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Presentation for seventh grade

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What was your homework? Are you ready? What about the abloom. Who does want to show me? Let’s check.

Is it hot or cool in your region?

Is it hot or cool in the desert?

When does sand become cool?

Does sand become cool in the evening?

Do plants die under the hot sun?

Do plants wither under the hot sun?

Where is it always cool? In the desert or in the tropical forest

Do the animals hide when it is hot?

III Phonetic drill

Let’s read this rhyme together

When you clap clapclap our hands

The monkey claps claps, claps his hands

Monkey see, monkey do

The monkey does the same as you

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«presentation for seventh grade»

Aims of the lesson:  Students should know the names of the animals which are in danger. They should explain why they are in danger and what we should do to protect them. 1. The educational aim A) To acquaint with the new words and consolidate them in different forms of activities. B) To acquaint pupils with grammar and consolidate it different forms of activities 2.The developmental aim To enrich pupils’ vocabulary and oral speech To develop the pupils skills in speaking 3.The educative aim to teach the pupils to be on friendly terms with their classmates to educate young people to care for their environment

Aims of the lesson:

Students should know the names of the animals which are in danger. They should explain why they are in danger and what we should do to protect them.

1. The educational aim

A) To acquaint with the new words and consolidate them in different forms of activities.

B) To acquaint pupils with grammar and consolidate it different forms of activities

2.The developmental aim

To enrich pupils’ vocabulary and oral speech

To develop the pupils skills in speaking

3.The educative aim

to teach the pupils to be on friendly terms with their classmates

to educate young people to care for their environment



  • Summarize getting knowledge, through making dialogues and posters
  • To make collaborative atmosphere through working in groups
  • To make a success situation at the lesson
Home work

Home work

  • Is it hot or cool in your region?
  • Is it hot or cool in the desert?
  • When does sand become cool?
  • Does sand become cool in the evening?
  • Do plants die under the hot sun?
  • Do plants wither under the hot sun?
  • Where is it always cool? In the desert or in the tropical forest
  • Do the animals hide when it is hot?
Phonetic drill:

Phonetic drill:

  • When you clap clap clap our hands
  • The monkey claps claps, claps his hands
  • Monkey see, monkey do
  • The monkey does the same as you
Let’s watch the video ‘Animals are in danger’

Let’s watch the video ‘Animals are in danger’

Grammar rule 1. Positive degree (жай шырай) Short Fat Happy Wide Easy Tall 2. Comparative degree (салыстырмалы шырай) Short – shorter, fat – fatter, happier, wide – wider, small- smaller, tall- tallerand more convenient 3.Superlative degree (күшейтпелі шырай)  The happiest, the longest, the tallest, the best and the most beautiful

Grammar rule

1. Positive degree (жай шырай)

Short Fat

Happy Wide

Easy Tall

2. Comparative degree (салыстырмалы шырай)

Short – shorter, fat – fatter, happier, wide – wider, small- smaller, tall- tallerand more convenient

3.Superlative degree (күшейтпелі шырай)

The happiest, the longest, the tallest, the best and the most beautiful

Drill exercises

Drill exercises

  • Everest is………(high) mountain in the world.
  • A whale is…………(big) animal on our planet.
  • He is the…………(good) student in our class.
  • This is……………(interesting) story  by Dickens.
  • I am……………(happy) man in the world.
Example: Horse/big/dog – A horse is bigger than a dog.


Horse/big/dog – A horse is bigger than a dog.

  • 1. Mary/polite/Ann
  • 2. Car/fast/bike
  • 3. English/easy/German
  • 4. Sam/tall/John
  • 5. Your ring/beautiful/mine
Mark: home task Pupil’s mark writing Teacher’s mark speaking work with group


home task

Pupil’s mark


Teacher’s mark


work with group

Reflection of the lesson Green -not problems. All is clear Yellow - I have some little problems Red -I don’t understand the task. I need one’s help

Reflection of the lesson

Green -not problems. All is clear

Yellow - I have some little problems

Red -I don’t understand the task. I need one’s help

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

presentation for seventh grade

Автор: Sydykova Zhanymgul Zhomartovna

Дата: 13.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 318116

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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(11) "presentacii"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1487773282"

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