will meet. Let's celebrate again, with pancakes to treat!

pupil of the fifth class MAOU SOSh No. 10 of the city of Almetyevsk of RT NURIEV TIMUR

pupil of the fifth class MAOU SOSh No. 10 of the city of Almetyevsk of RT


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация на английском языке по теме " Welcome to Maslenitsa."

Автор: Светлана Ивановна Моисеева

Дата: 28.08.2024

Номер свидетельства: 655516

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