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People in the family

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The objectives:

—To explain the Possessive Case of the nouns and practice;

—To develop pupils’ colloquial speech, writing habits and listening comprehension ;

To teach pupils be respectful and grateful towards the people around them

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«People in the family»

The theme:  People in the family  The presentation of demonstrative lesson Niyazbaeva Gulmira Tlekovna The teacher of the English language. 2015 years

The theme: People in the family

The presentation of demonstrative lesson

Niyazbaeva Gulmira Tlekovna

The teacher of the English language.

2015 years

The theme: People in the family    The objectives:  To explain the Possessive Case of the nouns and practice; To develop pupils’ colloquial speech, writing habits and listening comprehension ; To teach pupils be respectful and grateful towards the people around them To explain the Possessive Case of the nouns and practice; To develop pupils’ colloquial speech, writing habits and listening comprehension ; To teach pupils be respectful and grateful towards the people around them To explain the Possessive Case of the nouns and practice; To develop pupils’ colloquial speech, writing habits and listening comprehension ; To teach pupils be respectful and grateful towards the people around them To explain the Possessive Case of the nouns and practice; To develop pupils’ colloquial speech, writing habits and listening comprehension ; To teach pupils be respectful and grateful towards the people around them To explain the Possessive Case of the nouns and practice; To develop pupils’ colloquial speech, writing habits and listening comprehension ; To teach pupils be respectful and grateful towards the people around them The visual aids: “ Vinnie English” electronic book Flash cards (for dialogues) The interactive board Photos and pictures “ Vinnie English” electronic book Flash cards (for dialogues) The interactive board Photos and pictures “ Vinnie English” electronic book Flash cards (for dialogues) The interactive board Photos and pictures “ Vinnie English” electronic book Flash cards (for dialogues) The interactive board Photos and pictures “ Vinnie English” electronic book Flash cards (for dialogues) The interactive board Photos and pictures The literatures: “English-2” С.Д.Рахимжанова  Алматыкітап баспасы 2014

The theme: People in the family

The objectives:

  • To explain the Possessive Case of the nouns and practice; To develop pupils’ colloquial speech, writing habits and listening comprehension ; To teach pupils be respectful and grateful towards the people around them
  • To explain the Possessive Case of the nouns and practice; To develop pupils’ colloquial speech, writing habits and listening comprehension ; To teach pupils be respectful and grateful towards the people around them
  • To explain the Possessive Case of the nouns and practice; To develop pupils’ colloquial speech, writing habits and listening comprehension ; To teach pupils be respectful and grateful towards the people around them
  • To explain the Possessive Case of the nouns and practice; To develop pupils’ colloquial speech, writing habits and listening comprehension ; To teach pupils be respectful and grateful towards the people around them
  • To explain the Possessive Case of the nouns and practice;
  • To develop pupils’ colloquial speech, writing habits and listening comprehension ;
  • To teach pupils be respectful and grateful towards the people around them

The visual aids:

  • “ Vinnie English” electronic book Flash cards (for dialogues) The interactive board Photos and pictures
  • “ Vinnie English” electronic book Flash cards (for dialogues) The interactive board Photos and pictures
  • “ Vinnie English” electronic book Flash cards (for dialogues) The interactive board Photos and pictures
  • “ Vinnie English” electronic book Flash cards (for dialogues) The interactive board Photos and pictures
  • “ Vinnie English” electronic book
  • Flash cards (for dialogues)
  • The interactive board
  • Photos and pictures

The literatures: “English-2” С.Д.Рахимжанова

Алматыкітап баспасы 2014

Психологикалық дайындық  From Heart to Heart ( Оқушылыр бір бірлеріне жүректің сұлбасын беріп , бір-бірлеріне жылы лебіздерін білдірді )

Психологикалық дайындық

From Heart to Heart ( Оқушылыр бір бірлеріне жүректің сұлбасын беріп , бір-бірлеріне жылы лебіздерін білдірді )

Checking- up the home- work 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 twenty ten thirteen twelve eleven fourteen fifteen eighteen nineteen seventeen sixteen

Checking- up the home- work























Phonetic drill father  Mother brother Sister Hand in hand  With one another

Phonetic drill





Hand in hand

With one another

You have got the picture of your “family tree”,  Please tell us about them  The new theme:    People in the family

You have got the picture of your “family tree”, Please tell us about them

The new theme:

People in the family

Cousin Uncle- - нағашы Немере апа /аға  аға  Aunt-нағашы grandfather-ата апа Grandmother-әже Vocabulary





Немере апа /аға







What does Anar say about her family? Electr.book

What does Anar say about her family?


Do you know your relatives? Let’s read the sentences This is Ben ’ s grandfather This is Ben ’ s grandmother This is Ben ’ s uncle This is Ben ’ s aunt This is Ben ’ s father This is Ben ’ s mother These are Ben’s cousins This is Ben’s sister

Do you know your relatives?

Let’s read the sentences

This is Ben ’ s grandfather

This is Ben ’ s grandmother

This is Ben ’ s uncle

This is Ben ’ s aunt

This is Ben ’ s father

This is Ben ’ s mother

These are Ben’s cousins

This is Ben’s sister

Let’s match  the words Electr . book

Let’s match the words

Electr . book

Let’s look and write what colour their toys are The boys’ toys are The girls’ balls are green,yellow and red yellow blue and red

Let’s look and write what colour their toys are

The boys’ toys are

The girls’ balls are

green,yellow and red

yellow blue and red

Possessive Case The father ’s wife. The mother’s husband  a nephew – nephews, a niece–nieces   /a child – children/  cousin’s parents- cousins’ parents . The child’s mother .The children’s mother. The names of my brothers = my brothers’ names. The names of sisters = my sisters ` names .  -‘S S’

Possessive Case

  • The father ’s wife.
  • The mother’s husband
  • a nephew – nephews, a niece–nieces
  • /a child – children/
  • cousin’s parents- cousins’ parents .
  • The child’s mother .The children’s mother.
  • The names of my brothers = my brothers’ names.
  • The names of sisters = my sisters ` names .



Intellectual game  «Magic subjects»

Intellectual game

«Magic subjects»

Alipbekova Zhumagul The teacher of primary classes Отбасының қалыптасқан сызбасын ағылшын тілінде айтып беріңдер?  әке ата әже шеше жанұя немере әпке аға іні қарындас сіңілі

Alipbekova Zhumagul

The teacher of primary classes

Отбасының қалыптасқан сызбасын

ағылшын тілінде айтып беріңдер?












Makhatova Zhanzipa The teacher of primary classes  Атаңның баласы болма, Адамның баласы бол. Жанұя тақырыбындағы сөздерді ағылшын тіліне аударыңдар.   Ата- grandfather  Бала - child

Makhatova Zhanzipa

The teacher of primary classes

Атаңның баласы болма,

Адамның баласы бол.

Жанұя тақырыбындағы сөздерді

ағылшын тіліне аударыңдар.

Ата- grandfather

Бала - child

Kalibaeva Gulnar The teacher of primary classes Бір жанұяда екі әке, екі бала бар. Барлығы қанша?  Үшеу: атасы, әкесі баласы

Kalibaeva Gulnar

The teacher of primary classes

Бір жанұяда екі әке, екі бала бар.

Барлығы қанша?

Үшеу: атасы, әкесі


Zhadauov Tugel The teacher of the physical  training lesson “ ТОЛАҒАЙ ” спорттық телеойыны кімдердің арасындағы сайыс ? а/ достар б/ ұлдар мен қыздар в/ отбасылар Дұрыс жауапты тауып ағылшын тіліндегі аудармасын айтыңдар. Жауабы: отбасылар - the families

Zhadauov Tugel

The teacher of the physical

training lesson

ТОЛАҒАЙ ” спорттық телеойыны кімдердің арасындағы сайыс ?

а/ достар

б/ ұлдар мен қыздар

в/ отбасылар

Дұрыс жауапты тауып ағылшын тіліндегі аудармасын айтыңдар.

Жауабы: отбасылар - the families

Home task Еxercise 2 p 31

Home task

Еxercise 2 p 31



The Lesson is over. Good bye! Thank you for your attention.

The Lesson is over.

Good bye!

Thank you for

your attention.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс

People in the family

Автор: Ниязбаева Гулмира Тлековна

Дата: 27.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 412031

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