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Праздники в Англии. Ночь Гая Фокса

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«Праздники в Англии. Ночь Гая Фокса»

Выполнила Правосудова Диана ученица 6 класса МАОУ ООШ № 10 г. Балаково Саратовской области Руководитель Труханова Оксана Владимировна


Правосудова Диана

ученица 6 класса


г. Балаково Саратовской области


Труханова Оксана Владимировна

This holiday is know in Britain as Bonfire Night. It is one of the most cherished holidays in the country. Each year it is celebrated with massive fire-works and bonfires.
  • This holiday is know in Britain as Bonfire Night. It is one of the most cherished holidays in the country. Each year it is celebrated with massive fire-works and bonfires.
According to a calendar, the holiday falls on the 5 th of November and commemorates the failure of Gunpowder Plot.
  • According to a calendar, the holiday falls on the 5 th of November and commemorates the failure of Gunpowder Plot.
Some historic facts prove that this evil project was led by a person named Guy Fawkes in 1605. (17 th century )
  • Some historic facts prove that this evil project was led by a person named Guy Fawkes in 1605. (17 th century )
He was a member of a Catholic group that tried to set home explosives beneath the Houses of Parliament while the king was in the building.
  • He was a member of a Catholic group that tried to set home explosives beneath the Houses of Parliament while the king was in the building.
The plotters were caught and convicted in high treason. The tradition to light bonfires on this day has a different background, but is well connected with the idea of the holiday.
  • The plotters were caught and convicted in high treason. The tradition to light bonfires on this day has a different background, but is well connected with the idea of the holiday.
As it is almost the end of autumn people find it necessary to burn all their garden rubbish
  • As it is almost the end of autumn people find it necessary to burn all their garden rubbish
In some religion people keep the tradition of dressing up into spooky thematic outfits.
  • In some religion people keep the tradition of dressing up into spooky thematic outfits.
Children’s favorite part during Guy Fawkes Night is the tasty food sold in streets. For example : baked potatoes, homemade toffee apples, sausage rolls, popcorn etc.
  • Children’s favorite part during Guy Fawkes Night is the tasty food sold in streets. For example : baked potatoes, homemade toffee apples, sausage rolls, popcorn etc.
Thank you for your attention !
  • Thank you for your attention !

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Праздники в Англии. Ночь Гая Фокса

Автор: Труханова Оксана Владимировна

Дата: 14.06.2022

Номер свидетельства: 609608

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