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Презентация к уроку Spotlight 3 Module 3 b

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Презентация к учебнику Spotlight 3 Module 3 b (актуализация грамматических навыков по теме "Глагол "to be" и "Притяжательные прилагательные")

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«Презентация к уроку Spotlight 3 Module 3 b»

Possessive Adjectives

Possessive Adjectives

to be  I am = I`m  He is = He`s She is = She`s It is = It`s  You are = You`re We are = We`re They are = They`re

to be

I am = I`m

He is = He`s

She is = She`s

It is = It`s

You are = You`re

We are = We`re

They are = They`re

Fill in am/is/are

Fill in am/is/are

  • I _____ in Year 3 at school.
  • We _____ happy.
  • My cat _____ black and white.
  • It ___ a red pen.
  • You ____ my little sister.
  • You ____ my brothers.
  • She ____ a good pupil.
  • Alex and I ____ friends.
  • They ____ sad.
  • He ____ ten.
SB 3b p.28 ex.1

SB 3b p.28 ex.1

I He She It You We They My Her Our His Their Your Its















This is  These are

This is These are

2)" width="640"

Singular (1)

Plural (2)

This is my dog. I have a dog.

This is my dog.

I have a dog.

This is your book. You like to read.

This is your book.

You like to read.

This is his ball. He plays football.

This is his ball.

He plays football.

These are her pencils. She likes to colour.

These are her pencils.

She likes to colour.

These are our CDs. We listen to music.

These are our CDs.

We listen to music.

This is your school. You are students.

This is your school.

You are students.

These are their books. They like to read.

These are their books.

They like to read.

Fill in my, his, her, its, our, their, your  I am Mary. This is ____ cat. You are a pupil. This is ____ schoolbag. He is Bill. This is ____toy soldier. We are girls. These are ____ rabbits. It is a dog. This is ____ tail. 6. She is Kate. This is ____ doll. 7. You are pupils. These are ___ pencils. 8. They are boys. These are _____ books.

Fill in my, his, her, its, our, their, your

  • I am Mary. This is ____ cat.
  • You are a pupil. This is ____ schoolbag.
  • He is Bill. This is ____toy soldier.
  • We are girls. These are ____ rabbits.
  • It is a dog. This is ____ tail.

6. She is Kate. This is ____ doll.

7. You are pupils. These are ___


8. They are boys. These are _____ books.

I`ve got a ball. It`s ____ball.

I`ve got a ball.

It`s ____ball.

I`ve got a ball. It`s my ball.

I`ve got a ball.

It`s my ball.

She`s got a teddy bear. It`s ____ teddy bear.

She`s got a teddy bear.

It`s ____ teddy bear.

She`s got a teddy bear. It`s her teddy bear.

She`s got a teddy bear.

It`s her teddy bear.

He`s got a radio. It`s ____ radio.

He`s got a radio.

It`s ____ radio.

He`s got a radio. It`s his radio.

He`s got a radio.

It`s his radio.

They`ve got toys. They`re _____ toys.

They`ve got toys.

They`re _____ toys.

They`ve got toys. They`re their toys.

They`ve got toys.

They`re their toys.

You`ve got a dog. It`s _____ dog.

You`ve got a dog.

It`s _____ dog.

You`ve got a dog. It`s your dog.

You`ve got a dog.

It`s your dog.

We`ve got dolls. They`re _____ toys.

We`ve got dolls.

They`re _____ toys.

We`ve got dolls. They`re our toys.

We`ve got dolls.

They`re our toys.

It`s got a tail. It`s _____ tail.

It`s got a tail.

It`s _____ tail.

It`s got a tail. It`s its tail.

It`s got a tail.

It`s its tail.

- Who`s he ? - He`s my dad. - What`s his name? - His name`s John. Dad, John

- Who`s he ?

- He`s my dad.

- What`s his name?

- His name`s John.

Dad, John

- Who`s she ? - She`s my mum. - What`s her name? - Her name`s Mary . Mum, Mary

- Who`s she ?

- She`s my mum.

- What`s her name?

- Her name`s Mary .

Mum, Mary

- Who are they ? - They`re my sisters. Sisters, Kate and Alice - What are their names? - Their names are Kate and Alice.

- Who are they ?

- They`re my sisters.

Sisters, Kate and Alice

- What are their names?

- Their names are Kate and Alice.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

Презентация к уроку Spotlight 3 Module 3 b

Автор: Лицкалова Валентина Валерьевна

Дата: 21.11.2023

Номер свидетельства: 640329

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