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Памятники Иваново

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«Памятники Иваново»

Monuments of Ivanovo

Monuments of Ivanovo

Ivanovo is the industrial capital of industrial Russia. Ivanovo sights include many architectural complexes of different periods. Famous merchants and patrons made a great contribution to the cultural life of the city. Traditions of folk art have been developing in Ivanovo since ancient times.

Ivanovo is the industrial capital of industrial Russia. Ivanovo sights include many architectural complexes of different periods. Famous merchants and patrons made a great contribution to the cultural life of the city. Traditions of folk art have been developing in Ivanovo since ancient times.

Monument to O.M. Genkina

Monument to O.M. Genkina

  • Anyone who comes to the city by train will inevitably see a monument on the station square. By itself, it may not be so interesting, but the life of the woman to whom it is installed, and the events to which it is dedicated, deserve attention.The monument meets on the forecourt. A large bust of a young woman on a high pedestal.
Memorial to the heroes of the front and rear

Memorial to the heroes of the front and rear

  • In memory of the military and labor achievements of the inhabitants of the region during the Great Patriotic War, a memorial was opened in 1986. In 2010, on the day of the Victory celebration, the Eternal Flame lit up here for the first time, and medallions with the names of fellow countrymen, Heroes of the Soviet Union and knights of the Order of Glory were installed.
Monument to the fighters of the 1905 Revolution

Monument to the fighters of the 1905 Revolution

  • In 1975, it was erected on one of the main squares and dedicated to the first revolution. The work consists of two sections: a high rectangle - a symbol of the prison wall, from which the "flame" of the revolution is knocked out, and a illuminated glass ball - a symbol of a beating heart.
Monument to George the Victorious

Monument to George the Victorious

  • It was opened in 2012 on November 4 at Victory Square. The author of the sculpture is the master, Sergey Isakov. At the presentation ceremony, casings with earth from the sites of military battles that took place throughout the country during the war were symbolically embedded at the base of the pedestal.
Monument to Yakov Garelin

Monument to Yakov Garelin

  • The opening took place on May 30, 2011 and is timed to coincide with the 140th anniversary of the city. It stands at Revolution Square in the square. In the same year, one of the streets was renamed and named after Garelin. Yakov Petrovich Garelin is a social activist and philanthropist, a local historian and a famous manufacturer.
Memorial stone to A. S. Pushkin

Memorial stone to A. S. Pushkin

  • It was opened on the square, also bearing the poet's name, by the river Uvod in 1999 on June 6 for the 200th anniversary of Alexander Sergeevich. A memorial plaque is embedded in a large stone placed on a pedestal. The monument is considered by the locals to be not quite successful and is nicknamed "egg" for its shape.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Памятники Иваново

Автор: Ледович Елена Стефановна

Дата: 17.11.2021

Номер свидетельства: 591691

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